Laughing At Mark (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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Authors Note: Just another Kingdom Hearts bellybutton fetish fanfiction

It was the weekend. Mark wanted to spend his two days off with Sora, and spend the two days with his boyfriend. He was packing some stuff in his bag, since he was going sleep over, he wanted to make sure he was bringing necessary things. He had ask Sora if it was alright with him coming over to spend the two nights, and he of course, was thrilled. But, he didn't tall David, older his brother who looks after him.

"I hope he says yes"

After Mark was done packing his stuff, he left his room, and went out to the living room, where is brother was watching TV. "Hey Dave." Mark said to his brother. "Hm? Oh hey Mark. What's up?"

"I... was wondering if you'd want me go visit Sora for the weekend, like... a sleep over?"

"A sleep over? Well, sure! Why not? Just be sure to be back in time for shcool to start back on Monday"

Mark's face lit up. "Really?! Thanks David!" Mark exclaimed. His brother smiled. "When you going?"

"Well, I technically already packed.

David chuckled. "That quick huh? Ok, let me turn on the TV for you to do, what you usually do to travel to your Kingdom Hearts game"

David got up, and turned off the TV, and Mark got up to get his controller. Once the game had started, he pressed "Travel to game"

"See you David!" Mark said as he jumped into the portal


Mark entered into the video game hallway, and ran down, until he entered Twilight Town at the other end. When he entered, he could see Roxas and Pence heading into the station. Pence heard Mark running, and he turned around to see who it was. "Oh, hey Mark!" Pence said. "Huh?" Roxas said, turning around. "Oh, hey!"

"Hey guys!" Mark smiled, as he walked up to his two friends. "If you're looking for Sora, he's at Destiny Islands." Pence said. "Yeah, he wouldn't stop going on and on about how you both are going to spend two days together" Roxas said with a small smile. "He's on Destiny Islands? Oh, alright, I'll just call him and tell him I'm here. What are you two up to?"

"Oh, where heading to Sunset Hill. Just heard there's a new ice cream shop there" Roxas

"Yeah! They apparently have so much different flavors" Pence said smiling. "We all know you're still going to love sea salt Ice-cream more" Roxas chuckled. "Yeah... You're probably right" Pence said. Roxas sofly laughed.

"Well, see you Mark" Roxas said as him and Pence entered the station. "See you!" Mark said. Pence waved by to him.

Mark got out his phone, and dialed Sora's number.

The phone ranged until someone picked up.

"Hello?" They said.

"Hey Sora, it's me" Mark said.

"Oh shoot! Mark, I totally forgot you where staying with me for the weekend. Don't worry, I'll be there soon with my Gummi Ship"

And then all of sudden, Sora hanged up the phone before Mark could say another word. "Uh... Sora? Hello?"

Mark sighed, with a chuckle. "Sora can be so silly sometimes"


After a few more minutes, the Gummi Ship, entered trough a portal in the sky, and swooped down to the ground, and landed just in front of the station. Mark walked up to it, as the doors opened.

Then, out walked Donald Duck, and Goofy. "Oh! Hey Donald! And Goofy!" Since Mark is able to travel to his games, you'd think be use to it by now, but he still gets this feeling of joy, and nervousness about being around actual Disney characters.

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