New Friend

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I was eating my lunch at a table in the lunch room. Weirdly enough, there wasn't that much people, considering there is literally over 200 people in this one darn room every day at 12 pm.

I was peacefully eating my lunch, and a guy sat beside me. He had black hair, and he didn't have any lunch.

I don't know if he wanted lunch, or he couldn't buy it or what.

But he looked hungry, so I offered him a cookie.

"Hey, you want this?" I asked and I showed him the cookie. He looked at me "I-I.. couldn't take your cookie-" he said. I just smiled. "It's fine, take it" i said. He smiled shyly and took it.

We started to talk, and we where getting fairly close, but then I saw his face was looking directly at my stomach.

I titled my head. "Bro, you ok?" I asked. He blushed and looked up at me "y-yeah I'm fine!" He said.

I didn't know what was happening, and why he was looking at my stomach like that, but it was a little weird.

I tried to break the slice, and I asked him about his crushes. I learned that he is actually gay.

I'm actually bi sexual, but didn't want anyone to know yet.

Then the talk about love interests, went to talking about fetishes.

I felt comfortable around him, so I told him that I have a fetish for feet. "Do you have a fetish?" I asked him. He blushed. "You really wanna know?" He asked me. I nodded.

" have belly and belly button fetish" he said.

That's when I realized that was why he was looking at my belly.

"Ooohhhh... is that why you where looking at my stomach?" I asked him. But that question I think embarrassed him, and he covered his face. I felt bad, and put my hand on his back. "Sorry bro.... don't feel bad. So what do you do with the fetish?" I asked him.

"Well, I guess I like to like play with belly buttons, and kiss them and tickle them.." he said.

Wow... I thought.

It was very close to foot fetish.

"I'm actually bi sexual" he said. "I had a girlfriend, and she broke up with me because of my fetish." He said.

Did I hear that correctly? His girlfriend broke up with him for an innocent fetish?! Now that's just plane rude!

I felt really bad for him, and was about to say something, but he started to talk again

"I waited my whole life to finely play with a belly button...I thought that the wait would be over when I would finally find a loved one..."

He looked like he was about to tear up.

I put my hand on his hand, lifted up my shirt with my other, and then put his hand on my belly.

"Here, play with my belly button " I told him. He blushed hard. "R-really?" He asked. I nodded smiling softly.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora