Chapter from my book "Powerful"

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Authors Note: be sure to read my story Powerful. You won't regret it. Has a lot of bellybutton and belly fetish moments, and a lot of sci-fi if you're into that. And superpowers. This chapter is a sneek peek at what it is


Another night's sleep, another... vision.

There it was again. That portal to a town, with the horizon of a endless sunset. 'What is this place?' Kyle thought to himself. The portal was a hue of purple, and it was glittering. "You opened this...." Said that same voice again. Kyle gasped and looked around. "Who's there?! Show yourself! I'm sick and tired of this! Whatever you are... stop trying to harrass me!" Kyle snapped. There was no response. Just silence. Kyle looked at the glowing portal, that had the town threw it. 'I have to go trough...' Kyle took a deep breath, then put one leg over the rim of the portal, and stepped trough. The bright light of the setting sun, stung his eyes, so he put his hands above his head, to block the light from his eyes, so he could get adjusted, from the dark room he was just in.

He looked around. There was a ledge, so he walked over to it. Down from it, was a town. "What... is this place?" He turned back around. Only to see that behind him, was a large building, that had a clock tower at the top. "What is this? A church?" He looked at the building. There was a name on it. "Central Station" He said out loud. "Station? As in a train station?" He started to walk closer, towards the doors to the building. "I gotta get to the bottom of what this vision is-"

But as soon as he got closer towards the doors, some dark creature...
Covered in what seemed to be dark mist appeared infront of him. Kyle gasped. "W-What?" He stopped instantly. "Who the heck are you?!" He said. The weird figure had what seemed to be a letter, on it's chest. A bright white glowing letter D.

"You'll find out eventually." It said. Kyle blinked. "W-What do you mean?!" Kyle snapped. He was furious. He had to get to the bottom of this. Something about this thing seemed weird. And not because it literally looked like a demon.... but something seemed cryptic. It seemed mysterious. Kyle felt a strange pull with it. Almost as if he had seen this somewhere. But he doesn't remember where.

But even though Kyle was scared... he had to face this. He had to get to the bottom of what his life had become.

So, he stepped closer towards the shadow being.

But as he got closer, the surrounding area started to glitch. Then, the shadow figure backed up a little.

"Careful... you don't want to break the fabric of space time, do you?" It said.

Kyle blinked. "The.... fabric of space time?"


Kyle took a long and exhausted gasp as he opened his eyes. Looking at the top of the bunk bed, he turned his head, only to see Randy alseep next to him. He couldn't ponder what this vision was. And this time, there was something new. 'And I couldn't even walk towards it...' Kyle thought. 'Fabric of space time?' Then, his mind raced to something what Randy said once.

You wouldn't want the Space-Time Continuum to mess up, would you?

'Space-time continuum....' Kyle replayed that in his head. 'Space time....... Fabric of space time... is that close to what that thing was talking about?' He thought to himself, looking at the bottem of the top bunk. 'Why would it warn me of that? I've been careful. Hell, I can't even use my time power yet' Kyle thought. 'And why when I got closer... the area started to glitch? Was that why it warned me? Was that... space time breaking? But... why? ....' Kyle was aggravating himself. He felt like he needed answers, and all he got was more questions. Part of him wished none of this ever happened. And part of him... is happy. If it wasn't for Randy, his two other friends, Ryan and Arthur, he'd probably have given up. Even though Randy is the only one who knows about his powers at the moment, they all have been a big help to him. Emotionally, physically. Friendship can really be great.

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