Fifty - Two

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His kind walked around him, wandering wherever they pleased. Ranboo was in the end, a growl echoed above him and he instinctively dropped to his knees.

But the dragon wasn't growling at him but a girl wrapped in chains at the dragons feet. Ranboo inched closer, hiding behind end stone so he could get a closer look.

It was a female. Her hair was as blue as a winters day but what struck him the most were her silver eyes, they shone with fury and hatred.

The name was on the tip of his tongue he knew it but he couldn't remember it. "The next cycle your body will be mine, the strength of the King Slayer what I need until I can regain my form," the dragon snarled.

"Doesn't mean I have to hang around," te girl said defiantly.

"Your soul will be coming with me, I want you to watch them burn," the dragon snapped towering over the girl. "Even if you do escape you'll end up in deaths void whilst your ghost will be a meek little girl incapable of harming my pinkie toe," the dragon laughed.

The girl grinned, Ranboo stepped back, it was a hungry stare and it sent shivers down his spine. "I can't wait to kill you again." Ranboo kicked a rock, the girls' and the dragons head snapped up.

"Beware the return of the Kingslayer she wont be who she seems," Zia managed to scream before Ranboo was engulfed in flames....


Ranboo sat up faster than an arrow in flight, he clenched his chest and found himself in a forest. He had enderwalked again. He sighed as he tried to recall what he had seen but only a few words stood out.

King Slayer

Ranboo hit his head to try and remember as much as he could but to no avail.

The dawn had long past and the forest was already filled with life. Ranboo heard a rustling, "Ranboo?" A voice called out to him.

"That's me he replied, hello Tubbo," Ranboo smiled.

"Were you sleep walking again?" Tubbo asked as he pushed past low tree branches, he had a bouquet of withered roses in his hand.

"Yeah but I actually remember something, something about a Kingslayer," he said nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"Zia," Tubbo said sadly, "she was my sister," he said.

"I don't remember who or what I saw. I don't know who she was but something tells me we should all be scared," Ranboo breathed shakily.

"Would you like to come with me?" Tubbo asked with a sad smile.

"Sure. Where are we going?" He asked with a cheerful grin

"To visit my sister." Ranboo followed Tubbo in silence until they came to the edge of a flower field.

"They all think she's a monster. Would a monster give her life for mine, would a monster sacrifice her life to save her friends?" Tubbo asked to no one in particular. He debated it everyday. If his sister was a good person or a villian, his friends reminded him of the destruction she wrought when he can only think of the older sister he loved.

Tubbo laid the roses at the base of his sisters grave as he leaned his head against the stone. "Maybe she was a monster," Tubbo mumbled.

Ranboo watched from afar trying to remember his dream but his mind was blank as if the dream had never existed. He flinched as silver eyes stared at him.

"Ranboo!" A voice called out to him. The enderman hybrid turned around to meet Tommyinnit with a smile.

"Want to help me prank George," Tommy smiled. "Just a little bit of stealing or property damage."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن