Julian x MaleReader

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   This is my first time making a reader insert. I always wanted to try to do at least one, but wasn't sure how to do it.

So, this is practice.

In this, you are a person who has bellybutton fetish, and you fancy Julian's navel. Julian is from my one shot series, (Bad Day, Turned Better)


I was with one of my friends, Julian. He invited me over Saturday to watch Netflix with him for the day. I always love to spend time with him.

    Julian is very sweet, and kind. He's the type of person you'd definitely want to be friends with.

    "Hey, (y/n) are you liking this movie so far?" He asked. I looked at him, and nodded. To be honest, I did. So, I nodded.

    "Yeah, I do! It's really good," I said to him. "Guess you finally got some good taste," I joked.

    He turned his head to me, then giggled. "How dare you," he said, playfully pushing me, resulting in my letting out a laugh.

    We both continued to watch the movie, but then, in the corner of my eye, I saw Julian do something. At first, I wasn't sure what it was, so I turned my head to get a full glimpse. I kind of wish I didn't. Because it sent my entire face into fire flames.

    Julian was tired from the day, so he was stretching. He arched his back, and threw his arms behind his back. When he did so, his shirt rose up, reveling his entire slim stomach, and that huge outie that always makes my heart flutter.

    It was making me sweat. I always loved his belly, and navel. I never told him of course. That outie of his, always attracted me. It's a big outie knob, that looks extremely squishy and soft. Not to mention his belly is very slim, but it has such a sexy shape. I always try to take glances at it when we're in the locker room, but few times, I think he caught me staring, resulting in me becoming embarrassed.

    I tried to divert my attention from what was happening, because I definitely didn't want him to catch me again.

    Eventually, he stopped stretching. I was a little relieved.

    Then, he got up. "I'm going to get some water, I'll be right back," he said.

    "Okay," I told him.

    He went, got the water, then came back.

    I looked over at him, but then I saw he was doing that thing that most guys do.

    I always see some guys do a thing where they put thier hands underneath thier shirts, then hoist it up, revealing thier tummies. They pull thier shirts right above the bellybutton. It always makes me blush.

    But I never seen Julian do that, that much.

    But now, he was doing it.

    He had his hand under his shirt, his shirt was above his adorable outie knob.

    By now, it was hard to focus on Netflix.

    I kept on taking glaces at his stomach.

    But at one glace I took, I nearly had a hearts attack.

    I took the Usual glace, but then in a split second, I saw Julian's eyes drift over to me. I gasped, then looked up at him. I wasn't expecting him to look at me, I quickly looked away.

    I didn't hear him say anything, so I looked back at him, hoping that he didn't take much of it. But when our eyes met, I saw that he was smirking at me.

    I blinked at him. "J-Julian...? W-What?" I was a stammering mess, because I wasn't sure if he noticed.

    Julian still was smirking. His eyes looked down toward his belly, then back up at me. "Do... You have a thing for my stomach or something?"

    My face went extremely red. "I...U-Uh? What?! Of course not! Why would I think that? That's stupid!" I said all that out of instinct. No way I think bellys are stupid.

    Julian looked back down at his stomach. "I always catch you looking at me in the locker room," he said. "At first, I thought it was that maybe you had a crush on me. Then, I thought it could of been my abs, but then I realized I don't have abs, my stomach is flat..." Then, he looked back at me. "Now you're doing the same?"

    "I...I-I..I..." I couldn't speak. I felt embarrassed. I had a suspension that he did notice that I was looking, but for him to figure out why-

    I heard him giggle. "Maybe you still have a crush on me, but you like my stomach?"

    I figured out I had to tell him.

    "Actually... I... like your bellybutton the most," I looked up at him. "I mean, I do like your stomach too, but it's really your belly button."

    I thouht he was judging me.

    "My bellybutton?" He asked.

    I nodded.

    He looked down at his own navel. "You like my outie?" He probed at his stuck out umbilicus with his finger, twirling it around.

    After seeing that, I felt like I was dying. I just saw Julian playing with his own bellybutton.

    "Oh wow," He said with a giggle. "You like outies? I thought most people hate them," he said, arching his eyebrow.

    "I don't..." I said.

    I saw him slightly smile. "I used to be so self conscious about mine..."

    I tilted my head. "Wait... really?" I asked.

    Julian nodded. "Yeah. Had a few people call it ugly."

    I felt a little offended at that. "It's not!" I said.

    Julian's eyes widen a little, then he snorted. "So you really do like it huh?"

    I looked down, then nodded.

    Julian fingerd at his outie. "Want to touch it?"

    I looked up at him, suprised. Did he just offered me to touch his navel?

    I shyly nodded.

    Julian smiled, then leaned up agiest the couch. "Touch it then~" he said.

    Was this happening right now? It felt to good to be true. I reached over, and put my finger up to his outie. I pushed into it. And damn-

    It was really soft and squishy. I gently pinched at it, pulling it. I heard Julian giggle. "That tickles a little," He said.

    I was feeling so many emotions at once.

    "Push it in, it's so flexible it can turn into an innie," I heard him say.

    So, I did so. I pushed my finger deep into the outie, and it slid down, and turned into a hole.

    I blinked. I never seen a bellybutton like this before. "Wow..." I said.

    Julian giggled. "Yeah, I have a very strange belly button,"

    But I didn't find it strange at all. It was so cute. And flexible. I twirled my finger around it, just playing with it and twisting it.

    "I'm not going to lie (Y/N) this is really cute... You look so adorable right now," he told me.

    I blushed, and just continued to play.

    But then, something else happened.

    His stomach let out a very loud, and hollow growl. Julian blushed. "Oh-," Julian said. He patted his stomach. "Sorry about that, I didn't eat much today," He then chuckled. "I'm sure you don't like the growls,"

    But I did. That growl sounded so soothing. So, I just said yes to him, shyly.

    He looked at me. "Wait... You like that too?"

    I nodded. "Yeah,"

    His stomach grumbled again. "Well, listen away then~" Julian said smiling.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant