Bad Day, Turned Better Part 8 (Janitor Shed)

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It was early in the morning, and Andy arrived at his school. He saw Adam walking by, with the other 12th grade students, and he was about to go over to him, but since the hallways were so busy, he lost him in the sea of people. He wanted to get Adam's attention. Not because he was wanting to play with his belly button again... Well, that was part of the reason... But it was because he saw Matthew just before entering the school grounds.

Just before Andy walked up to the front doors, he saw Matthew shadily walking around the edge of the hall, towards that shed both he and Adam saw him enter. Andy knew Matthew was up to something. And it seems like no one else knew. Only him, and Adam. So now, he was trying to get Adam's attention about it, but he lost him. "Rats!" He yelled out once he realized Adam was gone. "Maybe I'll tell him at lunch," He said to himself. He was even wondering if he should even let Julian and the rest know, he didn't even tell Ryan last night. Ramming his stuff into his locker, and getting out his needed school supplies, he made his way to his classroom.

On his way, walking through the hallway, passing by the swarm of other students, he remembered: "Wait, I share first period with Adam!" But then he remembered they have a test in first period. And he knows as soon as he reaches, the teacher isn't going to put up with any nonsense, and is going to want everyone to shut up and take their seats. "I'll stick with my original plan, then," He finally reached the class, and all the students were already there. As soon as he entered, Adam noticed him. He gave such a warm smile at Andy, you could tell he was very happy to see him. Same thing with Julian. He gave a smile and did a small 'air kiss' at Andy. Ryan was behind him and saw what Julian did. "Dude, we are in the classroom-," He whispered to Julian, lightly slugging his arm. "What? So?"

Andy just chuckled, shaking his head, then walked over to his seat, which was in front of Adam. He placed his bag down on the floor, then slit into his desk. He felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned around. "Hey," Said Adam, who was smiling at him. Andy smiled back. "Hey Adam," He said. He turned back around, but then he whipped back. "Hey, Adam, at lunch can we-" He stopped talking when he saw Matthew come into the classroom and went to his seat. Adam noticed Andy's gaze change, so he looked behind him. He looked back at Andy, then shook his head. "Don't mind him, he's not worth it anymore," Adam said, briefly rubbing Andy's shoulder. Andy blushed at Adam's care for him, nearly forgetting what he was going to say. He smiled, then turned around.

"Uh... Andy?"

"Yeah?" Andy turned around back to Adam. "Weren't you gonna say something?"

"Say something what was I-," Then he facepalmed. "OH!," Andy felt so stupid that he forgot that. With his face covered with his facepalm, he could hear cute giggles escaping Adam. He looked up and saw Adam snickering at him. "Laughing at my stupidity are we?" Andy smirked. "I'm gonna tickle you so hard later~," He said quietly. Adam smiled. Andy smiled back and then turned back around.

Adam blinked. ".....Andy?"

Andy dropped his head on his desk.

Adam nearly busted out the loudest laugh.

"I can't believe I forgot again," Andy said looking up. "I need to talk to you at lunch," He said. "At lunch? What for?" Adam asked. Andy turned around, looked at Adam, then took a quick glance in Matthew's direction. Adam didn't take long to catch on. "Crap, what happened?"

"Alright class, tone it down, I'm about ready to pass the test,"

Just then the teacher got up from his desk to pass the papers out

"I'll fill you in at lunch,"


"Do you think you've passed this time?" Arthur asked Julian. "I'm pretty sure," He said. "I hope,"

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