Twenty - Nine

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"Zia!" Tubbo cried out as he lunged out to wrap his arms around his sister's waist. She patted his head, the negativity she felt after her conversation with Wilbur instantly vanished at the two broke apart, smiling.

"Come on, I have to talk to everyone," Tubbo said grabbing Zia's wrist and dragging her back to Wilbur and Techno, Tommy was there as well. Wilbur looks crazed and tried to glare at Zia, she shook him off as they gathered around Tubbo."

"What's up?" Tommy asked Tubbo.

"Schlatt is holding a festival," Tubbo said as he passed some fliers to Tommy and Wilbur then finally handed two envelopes to Zia and Technoblade. The two warriors looked at each other with confusion. They were both invited to the festival as old friends of Schlatt's, it was sus. "To celebrate the re-birth of a nation and democracy," Tubbo further explained.

Zia held the letter in her hand as she closed her eyes. She envisioned it, all of Manburg would be there and Schlatt's army would be patrolling the joint. It was perfect, Schlatt will have trapped Pogtopia, and it would give him a chance to slay Pogtopia's only chance of winning, he would have the perfect change to kill either Zia or Technoblade, the festival would be an execution.

"Schlatt also wants me to give a speech," Tubbo said, scratching his head.

"When is it?" Zia asked.

"In three weeks," Tubbo replied.

"That's quite a while," Tommy commented as all eyes rested on the trembling Wilbur. His hands were clenched in fists along with his jaw, it looked like he was having a fit.

"He is definitely losing his sanity," Zia sighed as they watched Wilbur silently rage.

"What's happening?" Tommy asked staring at Zia and Technoblade, why did they always have an answer to everything that's going on.

"So, you see Tommy." Techno began, "When the mind is put under a lot of stress it can snap."

"S-snap?" Tubbo asked worried for his friend.

"This is quite a mild case. Take myself and Technoblade for example, if we're put under a lot of pressure in a battle situation our minds may tend 'snap' and we'll lose all sense of friends and foe. Evil and Innocent and go on a rampage." Zia explained waving her hand as if it were no big deal.

Tommy stepped back a little, "We do have a certain amount of control Tommy, it just depends on the amount of pressure," Techno said as he pinched the nerve behind Wilbur's neck. "Nothin a bit of food and rest won't fix for the time being." Wilbur collapsed to the ground Tubbo and Tommy dragged him off.

"This is our second conversation today, you're becoming more social," Zia teased as she nudged Technoblade.

Technoblade grunted as he looked down at Zia. "You know that if we attend this festival, its going to end in a blood bath, right?" Techno said and Zia looked at the ground, she considered the possibilities of going without killing anyone and the odds weren't in their favor.

"If Schlatt's starts it, it's technically not our fault, he would have provoked us. It'll also give us the chance to rescue anyone that'll side with Pogtopia, we're just the unfortunate ones that have to drag their bodies out." Zia said as she thought of the red river that would flow from Manburg.

"You know he's planning on blowing it up?" Techno said.

"He's going to need Dream for that, for some odd reason he always has a stash of TNT," Zia said in a small chuckled. She hadn't seen Dream in awhile and even thinking of him drove the nasty thought of war and blood shed away. She would have to visit him soon, she needed to talk, she needed someone to tell her what she was doing was right.

Even if she knew if was wrong.

Zia walked away from Techno to find her brother, he was sitting beside Wilbur and Zia put a hand on his shoulder. "You better get going, the longer you're away, the sooner he realizes something is up." When Tubbo stood up Zia's blood was filled with rage. There were faint traces of bruises on his face along with some scratches.

Zia pulled Tubbo out the cave and to the stairs and led him out the ravine. Zia stared at Tubbo with a stern gaze. "Tell me what's been happening now, if he's been hurting you, I will not hesitate to walk in their and cleave him in two," she said darkly and Tubbo knew she wasn't kidding.

"I-I Can't, if I do, you'll charge in there and they'll kill you, I can't let that happen," Tubbo yelled at his sister.

Zia hugged him, "You're Mother gave me a home, she took me in and gave me a brother. Before she died, she made me swear to look after you. Please tell me what's been happening," she said softly as she leaned down to look Tubbo in the eyes with a caring gaze.

"Schlatt put me in charge of hunting, you, Tommy and Wilbur down. But he said to capture you, he wanted to watch me kill you, he got mad when I found no one. He's a drunk bastard." Tubbo said as he stared at the floor.

"I promise not to do anything stupid for now but Tubbo, I will kill Schlatt, now get going," she said ruffling his hair as he ran off. Zia liked the air outside the ravine and decided to go for a walk. It was peaceful and she felt a bit calmer than the days before, so she picked at tree and sat down.

She needed to clear her mind so she could think. She thought about the festival and felt a deep hatred for her swords and stared at her hands. She blinked a few times and almost screamed. Blood pooled in her palms and she tried to flick it away, but more blood took its place.

She held her hands close to her chest, she bit her tongue to keep herself from screaming. She heard the sound of someone sitting down beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder and holding her tight. She tried to withhold a whimper when she opened her eyes to see her blood-stained hands.

"Hello Dream."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now