Roxas (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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After a long day of working hard for Organization 13, Roxas finally had some time to spend on top of the clock tower.

He found his way up their, and when he did, he did not see any of his friends. "Huh? I wonder where Axel and Xion is?" He asked himself. He realized maybe they just where working late, and wouldn't be with him today.

He sighed, and sat by himself on top of the tower.

"What am i gonna do with these three sea salt ice creams?" He asked himself.

Then he heard a voice to the left of him.

"Hello?" It said.

Roxas turned and looked next to him, and saw a boy about this age.

"O-oh- hi?" Roxas said not knowing what else to say.

Roxas figured this guy was a somebody. Not a nobody. He never seen one before.

"I see you guys from time to time wiping out those scary monsters" the boy said. "Can I sit with you?" He asked. "U-um? Sure, why not" Roxas said.

The boy sat next to him. "My name is Josh by the way" he said. Roxas smiled. "I'm Roxas"

Then Roxas noticed that the boy was looking down, like towards his tummy.

"You ok?" Roxas asked. The boy jumped. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" He said fast.

"You where looking at my tummy?" Roxas asked. The boy looked away. "Why where you?"

"I-i.. um... like tummies and belly buttons-"

Roxas titled his head. "Belly button? What's a belly button?"

Josh blushed. "You know- the thing on your tummy?"

Roxas touched his belly. "On my tummy?" Roxas asked looking at his stomach. Roxas unzipped the heavy black cloak, and underneath, was a white T-shirt. Roxas then lifted up the white T-shirt, and showed his deep innie, and slim tummy. "Ok, show me where my belly button is-" he looked up and saw Josh blushing like crazy.

Roxas giggled. "Well? Show me?"

Josh snapped out his daze, and quickly nodded. He then stuck his index finger directly into Roxas innie. Roxas giggled.

"Oh, so that's a belly button! I wonder why Axel never mentioned them-"

Then Roxas looked up at Josh

"Do you have a belly button?" He asked. Josh nodded. "Can i see it?" Roxas asked. Josh blushed, and lifted up his shirt, revealing his innie. "It looks like mine!" Roxas said as he poked it. Josh blushed and giggled. Josh went ahead, and poked Roxas in his belly button again, making Roxas laugh. "Hey that tickles!"

For the rest of the time, they where poking each other's belly buttons, and tickling each other.

Just about then, Axel, and Xion came from work.

"Hey guy-" Xion said but frozen when she saw Josh poking and tickling Roxas. "hHAHAH! STAP! I'm really ticklish right there!" Roxas laughed, not knowing that Axel and Xion where there.

Xion giggled to her self. "Awe, that's so sweet~" she said. Axel rolled his eyes, then covered it
"Those two should get a room-" he said.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon