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The most wonderful thing about having a Neko boyfriend, who happens to be from another planet, is being able to ace your Science exams. Since a Science subject about Astronomy has dropped in Matt's class for school, he's been wanting Niko to travel around the Solar System with him.

Matt was also excited too, because he hadn't seen Niko in over a month, because he's been overly busy with School, and life, he hasn't been visiting him, or vice versa all that much.

"Ready to go?" Niko asked as he gave Matt a little kiss on his cheek.

Matt smiled and nodded as he sat in the copilot seat of the small Fighter ship.

Niko sat in the main seat and pressed a few buttons, and the ship launched into the air. He turned a knob, that made the ship invisible to anyone below- Can't have humans see a spaceship fly out of the atmosphere now.

"So, what planet we should visit first?" Niko asked, but then he felt Matt's hands pulling his shirt up, to play with his belly button. "Matt~ Not now, we gotta focus on-," But then Niko felt Matt's fingers stick down in his belly button, and gently pull the fleshy outie ball out, twisting it.

"Matt~ Come on babe, I'm trying to fly~," Niko giggled as he turned his head to his boyfriend.

Matt blushed, as he continued to play with his boyfriend's navel. "I-I know, but I haven't seen you in over a month...!" He pouted. "I want my boyfriend's outie knob so badly~"

Niko sadly pouted at Matt. "I know, but I'm flying, so don't distract me too much," Niko said, just as the ship exited out of the blue hue of Earth, and into the pitch black of space. Matt let go of the fleshy navel knot, letting Niko's outie knob fall back into place, then he took his fingers from Niko's belly.

Niko smiled. "I'll let you play with my belly button later, I promise,"

"So, what planet was first?"

Matt went into his book bag, that he carried on board. He set it on his lap and took out a sheet of paper. "Well, they're not in the order they're normally on, but-," Matt looked up. "The planets could be anywhere. They're not in a straight line. Anyone could be behind us, or next to us a few million miles away or whatever,"

"Well," Niko started. "You know the coordinates will be exact when we punch them in,"

"That I know," Matt said, nodding, "But... will the ship be able to handle a gas giant?"

"Didn't you tell me it got stuck in Gaso, that gas giant in that one system? I'm sure we'll be able to,"

Matt looked down at the paper. "Alright," a smile grew on his face. "Next stop, URANUS!"

Niko had his hands on the hyperdrive controls, he was about to pull it down, but then he blinked, and slowly looked over at Matt. "W-What?"

"What?" Matt asked, tilting his head.

"What did you just say?" A small smile crept on Niko's face as if he was trying not to laugh at something.

Matt tilted his head. "I said next stop is Ur-," Matt blinked. "Niko... it... it's not that, that's just the name of the planet-,"

Niko started to giggle. "O-Oh... okay," He pulled the hyperdrive down.

There was a countdown, then the ship launched into the wormhole.

4 seconds later, it appeared on the surface of a blue planet.

"Oh my god, it's Uranus!" Matt gasped, as he stood up.

"PIFFFFTTTTT!" Niko snorted and nearly lost control of the ship because he began laughing very loudly.

"Niko, stop! It doesn't mean that!"

"Your race couldn't have picked a better name?!"

Matt laughed. "Niko shut up!"

"Just land in Uranus,"

"HAHAHAHA!" Niko busted out laughing, and Matt covered his face.

"I'd rather land in your anus~" Niko teased.

Matt's face reddened. "Nikoooo!"

The ship entered the tilted planet. Matt stared amazed at the blue clouds, he hadn't seen anything like this since they entered Gaso.

"Wow, it's so blue," Niko said.

"Uranus is beautiful,"

After hearing Matt say that, Niko started to laugh.

Matt just rolled his eyes and continued to talk. "Did you know the planet is tilted on its side?"

Niko calmed down from laughing. "Oh, it is? Why?"

"I think they said an asteroid banged into Uranus, tilting it,"

It was hard. Niko tried holding his breath. But it didn't work.

"You are so immature! God!" Matt yelled, laughing a bit.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now