Bad Day, Turned Better Part 10 (The Shadow Person)

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Andy walked into the school that day after, he was planning to do more investigating about Matthew. He hadn't seen him once he arrived. When Andy and his ex were together, Matthew would usually take a certain route to get to the first period. But, he wasn't in eyesight. Matthew walked into the main area of the school, to wait for the first class. He sat down at a table, placing his bag next to him. He sighed as he waited. He honestly couldn't wait to see his friends in class and at lunch. What he wasn't wanting, was to see Matthew. Even though he and Matthew are over with, he hates being near him now. Especially since something really shady is going on with him.

Andy remembered that he hadn't finished his homework last night. Probably due to him having a lot of bellybutton fun with his friends... It distracted him. He reached over and opened his bag. Took out the pencil, and his sheet of paper. He was nearly finished with it. 'Just gonna finish it now, before class,' He thought to himself. He started to work on his homework, finishing the last questions he never did.

But as he was on the few remaining problems, he felt someone tickling his sides randomly, causing Andy to giggle in response. He quickly looked up and saw that it was Julian tickling him. "Jhhohohlian!" Andy giggled, playfully pushing Julian.

Julian smiled, then in a quick maneuver, he jumped into the seat at the table, next to Andy. "How are you doing today?" He asked as he hugged Andy for a second, kissing his cheek. Andy blushed and giggled as Julian hugged him. "I'm ok! Just... trying to finish my homework," Andy said, gesturing over to the papers on the table. "Ugh, that nerd stuff," He chuckled. "Oh shut up," Andy smiled, "I really need to pass our class, you know how strict and mean these teachers can be for useless numbers," He said. "Useless numbers is exactly what school is," Julian said, nodding. Andy just shook his head, then continued to do his work, with Julian resting his head on Andy's shoulder. It felt comforting to have Julian resting his head there, and it relaxed him by a ton.

The bell rang. Thankfully, Andy finished the homework. "Wow, I finished it just in time," He said to Julian. "Ugh...." Julian groaned. "School's starting,"

"Hush you," Andy giggled. "At least we'll see our friends,"


At soon as Andy walked into the threshold of the door of his first class of the day, he was greeted by Adam hugging him. "Hey Andy," Adam said. He broke off from the hug, seeing that Andy was in a blushing mess. Adam giggled. "Sorry..." He said. Julian walked past them both, to go to the rest of their friends.

After some of the kids came in, the teacher still wasn't there. "Have you seen Matt today?" Adam asked. Andy shook his head. "No, I haven't," Andy said. "He probably skipped school... Or is probably up to something,"

Adam shrugged. "Why not both?" He said as he turned around to walk over to his seat. Andy followed him. "Yeah, I know it's a bit weird. It's not even like he skipped class a lot when we were together," Andy remembered that Matthew rarely gets sick. The only times he'd be absent was for a doctor's appointment. He even remembered how Matthew would usefully never tell him what he was doing. He knew Andy would get worried when he'd not show up, and he'd never send Andy a text or anything to say that he was fine. 'He... never really did communicate with me,' He thought to himself as he sat down at his desk.

The teacher still didn't show up yet, so that resulted in the class being loud.

Andy was just glad that he finished his homework. As he got out his papers, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, to look at Adam. "Yeah?"

"I guess he's really gone today, he's not in the room,"

Andy looked over at Matthew's desk. It was dead empty. He looked back over to Adam. "I don't know... Maybe at lunch, we can just walk around?"

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