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Misty was being brushed down. With long strokes of her horse brush Zia took care of her horse. "Misty, what would I do without you," Zia said to her horse not knowing if she understood her or not. Misty nickered a little, probably to say 'walk everywhere'. 

"Misty, if... I'm no longer here, be free, do want you want just don't go looking for me," Zia whispered and her horse said nothing but deep down, she knew that Misty understood that she was in a tough situation. 

She heard footsteps behind her. Misty's stable was hidden in pogtopia so she knew the person walking towards her wouldn't be a foe. 

"Hey Zia," Tubbo said as he cautiously approached her sister. He managed to catch a small glimpse of the ruin she and Technoblade brought about before he died and he remembered silver eyes glistening like a storm and blood flying through the air. He felt nervous and he didn't know why, she was his sister but he couldn't help but feel a little afraid. 

"Hey Tubbo what's up?" Zia said as she turned around to face her brother.

Tubbo didn't want to see what his mind had just shown him. For a split second the caring sister he saw in front of him had vanished and was replaced by a monster covered with blood and silver eyes he had grown to admire were filled with madness instead of kindness. 

Neither of them spoke until Zia decided to break the silence, "I'm sorry about what happened at the festival. Really. I would have stopped him if I could but I-

"No. Zia you have nothing to be sorry about, if you had exchanged your life for mine you'd be on your last," Tubbo said and Zia, "If I were stronger, you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place."

"Is this about the poison? Tubbo it was out of my system long ago-

"DONT LIE TO ME ZIA!" Tubbo screamed as he clenched his fists. Schlatt had revealed everything. He had told Tubbo of his plans to kill Zia before she killed them, he also had told him the effects of sleep walkers poison.  "Don't lie to me," Tubbo's voice shook. 

"Schlatt told me everything and because of my stupidity, you're dying, even as we speak, you're dying," Tubbo said as tears filled his eyes. 

Zia hugged him and Tubbo hugged her back. "It's not your job to be strong, you're still growing, still learning," Zia said. Zia was the last of his family. When his mother died he went with Zia, the older sister he had never had, she didn't complain, she did it because his mother asked her to. 

Zia let him go so she could face him, she wiped away his tears, "what role model would I be if I let a simple poison keep me from getting up everyday," she said cheerily trying to cheer her brother up. 

Tubbo finally dried his eyes and smiled at his sister, "when this war is over, I promise you that you won't have to fight anymore." Tubbo secretly promised that if something like this happened again, he would never go to his sister, in fact he'd make sure she'd retire.

"Yeah, I'd like that," she smiled as she ruffled his hair. 

"Tubbo! Zia!" Tommy called out.

"What's up?" Tubbo asked.

"We're going to embassy, we're declaring war," Tommy said and Tubbo followed but stopped when Zia didn't move. 

"You coming Zia?" Tubbo asked and Zia shook her head as Tommy stopped. 

"War is almost upon us Misty, you're diamond armor is prepped, we'll bring ruination," she whispered to her horse. So many kingdoms she had turned to rubble, so many tyrants she had crushed, Manburg was just another victim. 

"Shouldn't you be going to meet Dream," Zia said to Tommy as she took a gulp of her healing potion. 

"Y-you know, I've talked to the mercenaries and I've realized one thing," Tommy said hatefully and Zia turned around and raised and eyebrow at him. 

"Oh and what is that?" she asked sarcastically.

"That you're the real monster here and they have every right to kill you and I'll help them if it protects L'Manburg, if it protects Tubbo," Tommy said as he drew a bow back and aimed the black tipped arrow at Zia. 

Little did Tommy know that Technoblade was watching from a cliff edge above and he hoped that Zia would move or attack. In that moment he couldn't have been more disappointed in his brother, Zia was one of the few friends he had. "You're not going to kill me Tommy," Zia said as she walked towards him. 

"I-I will, I'll shoot you," he said and Zia grinned madly at him, Tommy began to shake, he felt like he was in the presence of Dream. A manipulating tyrant stood before him and he wouldn't loose the arrow.

"No you won't because you still need me and besides... what will Tubbo think if he finds out you threatened his sister," Zia grinned madly as she got close enough so that she towered over Tommy. 

"I think you better go to that meeting Tommy because if you dare loose that arrow, I WILL KILL YOU," she said and Tommy lowered his bow and began to walk away.

"You can try and kill me Mr. Innit, it doesn't mean that I'll lay down and let you," Zia said as she then looked up at the cliff above her at Technoblade, he had his arms crossed and jumped down in front of her.

"Usually you'd take a head for that," Techno pointed out and Zia huffed in a bored tone.

"But where's the fun in that," Zia said with a wild grin. "He's got no murderous intent in him so if he did kill me, it would eat away at his mind and it would consume him from the inside out."

"Zia, he's my brother. I can't let that happen." Techno said.

"Then persuade him to get off the 'lets kill Zia, 'band wagon," she said sarcastically as Techno walked away to farm potatoes. 

"Uh Hi," a voice called out, it was Quackity, flanked by Fundy. 

"Pleasure to meet you now that I can assume we're on the same side," Zia said with a kind smile. 

"Yeah, I now realize how much of a dick Schlatt was and his goons are worse they're terrorizing everyone," Quackity said. "I killed him you know, I killed Schlatt," Quackity said and Zia could see the guilty look in his eye.

"Techno you're falling behind!" Zia yelled.

"What was that!?" Techno yelled back.

"Quackity killed Schlatt so you can either kill him and tie with me or I'll kill him and win!" she screamed back as Quackity and Fundy watched on in confusion. 

"Techno and I have a bit of a rivalry going on, mostly whoever kills the most democratically elected leaders or kings," Zia explained, "so what's up?" She asked them.

"We just wanted to know if we can trust you?" Quackity asked, "we're about to go to war and... the festival."

"Kind of Schlatt's fault he did put Techno and I in a bad spot, it was kind of kill or be killed, sorry about that," she said sincerely rubbing the back of her neck.

They frowned at Zia a little wanting her to answer the question. "You want the answer?"

"Yeah, can we trust you?" Fundy asked. 

"I don't want you guys ranting on about I'm a traitor, so no don't trust me but trust that I won't betray you when it comes to removing Manburg," Zia said and Misty trotted over and nudged Zia in the back. 

Zia swung onto Misty's back as she was about to leave, "now if you don't mind me, which mercenaries did you say were terrorizing people. I'm bored and you just gave me the best excuse."

Quackity gave her a list of names as she let out a short whistle. "Yo Techno, wanna kill of some mercenaries?!" she called out. 

"Yeah sure, I'm bored," he said as he hopped onto Misty, behind Zia. "Later nerds," he said as Misty ran up the Pogtopia stairs. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن