Wholesome (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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Mark was visiting Sora. He was with Sora in Sora's room in Destiny Islands, and they where looking in an old photo album. "Woah... I didn't know you kept photos-" Mark said. They both where lying on the bed, on their bellies as they where looking trough the album. Sora smiled when he heard Mark say that. "They really don't show many stuff in the game do they?" Sora asked.

"It apparently seems like they don't at all."

Sora flipped trough some photos, until he came across one where he was building sandcastles with Riku and Kairi when they where very young. "Woah... I was looking for this picture. Didn't know it was in here" Sora said. "Woah.. is that you and your two friends?"

Sora was shirtless in the pic, and had on swim trunks, same thing with Riku, and Kairi was in a once piece swimming gear.

"This was so long ago, we where... 4 years old I think. This is when we first found Kairi" Sora said. "When you found Kairi?"

Sora nodded, looking at Mark then back at the picture. "I've been friends with Riku and her for such a long time. It's like we're one big family"

"...I hope I haven't been taking you from them" Mark said. Sora looked at Mark. "Hm? No! Not at all! Hey, tell you what, maybe one day, we all can do something together." Sora suggested. Mark smiled. "I'd love that! ...But.. what would we do?"

"Travel? Go to different worlds? I know I haven't taken you out to any world's yet, and I'm sorry. And you've taken me so many places in yours."

Mark smiled warmly. "It's ok Sora. Being with you wherever we are, is more than enough"

Sora blushed, turning his head towards Mark. "Aweee!" Sora said as came closer to his boyfriend, and kissed him on his cheek. "You're so sweet Mark. How... how the hell do you even get bullied in your world. Man, they need a keyblade slap-"

Mark blushed and smiled.

They continued to looked through more pictures, until they both came across one picture where Sora was around 14, two years ago most likely, and he was in his swim trunks, shirtless.


Meaning, Sora's bellybutton was in the photo.

Mark's face went redder than Axel's red hair, and he tried to turn the page. "Hm, I wonder what's on the next page?!" Mark said sweating as he tried to turn the page.

Sora snorted and laughed at his boyfriend. "Markkkkk~~~~" Sora said. "You silly cutie~ I know why you're acting like that. Man, you fetish can go so intense sometimes"

Mark buried his face into the bed they where on. Sora smiled. "Wanna play with my bellybutton a little? We can take a break from looking at photos."

Mark looked at Sora, and nodded. Sora smirked, and rolled over a little, so his belly could be seen. Then he lifted his T shirt, showing Mark his glorious belly.

Well, to Mark it was glorious. But, it's Sora. Everything is glorious about him. Mark reached over and softly rubbed his fingers over Sora's tummy. Sora smiled. "Your cute innocent face every time you get to touch my tum~" Sora said. Mark blushed. "Hey, what can I say? It's so cute"

Sora's bellybutton was Mark's favorite too, it was an innie, but it wasn't too deep, and he could of felt the little knot at the back of it. And that was the most ticklish part on Sora. "Hehehe Mark! That thhehehickles!" Sora giggled. Mark smiled, and blushed hard. Sora's giggles always make him feel so happy. Sora smiled and lied down, with his shirt still up. Sora pushed out his belly, then looked at Mark. "I know you like this too~" He said as he was sticking his stomach out.

Mark rolled his eyes, blushing as he rubbed Sora's belly. "This is literally the farthest you ever pushed it out it seems‐" Mark said as he dipped his finger in Sora's navel. Sora giggled. "Probably shouldn't have ate 3 Paopu and 2 Sea salt Ice-cream bars" Sora said. Mark laughed. "Is that way your tummy was gurgling so loud earlier?" Mark asked smiling.

Just then, Sora's tummy made a hollow grumble. Mark blushed, and Sora blushed. "And it's still growling" Sora giggled. "The sounds of paradise"

Sora laughed. "You have way to many fetishes"

Mark pouted. Sora kissed his pouting lips. "But, it's innocent. And cute."

"You got any other fetishes? It seems like they're all belly related" Sora said smiling as they where still lying down staring at the ceiling. "Maybe... you can rub your tummy and poke your own bellybutton?" Mark asked.

Sora smiled. "Sure~"

Sora put his hands on his own belly, rubbing it all around. He then pushed out his belly, then poked at is bellybutton. As soon as his finger went inside his innie, his stomach growled, and he felt his stomach vibrate as his stomach made the sound. Mark blushed. "Well, that Paopu and Sea salt Ice-cream are going to war apparently" Mark joked. Sora laughed. "Apparently"

Mark came up closer. "Sora... is it ok, if... I rest my head on your belly?"

Sora looked at him, then smiled. "Dude, of course it's ok! I want you to experience your cute kinks as much as you want" Sora said flashing is iconic smile.

Mark smiled.

Sora got himself situated on the bed. He lifted his shirt a little higher, just above his chest, and Mark rested his head on Sora's warm belly. Mark snuggled his head into it, as Sora rubbed Mark's head, occasionally softly rubbing his ears. Sora's tummy growled, right under Mark's head. "You like that~" Sora asked. Mark smiled. "Very much"

Mark gave Sora's belly a kiss, as he fell asleep on Sora's belly, while listing to it grumble, as Sora softly messaged his ears.

Book: Kingdom Hearts Dimensions: The Game Dimension

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