Beach Experience

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I was at the beach with my family. My family had left, to go to the snack bar near by the board walk, and I had stayed back near by the shore. I was bored, so I started to walk along the shoreline by myself. There was a lot of people walking around, guys, girls, all with their belly buttons out. And it was making me very bashful, because I have a full-blown belly button fetish. It isn't extreme, like how most people are, I just love/hate seeming them, because it makes me very bashful and it's hard to hide it.

I've always wanted to have an actual experience, to play with a guys belly button mostly, since I'm a guy who finds guys and thier belly buttons really cute. But, I just shook all that off, aside tried to enjoy myself, by walking on the beach. The beach was actually pretty calm to today, usually, there's always a lot of people. But, that's when I saw someone, sitting on the sand, facing away from me. All I saw was his back, and it seemd like he was trying to pull something off from in front of him.

I actually got worried, and thought this stranger had a jellyfish or something stuck on him, and I quickly walked over to him, to see if they where ok.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked them. It was a guy, a teen guy around my age. He turned around. He was actually really cute.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... I got one of those slime ball things from the gift shop, and the filling inside it bursted open, and it rolled down my belly, and into my bellybutton..and it's kinds hard to get out-"

That's when I noticed his finger was poking inside of his belly button, to get rid the goo out of it.

I kinda had to turn away for a second, before my face self combust.

'Oh... my gosh...he was poking his belly button-' I said to my self.

"Hey-" He said. "H-huh?!" I got so scared, and turned to him, looking at his eyes, trying to avoid looking at his deep looking navel.

"I might need some help, my finger is getting tired... would you mind to help me get this out?" He asked, poking at his navel.

Jack.exe has stopped working.

I couldn't belive what I heard. Did he just asked me to take something out of his belly button?

I probably was just staring at him, like I was lost, and he let me know.

"Hey, you ok? If you don't want to it's fi-"

"No! I wanna!"

That... sounded better in my head.

The guy got kinda startled. "O-oh...? Ok..." He tapped the ground, signaling me to sit next to him, I bashfully, sat next to him.

"Ok, it's deep in my belly button-" He turned more close to me.

His belly button looked deep. You couldn't even see the knot. And he wasn't chubby either, he was skinny, but not too skinny.

I reach over to him, and put my finger just above his navel, to poke at it. It felt like everything was going in slow motion. I finally inserted my finger inside it... and it was INSANELY deep. Like, so deep you could probably hide something in it, and wouldn't be able to see it. I poked deeper, until I did feel his navel knot, and also the slime of the exploded slime thing. My face was probably extremely red, but the guy didn't say anything.

I heard him giggle a little. "Having someone else's finger in my belly button, is really ticklish apparently." He said in between giggles.

I nervously smiled at him as I poked more. I tried to scrape my nail around his bellybutton knot, to take off the slime, but that didn't work.

"Here, try this-"
The guy to my finger out of his belly button, then he put his hands on the sides of his navel rim, and stretched it open a little, and I could of seen inside. "This probably will help... darn.. why does my belly button have to be so fricking deep-"

When he did that, my face got hotter and hotter. My cheeks where practically on fire. Could of probably cooked a whole breakfast on them.

I tried poking at it again, now this time it was easier to feel the knot, but I still could not get the slime out.

"Ugh.. the guy said..."

To be honest, all though this.. was really hot, it probably is very annoying to have something stuck like that on you, especially if it's in a hole like your bellybutton.

"Ooh! I have an idea-" The guy said. "Hm? What is it?" I asked, trying to sound normal, because my voice was shaky.

"This-" The guy pushed his belly out. And oh my.....GOSH. The guy is really skinny, but he could push out that tummy of his, REALLY far. "Here, by doing this, my belly button will open a lot mor-"

I didn't hear another word he said, because I passed out, and fell onto the soft sand with a small thud.

This was too much... to much of my fetishes was happening at once-

"Hey... you ok?" I heard the guy call out.

I know now long I was out, but I woke up to water getting splashed in my face. I quickly got up, spitting out the water, and sat up. I wiped my eyes, then looked up, and saw the guy sitting infront of me, with his legs crisscrossed. "Hey, you alright? You fainted... you honestly had me a little worried-...." He said.

"N-No... it's fine..."

"Hey, if my belly button grosses you out..."

Wait what? Who... gets grossed out by a belly button? Who am I to say, I get turned on by them.

"N-no... that's not it... it's actually the opposite-" I said. I didn't even realized what I had said, until I heard the guy say something.

"The... opposite?"

'Oh... FACK.' I thought to myself. I looked up at him, with my face red. I was so about to defend my life, but it seemed he knew what I was gonna do, and he started to talk. "So that's why you where acting so bashful... you have belly button fetish... and that fact that I asked you to touch mine... wow... sorry, didn't mean to made you so bashful like that-" He said. "A-...y...You don't care that I like them?"

He shook his head. "Nope, not at all. We all have fetishes.... I have armpit fetish." The guy said.

I smiled at him. "We both have fetishes for bodyparts."

He nodded with a smile. "Yeah. There's an online community for it, but it isn't that great..."

I nodded. "Same with mine"

Which is true, there isn't much good stuff online at all. Everything is just wayyyy to extreme.

"I was gonna ask just now, if I could play with your armpits a little, but this thing is really uncomfortable in my bellybutton-"

I looked around. Then, and idea popped in my head. "Maybe this can help-"

I had a little bag with me, and I keep a book in there. A sketch book. I draw sometimes. I took out my pencil. "Maybe I can use this to get the sticky smile out?"

"Wow, perfect! But wow... this is gonna really tickle"

I smiled. "And of course you can play with my armpit later... what's your name by the way?"

The guy smiled. "My names Ryan, what's yours?"

"I'm Jack" I said as I returned the smile.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now