Twenty - Four

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"I wonder how long it'll take Zia to come back with her food and horse, she's been gone for two days," Tommy said to Wilbur. Yeah, she'd be fine, she was the one person that could handle Dream and an army if push came to shove,

But he still remembered the night of Eret's betrayal. One little poison brought down the greatest or second greatest warrior he ever knew and he noticed that when she attacked Schlatt's men that she was moving slower than when they first met. 

"Who cares," Wilbur said blandly, Tommy's eyes widened, Zia was helping them, she was doing this for them, she could probably run off and hide with Dream but no she was there helping them to fight for their home, "Remember what she said, she said she burned a town down because of a corrupt leader, you've heard her stories, what if she isn't here to help us. What if she's here just to up her score card?"

Tommy needed to change the subject, "So, our dear older Brother, Techno will be here soon, should we discuss terms of service... or would you like this coat I found," Tommy said trying to brighten the mood. Wilbur took the coat and they both changed out of their L'Manburg uniforms and went to the top side. 

Wilbur gave Tommy a small smile as they waited, as expected Techno soon appeared at the edge of night in his pig mask, crown and red cloak. 

"Hey Techno," Wilbur smiled, they might actually have a chance, if they had Zia, Techno and Dream on their side then the odds in the 3 v 100 looked better for the three most dangerous people on the smp. 

"So I've heard there is a chance to overthrow a democratically elected government." Techno said, jumping down from his horse and crossing his arms at the two. They had the silver eyed bitch, why did they need him?

"Let us show you around," Tommy said as Techno followed them. 

"But honestly why do you need me when you have a King Slayer," Techno spat in disgust. 

"Who? Zia? There are definitely too many Pillagers and Mercenaries to take on by herself," Tommy explained in a nervous chuckled. Did the two have bad history? He hoped that if the two saw each other they wouldn't rip each other's head s off. 

Tommy and Wilbur ranted on about the layout of Pogtopia and eventually got to the main cave, Techno couldn't care less until he heard the distinct singing of a blade being drawn. "Shut up," Techno snapped as he quickly drew his sword and spun around. 

"Anar-Bitch!" the silver eyed devil herself yelled in a battle cry as her blade almost crashed on his head. 

"Techno what are you doing?! " Tommy cried.

"You're both on the same side, stop fighting," Wilbur tried pleading as Techno and Zia began to circle each other. 

"So, here to steal another corrupt monarch from my history sheet?" Techno asked as she waited for her to make a move. Zia grinned at him with a wicked smile.

"Is this about Wrathdom? I got there first fair and square, I even went through the army first," she smiled sadistically as she raced in at him using all the speed she could muster. techno could barely block the sheer speed to the attacks but he was surprised. Last time they fought he could barely see Zia move but this time he could anticipate her movements. He kicked a leg out which sent her falling backwards, she used her momentum to roll and stand back up. But instead of charging straight at the last second she side stepped Technoblade so she could spin and the but of her blade slammed into his shoulder. 

Techno stumbled forwards but blocked another strike and again and again until he could get to his feet. Zia was breathing heavily as she coughed into her sleeve as they faced each other. Technoblade raised an eyebrow at her, "Your slower and your stamina is poorer than last time," he stated, he saw her wipe blood from her mouth, something was wrong. 

"Zia maybe we should stop this?" he suggested but Zia shook her head.

"We made a deal, anywhere, anytime," she said as she raced in again to exchange blow for blow, neither of them gaining any ground. Zia kicked upwards, sending Techno's blade flying, but before she could point a blade at Techno's throat he karate chopped her wrist so she would drop her sword.

"Tie!" they said at the same time in defeat as Zia rubbed her wrist. 

"Wait! What is going on?" Tommy asked.

"Zia these are my brothers, Wilbur and Tommy," Techno introduced.

"I know who they are but I didn't know they were your brothers," Zia said in surprsie, that meant she couldn't kill Tommy for giving her a death threat, she respected Techno far to much to kill on of her friend's brothers.

"How do you  know each other?" Wilbur asked.

Zia laid an arm on Techo's shoulder as they grinned evilly, "we are the one and only..." Techno said dramatically.

"Blood God and King Slayer Duo," they said in sync doing a dramatic pose.

"Anar-Bitch and Silver eyed Bitch, whatever you chose," Zia said, "you wanna go catch up?" Zia offered.

Techno nodded as they left the cave. "Wait! You can't leave!... and they're gone," he said. At least they weren't trying to kill each other.


Once they were out of Wilbur and Tommy's ear shot, the two stopped walking so they could talk, "okay silver, you were slower than usual, you were weakened a lot quicker and slightly sloppier, what's going on? I heard you lost a life but-

Zia held her hand up as she violently coughed into her sleeve, she began to see black spots and started to sway, she then took a potion of healing from her pocket and took a large gulp. "Sleep walkers poison," she said simply as she explained the situation with Tubbo and Techno nodded in understanding.

"Just when I was thinking, someone killed you in battle, I was honestly going to find that person and give them a pat on the back " he sighed, "but damn, that's not a fun way to go, how long do you think you have left?" he asked, Zia sighed as she leaned up against the side of the ravine. 

"Honestly Techno, not that long and I'll lose my third life quicker than this one," she said sadly.

"Zia you have a fourth, you killed the ender Dragon, you have a fourth life," Techno said and Zia shook her head.

"That can't be proven, you know as well as I that it's not certain. The texts say that I should wake up after three, that could be days, decades, months, years, centuries," Zia said. "No one except, you, Dream and I know about the poison so keep it on the down low." she said firmly. "Dream doesn't know about the endet dragon so keep your yrap shut about that as well."

"Well then we better get rid of this corrupt government before you go, do you want to share? I take his first life, you can take his second and we fight over the third?" he grinned. Zia nudged his arm playfully.

"I can agree to that, but I already took his first life so you get the second and we both know I'll beat you to the third and then there's that army of his," Zia grinned like a cheshire cat, "In the next big battle against the army, the person who gets the most kills has to clean all the weapons, deal." she said holding out her hand,

"Deal," Technoblade grinned, this was going to be good, the Blood God and King Slayer were about to bring ruin to Manburg. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin