Something More (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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A/N: Alright... so here's the thing. This is going to have some smut between Sora and Mark. I don't usually often like smut, read smut, or even write smut, but after the unfortunate events of what happened to Archiveofourown, the DDoS attacks. (If you don't know what went on, a group of homophobic bastards sent a DDoS attack on Ao3, overloading their servers to crash the site, to get rid of the site because they couldn't handle the fact that the fanfiction site allows smut stories and LGBTQ content.

So, to spite fuckers like that, I've decided to make a smut oneshot, just to promote that there is nothing wrong with wanting to write or read LGBTQ content with some heated scenes.

Now, as I've said before, I don't often write smut. So, this isn't going to be an A+ tear sex story. Don't expect this to be amazing. This will also be on my ao3 account.

Sora and Mark were alone in Mark's house. The two were watching some TV together, sitting on the couch. Mark was cuddled up to Sora, his arm was around Sora's waist, hugging Sora close to him.

But Mark has been feeling a little different with Sora lately. Even though he and Sora have been dating for a year or so now, they really haven't done anything more than... kissing.

Sora knows about Mark's belly button fetish, and always constantly lets his boyfriend experience his kink. Mark has been always so grateful for that, considering that he has never had a positive experience with his fetish in the past.

But this time, Mark was just feeling a little horny. He never asked Sora if he wanted to have sex before. He was nervous to ask because he wasn't sure if Sora was up to it, he didn't want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable, as he thought.

Mark looked at the screen. They were watching a Disney movie together, Mark always likes to show Sora films from his world, that are in Sora's world as actual places you can visit.

Mark took a deep breath, then he stopped cuddling Sora. He sat up. Sora looked at Mark.

"You alright Mark?" He asked when he felt Mark stopped hugging him.

Mark nodded. He felt shy all of a sudden. He wanted to ask Sora if he could have sex with him, but he was nervous. "Um... Sora... Um..." Mark's face went red, as he rubbed the back of his head.

Sora tilted his head. "Why are you shy all of a sudden?" Sora giggled. "What? You wanna see my belly button~?" Sora smirked, then he pulled up his shirt. "Geez babe, you don't gotta be all shy when you ask to see my tummy," Sora said with another giggle.

Mark blushed a lot from seeing Sora's innie now, but that wasn't what he meant.

"S-Sora, I didn't mean that... I.. um..." Mark stammered.

Sora tilted his head, then he gasped. "You don't wanna see my belly button?" He looked surprised. "Wow, that's a first~" He teased.

Mark continued to blush, "N-No! I do! It's just that... I.. um... I wanna...-"

Mark felt so nervous seeing that Sora was just watching him with a confused look. "What? What do you wanna do?" Sora asked. "What is it?"

Mark looked down and covered his face. "I... Want to have sex with you..."

It was silent for a bit. That was until Mark looked back up, and saw that Sora was up to his face. "Woah!" Mark gasped.

Sora giggled, then kissed Mark's nose. "Geez, that's why you looked all shy?"

Mark blushed, then nodded.

"You wanna do oral?" Sora asked.

Mark blushed. "You'd want me to actually have sex with you?"

Sora snorted, "Yes! You're my boyfriend, why would I say no? We had sex before, didn't we~?"

Mark blushed a lot.

"You'd wanna do it on the couch~? No one is here to see us~," Sora said, as he took off his pants.

Mark blushed. He felt a little nervous but excited.

Sora smirked at seeing his boyfriend all flustered like that. "Wow, I've never seen you blush that hard since that last belly button play session we had~," Sora teased.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up~,"

Sora giggled. "So, what are you waiting for~ Give me some love~,"

Mark crawled up to Sora on the couch, he reached over, placing his hand on Sora's crotch, and rubbed his boyfriend's cock.

"Ahh~," Sora moaned softly as his boyfriend rubbed him there.

Mark softly rubbed Sora on his dick, feeling a lot of emotions run through him. Sora also was feeling a bunch of emotions run through him.

Sora closed his eyes, biting his lip as Mark started to play with his cock, then moaned loudly, as he felt Mark starting to suck it. "M-Mark~," Sora groaned.

Mark started to suck it a little harder, and that caused Sora to grab the sides of the couch, "AhhHh~" He moaned again.

As Mark was sucking Sora's dick, he reached over, and with his left hand, he fingered Sora's navel, and that made Sora moan harder. "Ahh~ that feels so good~," Sora said, as he felt pleasure from everything Mark was doing. His belly went out a little, then his back arched as Mark's finger went deeper into his belly button. "Yeah, play with my belly button more Mark~ Ah~!"

Mark continued to suck on Sora's dick while continuing to mess with his belly button.

"Mark, I'm going to cum~," Sora said, wincing.

After Mark sucked one more time, Sora let loose.

"Ahh~," Sora moaned.


After they were done, they cuddled on the couch. Sora didn't even bother to pull up his pants. "Oh, man..." Sora said panting. "That was something..." He said.

Mark was panting as well, he felt his heart was still racing fast. "Yeah... that sure was..." Mark said. He looked up at Sora. Sora looked down at him, then smiled softly. Mark giggled, then kissed Sora's cheek. "I love you~,"

Sora smiled, "I love you too~,"

Sora adjusted himself on the couch and pulled up his shirt. "Want to play with my belly button?" He asked.

Mark couldn't say no to that, and reached over and poked at Sora's navel.

And they both cuddled and went to sleep after that.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now