Horror Game (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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Sora was resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, while hugging him close to him. Mark was asleep, and his head was resting ontop of Sora's head, buried in Sora's spiky hair. Surprisingly Sora's hair is really soft. After a while, Sora got a little thirsty, so he slowly let go of Mark, and was going to get some water for himself.

He didn't want to wake Mark, so he was trying to be careful.

But, with how Mark was leaning on him, Mark fell the other way, and slammed onto Sora's lap. "*SNORT* I'M AWAKE!" Mark screamed, then quickly sat up. He panted, then looked over at Sora, who was just staring at him. Mark blinked. "Um..."

Sora snorted, then laughed at him. Mark blushed. "I... ment to scream like that..." He said. "Sure you did Mark, Sure..." Sora said crossing his arms giggling.

Mark rolled his eyes.

Sora just chuckled. "I'm gonna get some water, sorry I woke you"

Sora went and got some water, then came back to Mark. Sora sat on the couch, then scooted up to his boyfriend. "I don't even feel tired anymore" Mark said. Sora giggled. "You got scared that much?"

"Soraaaa that's not the reasonnnn" Mark playfully whined. Sora smiled. "Well what do you wanna do?" Sora asked. Mark didn't know what to do to be honest, probably just sit there with Sora and cuddle him. So, Mark just shrugged.

Sora took a sip of the cup of water he had. "Wanna play with my bellybutton a little?" He asked looking at Mark smiling cutely. Then he lifted his shirt up. Mark's face went a bright pink, then he reached over and softly poked at his partner's navel. Sora giggled as Mark poked it. As Mark did so, Sora took his hand, that wasn't holding onto the cup, and sofly rubbed Mark's ears as he had his bellybutton played with.

"I love you so much." Sora said. Mark looked up at Sora. He noticed that Sora's face had a small hint of pink. "I love you so much, too." Mark took his finger out of Sora's bellybutton, the cuffed both his hands on Sora's cheek, bringing Sora's face close to his, and then he kissed Sora on his lips. "Hehe" Sora giggled sweetly as he kissed his precious boyfriend back. After a few seconds of kissing, Mark broke away from the sweet kiss.

"Your lips where cold." Mark chuckled. Sora playfully rolled his eyes. "No duh, I'm drinking water." He giggled.

Mark had continued to play with Sora's bellybutton some more, but then Sora suggested an idea to Mark. "Hey, Mark, show me one of your YouTube vidoes again." He said. Mark froze,  then blushed big time. Sora giggled. "Please~?" Sora asked, making a pout face.

It's not that Mark doesn't want to show Sora his stuff, but he knows Sora's loves his vidoes. And Sora always has a giggle fit when he sees him acting like a silly idiot. And Sora's laughs make Mark so freaking bashful.

But Mark wanted Sora to be happy, so he turned on his phone. "Yay!" Sora said smiling.

Even tough Mark makes his vidoes, and even edits them, he sometimes forget what he has made. "Wait... when did I make this?" Mark said looking at a vidoe.

Sora snorted. "You forgot when you made your own vidoe?" He giggled. Mark blushed. "I'm not stupid I swear." Mark chuckled. Mark decided to show Sora that video. "What game is that? I never seen it in the game hallway-" Sora said.

"It's called Happy's Humble Burger Farm." Mark said. "Ooh... that sounds fun and happy!" Sora said. "It's a horror game where you make Burgers." Mark said bluntly.

Sors stared at him blankly. "What?" He asked blinking. Mark giggled. "It's not as weird as it sounds"

Mark started the vidoe. Mark in the video, had played the game blind. Meaning, he had no idea what the game was about. There was a tutorial, on how to make the burgers. "Ok... um... ooh, there's a customer!" Mark in the vidoe said, looking towards the man. There was man behind a counter, waiting for his order. "... I think this man needs a burger." Mark said.

Sora giggled at that. "No shit Mark" He said. Sora shook his head, covering his face. Sora giggled.

So, In the video, Mark went to make the burger. There was trays of all the stuff you put in a burger. And a stove for you to cook the patties. Right of him, was the man wating for his meal. Mark of course was confused what to what to do. "I'm sorry Sir, as you can see I'm new here-" The man started to tap his foot. "Can YOU FHUCKING WAIT!" Mark yelled at the sound of the vidoe started to get disoriented.

The caused Sora to burst out in laughter. "Remind me never to get you mad" Sora said still laughing. "You can never get me mad." Mark said kissing Sora's cheek. Sora froze, taken back from the sudden kiss, and blushed. "Aww~" He said as he gave Mark a kiss back ,now making Mark blush.

Now Mark was having a hard time finding the burger buns. But, he finally found it. "Yes! I got it!" Only thing is, he needed the bottom bun, but got the top one by accident. "Wait.. I need the other one-"

He searched for the bottom bun, but the more he searched, the more the man tapped his foot. "Ah crap, where is the bottem!? Give me a bottom, I NEED A BOTTOM BADLY!" Mark yelled. Then, he froze. Then he looked at the camera, blinking. "I... that's not gonna sound right out of context."

"PIFFFTTTTTT *SNORT* HAHAHAHAH" Sora erupted in laughter. "Mark, what th- hAHAHAA!"

Mark covered his face.

"If you need a bottom, I'm right here, geez, no need to yell-" Sora said, looking over at Mark. Mark's face went extremely red. "Sora!" He yelled. Sora laughed. "What~~~"

Mark continued to search for the buns.

Until he found it. "Dont worry sir! I'll... make your burger..." He trew it on the floor. "CRAP FIVE SECOND RULE!" Mark yelled and picked it up. The man was staring at him. "Don't worry sir, we clean the floors every second at... Happy's Hunger Farm... wait.. I mean Happy's Humble Burger Barn! .... or was it Farm?"

"Mark, gross" Sora giggled when he saw Mark pick up the bun off of the floor in the game. Then he laughed every more when he heard Mark butcher the name of the game. "Really man?" He giggled. "It's not my fault this game uses three letters that start with H"

Sora looked at him. "Letters?"

"Huh?" He looked over to Sora. "Oh Frick. Not letters, words..." Mark said covering his face.

Sora giggled. "You're so silly."

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ