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"Welcome to the debate of 2020! I'm Karl Jacobs, and I will be moderating this debate," he began, all the residents of L'Manburg sat in the seats. But in the shadows of the corner Zia leaned against the wall and watched, she had a feeling this was where Schlatt would make his first move. 

"To my right, we have the POG party with Wilbur Soot and running mate Tommy Innit. To my left we have SWAG Party with running mate Quackity and running mate GeorgeNotFound." Zia glared, George was here, there was another factor of the game.


What the hell was he playing at and what was he not telling her?  She scowled, but hoped this was just George's decision and not one of Dream's ploys because if it was she was getting angry. 

No one noticed she was there, she knew Schlatt was up to something, she saw the evil grin in his eyes. 

"Let's begin. The first topic, we are going to discuss territories." Karl then gestured for Quackity to begin.

Quackity took a moment to gather his thoughts, "one thing I disagree with our current President, Wilbur, is the rules and laws that govern L'Manburg, blocking my entrance into this nation. I think L'Manburg is a beautiful country and it deserves to be seen by everybody and if I'm president, I will tear away these rules and allow everyone who wants to become a citizen of this country." 

There were a few claps, cheers and murmurs through the room, Quackity obviously didn't know that just because there was peace between L'Manburg and the smp, didn't mean that Dream wouldn't start a war if his power was threatened. 

Wilbur stood, "When I founded L'Manburg," he spoke with great passion and urgency that even Zia admired, "I founded it on the reason that the Dream smp was persecuting my people and I wanted to create a sanctuary. When you say you want to tear away these rules, you are saying you want to let the very people who have committed these crimes against our rights and let tyranny in, I will not stand for it."  

They continued the debate, going into the talk about killing pets and what not, that Zia wasn't interested in, she was just waiting for Schlatt's move. "I thought you'd be here," George said appearing next to her.

"So you slipped away, well done. Are you acting on Dreams orders?" she said blankly and George shook his head. 

"I just wanted to give this a go, you know for the fun of it," Zia raised her eyebrow at him but shooed him away before anyone saw her, she just wanted to be an observer, she didn't want to talk or let her presence be known. 

They then debated about corruption until Wilbur was declared the victor and moved on to the next team. 

Zia yawned, it was getting boring, she hated politics, she just wanted them to get the talking over and done with so she could go home. Once Tommy and George began arguing and tomorrow's rally was declared Zia got up and left after Schlatt did.

Just what was the goat up to?


"Is Schlatt here? We need him for the endorsements." Tommy spoke hurriedly.

Zia's words still played on his mind like a broken record, it was distracting but snapped out out of it when Tommy punched him in the shoulder, it wasn't just Schlatt, he wanted to win this election, a lot. "Wil, we've got this. We can win this election, you just need to focus but we better check of Schlatt."

Wilbur fell in step next to Tommy as they walked to the podium looking for Schlatt. They found him leaning against the white house, drunk and looking tired, hungover. "You chose this dude for our endorsements?" Tommy whispered. 

Schlatt groaned, "what fay is it?" he slurred.

"It's the rally today, we've got to get you sober," but Schlatt couldn't remember as Wilbur dragged him off, was Zia right?  Was there really more to this man than he knew? 

"There's one thing you have to do when you become President Wil, you have a security issue, you know that?" he slurred. Security issue? What did the drunk man mean. "The silver eyed bitch, she'll kill us all, she'll kill us," he muttered. Wilbur's eyes widened was this just the rambling from a drunk or was he saying something about Zia? Was he being played?  He shook his thoughts off as he continued to try and get Schlatt sober for the rally. 

Soon the seats filled up, and the parties filled the seats next to the podium. Zia had also made her way in picking a spot where she could watch without being seen but she hadn't seen Wilbur or Schlatt yet.

Tubbo spotted Zia hiding in the corner and shook his head, his sister was really something else. He then caught the eye of Tommy on stage, "Hey, when's the rally gonna start?" he yelled.

"We're waiting for a few others. Quackity, George, if you're here, come up to the podium," Tommy's voice rang out.

George wasn't there though as Quackity joined Tommy on stage. Then Wilbur soon appeared. "Everyone!" Wilbur then caught sight of Zia down below, hiding in the shade, why was she here? "Welcome to the 2020 election. I am Wilbur Soot, the sitting president of L'Manburg and the leader of POG 2020. This is Quackity, the leader of the opposing part, SWAG 2020 and this is my running mate, Tommy Innit."

The crowd cheered.

"It appears that Quackity's running mate has slept in on the rally but let's not mind that." Zia snorted, of course George would over sleep on such an important occasion.

"I know POG 202 has brought our endorsements but I don't know if SWAG 2020 could say the same. What say you Quackity?" Wilbur challenged.

Then Schlatt took the stage. "You think you need democracy?" he slurred, obviously still drunk. Zia frowned, L'Manburg was going to end up exactly like the last government Schlatt lead. "I'll run for president myself!" Everyone's eyes widened. 

Zia grinned, Schlatt had made his move. "I'll run for president, Schlatt 2020," he slurred, stumbling, Wilbur took him by the shoulders and lead him off. Wilbur caught Zia's gaze, it was blank but it was like she was silently saying, 'I told you so.'

"You think I'm so bad," Schlatt slurred, "then ask your little friend Zia, I'm an angle in comparison to her, ask her about Glenvale and then you'll see who the real monster is." 

When Wilbur looked over his shoulder to catch Zia's eye, she was gone, vanished, who was the monster? Schlatt or Zia? 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now