Fifty - One

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"Shit, fuck, fuck, shit," Silva said as she pulled her brown cloak around herself to try and shield herself from the howling frost bitten winds. Zia's friend lived in the middle of a tundra, surrounded by a spruce forest. Silva winced as an arrow wound from a stray refused to let her journey painlessly. 

Of course the stray was dead and she got a slowness arrow but the pain wasn't worth it.

Her body shook as she pressed a hand over the bleeding wound, like hell she was going to let herself die there. She'd be stuck in an endless void because whatever god was out was going to hesitate sending her to heaven or hell. "Fuck, if you're dead Zia, I'm killing you for this bullshit I'm going through to find you," she scowled as a light shone through the darkness of the blizzard. 

"And even if you're fucking dead, I'll kill you again," Silva scowled.

There was a bit of hope of not freezing to death as Silva trudged through the forest and into a clearing. A cottage stood strong in the middle of the raging storm, Silva's only train of thought was to make it there before passing out and freezing in the snow. As Silva struggled up the steps she tried to think of who else was friends with the King Slayer, because there were more people that wanted the silver eyed bitch dead instead of a friend. 

Silva knocked on the door when it hit her, Zia's only other friend was the blood god. She hadn't seen Zia in years and wasn't around during Zia's journey with the infamous blood god but everyone had heard of the bone chilling tales of a duo that can cut down armies. 

The remaining color in Silva's face disappeared as her brain made the connection. This was the blood gods house.

The door soon swung open and Silva breathed a sigh of relief. "Before you decide to cut my head off, I'm a friend of Zia's" she said weakly and a few moments later she collapsed, her exhaustion and stray wound finally bested her. 

She didn't hit the floor, a pair of strong arms had caught her.

Technoblade didn't know what to do, there was an injured female in his arms that was claiming to be a friend of Zia's, he believed her because only friends of Zia's or villians with mental instability, had the guts to call the King Slayer by her name. Techno brought her inside and dressed the wound, hoping that she would wake up soon, he was mesmerized. 

The voices were screaming a number of different things at the moment they were curiois but some wanted him to kill the girl, Techno couldn't recall a time the voices didn't want blood.

Under the charcoal black mask Technoblade could see faint freckles decorated the bridge of her nose and under her eyes. Her greyish hair was a bit damp but it shone like silver ware. Technoblade waited for the girl to stir. 

It was just near dawn when Silva stirred, Techno sat on a chair by her side as she sat up. She winced in pain and she hands pressed against her side. "Thanks for the save Mr. the blood god," she said. 

"Just call me Technoblade but I should be asking how you got here and how you know who i am," he said  monotonously as he glanced towards his weapons.

"I'm Silva Mist," she said, "Long story short, I heard a rumor that my bitch of a best bud kicked the bucket and whilst looking for her a green teletubby sent me here, put two and two together and here I am." She then finally managed to get a good look at her host. He wore a bore like skull mask and his cherry blossom pink haur was tied into a low pony tail. He wore a simple tunic and trousers, his pig like hooves were very distinct.

"How in the loop were you in the quest for power?" Technoblade asked her.

"There was a time Zia was blood thirsty?" Silva asked sarcastically but then answered the question, "She's only good with a bow because I taught her, we soon split off and I remember her mentioning the ender dragon, 4th life and yada yada yada, didn't think she could do itm"

"She slayed the dragon and I have the feeling she's gotten into trouble," Technoblade explained.

"Is she dead ir alive because to me it still feels like she's alive," Silva said.

"Dead as a door nail, I even watched them put her body in a coffin," Techno grinned.

"Did you check the coffin because staying dead might not be Zia's strength," Silva chuckled as did Techno.

"You're alright Silva," te blood god smiled.

"If I wasn't I'd probably be dead," Silva said. Silva then froze she had never joked around with anyone like this accepg Zia. Heck she couldn't remember the last time she had an actual conversation with somene outside of buisness.

"Is she really dead?" Silva a asked softly.

"Yeah she is," Technoblade said and Silva hung her head. She was alone again. Sure she had been solo for awhile but she always knew she had a friend out there. Now she has no one.

"Who the fuck killed her?" Silva practically snarled, she would make them pay.

"Don't worry Zia didn't leave any for us, " Techno said.

"Well that's fucking rude. How are we meang to avenge oue friend," Silva grumbled. "But wtf how can one army kilk her thrice?" She wondered out loud.

"Sleep walkers poison," Technoblade then explained what happened.

"Well shit. Cowardly bastards, I guess I still have L'Manburg to wreck in her memory," she simled evilly as she thought of burning houses. "Because fuck governments."

Technoblade chuckled, "I can see why the two of you were friends."

"Well its not mutual," Silav joked, poking her tongue at Technoblade.

It was rare for either of them to be social with someone they only just met. For some unknown reason they seemed to smike a bit more in each others presence. "I'll go make some breakfast,' Techno said as left the room.

Silva leaned into the pillows. "You're still helping me to be more social, I might have found another friend thanks to you," Silva muttered to herself hoping that Zia's ghost would hear. Then her heart sank, the only friend she had was gone, a single tear slipped down her cheek but she shook her head as rage built up in her chest.

She was going to make L'Manburg burn.

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