New Student

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Ryan was sitting in class, doing his worksheet what the teacher had given him. 'Ugh...' He thought as he kept on doing the problems, he sure didn't want to do. 'I just want to go home...' He looked up, and saw that everyone was just focusing on thier work. He sighed. He had always wanted to experience a fetish he had, and that was to have someone tickle and play with his belly. Possibly other parts on him too. And sometimes with him always thinking that, it causes him to lose focus. He was busy thinking about how he wanted someone to tickle his deep innie bellybutton, and possibly his armpits. But his thoughts got cut off when he heard the door open. Ryan looked up, and saw a guy he never seen before come into the class room.

He had thought at first that it could be just a guy delivering something new to the class, like running errands for other teachers. A number of the other students do things like that. Even he has to once. Although, he didn't want to.

But this guy wasn't even carrying anything. So, Ryan figured he was probably just telling the teacher something, like passing something on from another teacher. He saw the guy whispering to his teacher, and the teacher whispering back. Clearly they where tying not to disrupt the class, but Ryan was already disrupted as he was watching them, trying to understand what they where saying.

But then the teacher looked up, so Ryan quickly looked back on his worksheet, to make it looked like he was still doing his work. After a couple of seconds, he only looked up, by moving his eyes up, and saw the teacher pointing at him. 'Uh... why is he pointing at me?' Ryan still couldn't see the teacher that well, wish how he was viewing them. But he soon figured out why.

The guy who came in, started to walk down the aisle of desks, coming closer to Ryan, then he sat in a empty desk that was left of Ryan. Ryan turned his eyes and looked at him. 'Huh?'

The teacher walked over to them, then handed the kid a sheet of paper. The same paper the other students where working on.

Now, the teacher was still whispering, but since he was more closer to Ryan, he could of heard better.

"Here you go Johnny, I know you're new here, but try to complete the worksheet, to let me know how much you know. You don't have to pass, this is just to let me know where you stand in your new class" The teacher whispered to them. 'Ohh...' Ryan thought. 'He's a new student'

After a while, Ryan continued to work on his stuff, and he took quick glaces over at 'Johnny'

'He's honestly kinda cute' Ryan said to himself. Johnny had shaggy hair, and was warring blue T shirt.

Ryan eventually stopped looking at Johnny, then looked back at the paper. He eventually got bored, and he felt like he needed to stretch. So, he arched his back, putting his arms above his head, stretch. It caused his button-up shirt, to slowly rise, and he noticed that it went above his bellybutton. He sighed, stopped searching, and pulled his shirt back down. He felt like someone was watching him, so he turned his head over to Johnny, was was looking at him, wish his face that was covered in blush.

But as soon as Ryan and Johnny' eyes met, Johnny quickly looked back at his paper.

Ryan looked back at his, trying to process what he just saw. 'No way he was blushing because he saw my belly....' He thought. 'Could that be true? Nah... that would be to easy...'

He seriously thought that it couldn't work like that. He always wanted to find someone who has his fetish to be able to tease them, and let them tickle him. But it seemed good to be true for it to be a new student in his class, to have the fetish.

He of course, didn't want to just jump into it, so he decided to try an experiment. He looked around to see if there was anyone watching, then he slowly lifted up his shirt with his left hand, then scratched at his belly with his right had. Johnny looked over. Ryan looked, and same thing happened before. Johnny quickly looked away with his face looking like it was going to explode.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now