Forty - Nine

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Tommy needed to distract his mind from his guilt. So he went and plastered rude sides along Skeppy and Bad Boy Halo's mansion after he had left Tubbo. It had relieved him for a bit, he was walking down the main path of the smp, when a hand touched his shoulder. "I killed Zia! Okay! I took her second life and conspired to kill her a second time!" Tommy blurted out.

Tommy turned around quickly hoping that the person he had blurted his secret out to wasn't Tubbo or Dream. It couldn't have been Dream because he'd be headless. To Tommy's surprise it was Quackity. "My MAN!" Quackity screamed clapping Tommy on the back. "You gotta tell me how it happened, how did you do it?" Quackity asked excitedly. 

"Y-you don't care?" Tommy asked.

"I wish I killed the King Slayer, imagine the title you'd get. Tommy killing the King Slayer would have been no easy task, you have my respect," Quackity said as they both sat down. 

"It's just some things she said, she said that killing her would slowly destroy my mind, she said that I'm not a killer," Tommy quietly admitted to Quackity, a confession he had only told himself. 

"Just because some mighty bitch with a sword says your not a killer doesn't mean you can't become one, I mean even the silver eyed bitch started by murdering a single person," Quackity blurted and Tommy hung his head. 

He remembered Techno's blood red eyes and Zia's blank stared as they walked through rivers of blood without gagging, he also remembered catching the look of their crazed gazes every now and then. Technoblade and Zia were killers and were messed up. "Quackity, I'd rather die than end up like Zia and Technoblade." 

Tommy stood back up, Quackity wanted to walk to Tommy more but Tommy walked away as fast as he could. He was at the edge of the SMP and he screamed, it scared the birds. Thinking about being a killer made him feel worse. He could hear the sickening thud of an arrow piercing Zia's heart, he was responsible for the light fading from her eyes the second time. 

Tommy's head snapped up as he heard footsteps, he turned around. "What are you doing here Dream?" Tommy asked the masked man. 

"I followed the scream," Dream said. He wanted to snap the child's neck so bad but he had the perfect plan for the perfect revenge. "I'll be going now," Dream said.

In that moment all of Tommy's hatred for the man in the green hoodie burst forth and he said something he shouldn't have. "Dream... I killed the King Slayer," Tommy said. Dream scowled under the mask. 

He remembered holding Zia in his arms after she had lost her second life, he remembered her sweet smile and gentle laugh when she had recovered, she was weak but she was alive and that was what mattered to him. Dream was almost overwhelmed by his want to hold Zia's warm and alive body in his arms but he held his composure.  

"Do you think I'm stupid Tommy, Zia told me that you killed her and the only reason I haven't cut you're head off is because she told me not to," he snarled darkly at the boy. "she said it would be much more fun to watch you lose your mind." Dream then pearled away. 

He landed in a familiar flower field, a place he hated to visit. Dusk was starting to set and he pushed his mask so it sat on the top of his head. He then leaned his forehead against the cool stone. "Why don't you want to come back?" Dream asked, hoping that what remained of her soul could hear. "I miss you." 

He then stayed there until the moon was at it's peak. "George I found him," a voice called out amongst the trees. George and Sapnap ran from the tree line to stand beside Dream in front of the tomb. "It's late we were getting worried," George said as he and Sapnap tried to catch their breaths, when Dream hadn't come back when the sun had set the ran all over the smp to try and find him. 

When the looked up they looked up they noticed they were at her tomb. "Yo Zia, what's up?" Sapnap screamed into the night. As expected he wasn't given a reply. 

"Stone cannot speak," Dream whispered. 

"I know but the dead listen," Sapnap said as he and George began to tell Zia about their day. It brought a smile to Dream's face. When Zia lost her second life and was ill due to the poisons effects Sapnap and George would tell Zia what they did each day. 

Dream could see it, it was like he was sitting on the couch back home, sitting around a fire with his best friends and the girl of his Dreams. A smile was brought to his face as he clapped his friend's shoulders. "Let's go home and get something to eat."

"Great because I am starving!" Sapnap said. 


The cabinet had met late in the night. Philza was asked to meet with the others to discuss the reparation of L'Manburg. Philza stared at a blade hanging above the wall on Tubbo's chair. "Hey Tubbo, may I?" Phil said gesturing to the blade. 

Tubbo nodded reluctantly as he took the blade down and handed it to Phil. Philza drew the sword as it sung beautifully. "Netherite." Philza said as he stood up and practiced some movements with blade he soon repeated the movements with one hand. "It has a twin," Philza then ran his finger along the blade and hissed when he cut his finger. "It has every enchantment except fire aspect," everyone watched on curiously as he tussled the blade around. "It's in good condition but the owner is either very bad at tending to their blade or is dead." 

"The latter," Tubbo said. 

Philza looked down he quickly deduced that the blade once belonged to the King Slayer. "So which one is it, Talon or Long Claw?" Philza asked. 

Tubbo looked at Philza strangely. C'mon! The might blades of the King Slayer were named after banners of the first kings she defeated. Talon- named after a kingdom who's banner had a hawk, Long Claw- names after a bear," Philza said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 

"I never knew that my sister named her blades," Tubbo said weakly.

"Give it here," Philza said as he examined the blade and twirled it around again. "Oh it's definitely long claw, it weight is good for lashing out and reaching opponents," Philza was nerding out.

"Okay we get it, it's a good blade," Fundy sighed. 

"not a good blade the best blade," Philza said excitedly. "Are you blood related to Zia?"

Tubbo shook his head. 

"That's a shame because this blade is designed for a few reasons. The first being to quickly overwhelm a large amount of opponents and the second... to kill end folk."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora