Bad Day, Turned Better Part 4 (Arthur's BellyButton)

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Julian was just giggling, as Andy continued to play with his bellybutton. Andy couldn't get enough of his outie, wriggling his finger around the stuck out navel knot, and gently pulling on it. Julian was really liking the feeling of it, and he genuinely didn't want Andy to stop. He often pushed out his belly, since he found out Andy loves it. Once he did so for the 5th time with no warning, Andy's face went red in no time. Andy felt bashful as he heard Julian let out a cute giggle at him. He looked up at Julian, who was smiling down at him, then back at his bellybutton, than have it a kiss.

Then, Andy sat got up from infront or Julian's stomach, than sat next to him on the couch. "Tired?" Julian asked with a smile. Andy looked at him and returned the smile back. "Never to tired for your adorable outie~" He said, as he hugged Julian. "Thanks Juliy."

Andy felt Julian wrap his arms around him. "No problem Andy"

As Andy was resting his head on his friend's shoulder, he continued to touch the outie, by softly rubbing his fingers over the exposed stuck out knot. It felt so good to Andy, the feeling of Julian's outie. A hard outie knit, but soft enough where it was flexible. It could move around in all different directions. It could even press in, where it looked like an innie. "My bellybutton is really playable, isn't?" Julian asked, with a snort. "Totally"

"You know, Marcus, Ryan and Arthur all wanted you to play with thier bellybuttons again, who would you choose next?" Julian asked. "Umm.... Maybe Arthur?"

Julian giggled. "Why him first?"

"Well, his bellybutton is very deep-"

"Ohhh. I see, yeah he's a bit chubby, so his bellybutton is like a endless cavern." Julian giggled. Andy's face went a bit red. He remembered when he first touched everyone's bellybuttons. Julian had the adorable outie, very flexible and playable on a slim belly, which he can push out twice the size, which he loves very much. Ryan has a slim tummy, like Julian, but he has one of those slit, 'coin slot' bellybuttons, what Andy always wanted to touch, he was happy that he finally got to touch it before. Marcus was skinny, but he had a shallow, but wide navel. And that bellybutton, was Andy's favorites, but he probably has to reconsider since Julian's bellybutton melted his face so hard.

But Arthur is a bit chubby, and his bellybutton is very deep, so Andy wants to play with that one again.

Thankfully, after shcool the next day, he can vist Arthur.


It was the next day, and Andy was heading to school. He was energetic the next morning, which is usually really rare to happen. But even though he was full of energy, he still was nearly late to class.

He walked into the door, passing by the other kids, and some of them where looking at him. Andy felt they where talking about his kink, because of what Matthew did, but it seemed like they where all talking about how Julian clobbered Matthew to the ground at gym yesterday. He tried not to listen to the whispering what the other students where doing, and went up to his locker. He did the combination of the locker's lock, then opened it to put his belongings. As he was ramming in his books, he heard a taping at the other side of the locker door. He expected it was one of his friends, so he was really suprised to see Adam once he shut the door.

"A-Adam?" Andy asked. He was wondering why Adam was trying to get his attention. Adam is close friends with Matthew, and Adam was in on the bullying when Matthew started to harass him for his kink. Andy was pretty much sure Adam was going to continue it, so he was ready to just walk away, and leave him, but the look on Adam's face made stay.

"Hey... um... I'm sorry about the other day." He started. He scratched the back of his head, as he spoke. "It was so not cool for Matt to do that to you, and I'm deeply sorry for calling you a freak..." He said.

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