Caught (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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"Oh come on Sora!" Mark yelled. Sora laughed softly. "I'm just a pro at this apparently" Sora said taking his hand off of the controller, wiping his finger on his lip, what he always does when he's proud of himself with something. Mark rolled his eyes. "Ok then... rematch" He said, taking his controller up.

Sora was with his boyfriend, in his boyfriend's world. They where both hanging out playing a two player shooter, and Sora was picking up on the game really fast.

They weren't playing on one TV, like most co-op games. They where playing on separate screens, so of course they weren't seeing each others screens. Mark was on small handheld screen.

Sora was just that good.

But Mark was getting salty, because he thought he was good at the game. "Ugh, Sora not again!" He whined, when Sora one-shot him once more. Sora could only giggle. "I thouht you told me you're so great at this game, and you'd want to impress me with it~?" Sora asked, looking up at Mark, smirking at him. Mark looked at him annoyed, but who can have a mad look, at a face like Sora?

So Mark just rolled his eyes and looked back at his screen. Sora giggled, then he placed the controller down. "I saw one of your vidoes again" Sora said. That caused Mark to blush hard. "Oh no... no.." Mark looked at Sora, and saw Sora clearly trying not to snicker. Mark knew what vidoe he probably watched. "Soraaa... I.. what I said was an edit bug...." Mark said. Sora snorted. "Oh sure~"

Sora had already gotten his phone out and played Mark vidoe to him.

In the video, Mark asked his followers, to ask him 'personall' questions. He did it as a joke, because he knew some questions was going to be absurd, but the questions actually turned out to be heartwarming, and it connected him to his tiny fanbase. But, one question was-

"If you where you going to take someone on a date, where would be the first place-?"

And this was Mark's response. "I'm taking Sora to the bedroom!" Mark said as he clapped his hands, as a earrape sound, blasted trough the speakers.

Sora busted out laughing, and Mark covered his face. "Audio bug huh~?" Sora asking giggling at Mark.

The funny thing is, his fanbase doesn't know that he can vist his games. So this 'Sora' Mark spoke up could of been anyone for all they know.

Mark was still covering his face as Sora was just teasing him. "Sora stop teasing me-" Mark said. Sora looked at him. "You call that teasing? This is teasing-"

Before Mark could say anything, Sora got on his knees on the couch, the lift his shirt up, right up to Mark's face, then pushed his stomach out slightly to Mark.

"S-Sora-! I...E... THE....S..." Mark was still playing the game by himself, but when Sora did that, it broke him and he couldn't concentrate on the game. Sora snorted loudly when that happened. "Mark, what the hell where those sounds?!" He laughed loudly. "Oh shut up Sora!" Mark said as he playfully pushed Sora in his belly. Sora grunted as a result. "Hrmf, mean." Sora playfully pouted acting like he was angry and sat on the couch, crossing his arms. Mark looked over at his boyfriend, and saw him pouting. "I know you're faking that" He said with a chuckle. Sora just continued to pout.

Mark chuckled, and put his controller down, then came closer to Sora, and kissed his cheek, then continued to kiss him all over his face. Sora had to giggle, then he pushed Mark away. "Stopppp your mean" Sora said. Mark chuckled. "Howww"

"You pushed my tummy-" Sora said, pouting. "I was just messing with you, sorry if I hurted you by accident." Mark said, as he gently rubbed Sora's belly. Sora looked up at him, how could he stay mad at Mark. He smiled sofly, then pecked Mark on his lips. "How can I stay mad at you"

Mark smiled, then buried his face into Sora's neck, still rubbing Sora's belly. But as he continued to rub his boyfriend's stomach, it growled. And that caused Mark to blush.

Sora couldn't see Mark's face, since it was buried into his neck, but he knew that caused Mark's fetish to go off. "Hehe, I just know you loved that didn't ya~" Sora said with a mischievous giggle. "Stop Sora..." Mark said. "Never~" Sora said. Sora looked down at Mark's head. "So you'd take me to the bed room for a date huh?" He asked. Mark looked at him, and saw Sora smirking. "What?"

"Can the date just be here on the couch?" Sora said as he pinned Mark down on the soft couch cushions. "OoF!" Mark yelled. "S-Sora?"

Sora giggled, then kissed Mark on his lips, while still pinning him down.

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