Tickling Hayner (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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While Mark was at shcool for another hour, Sora was up in Yen Sid's tower, with his two friends Hayner and Roxas. They where watching a bunch of Mark's YouTube videos. "Why this dude acts so insane in these vidoes..." Hayner said. Roxas chuckled. "Exactly, it's so funny." Then he looked at Sora, who was way to busy laughing at his boyfriend's craziness. "And Sora loves every second of it.." He said as he noticed Sora's face was extremely red from laughing way to much.

"Huh?" Sora asked. "Your face!" Hayner said. "It's so red from you laughing so much." He chuckled.

Sora shook his head. "Oh shut up!" He said with a giggle after.

"Mark is really funny though." Roxas said. They scrolled through Mark's channel, until they saw a Kingdom Hearts vidoe. "Hey, guys look! He made a Kingdom Hearts vidoe..." Roxas said. "Let me see!" Sora said snatching the phone from Roxas. "Hey!" Roxas snapped.

The video was Mark continuing to play Kingdom Hearts II, considering that he needed to learn more about the game. He still hasn't played the others.

"Lets watch this one!" Sora said as he pressed it.

The video started with Mark heading into a new world. "Hm... what is this? Atlantica...? What's that?" Mark asked.

Sora gasped. "Guys, he's going into Atlantica!" He said smiling.

When Mark entered the world with the Gummi Ship, he saw Ariel, from my Little Mermaid. "Oh! It's that world. I never seen it yet." Mark said.

"Is that the world you went too, to sing?" Hayner giggled. "Shut up Hayner..." Sora said.

Sora changes when he comes into this world, into a Merboy. So... when Mark saw his boyfriend on the screen, his face instantly went red. "I...I...the...OH..." Mark said.

Sora knew exactly what Mark was blushing about, and he snorted so loud. Roxas looked at him. "What's with you? And... what's with Mark?" Roxas asked.

Hayner chuckled. "Mark can't handle seeing his boyfriend shirtless~" He chuckled.

Sora laughed. "It's a little more complicated than that."

Hayner put the phone down. "Hm? What you mean?"

"Mark... um... he likes my bellybutton, like a lot."

Roxas and Hayner blinked. "Your... bellybutton?"

Sora blushed. "Yeah... don't tease him about it."

Hayner chuckled. "No promises~"

"Does... he likes all bellybuttons, or just yours?" Roxas asked.

Sora shrugged. "I...don't know."

Hayner chuckled. "What would he do if I just walked up to him and lifted my shirt up...."

Sora giggled. "Maybe his face would explode."

Hayner smirked. "Let's do that then"

Roxas looked at Hayner. "You... want to show your bellybutton to Mark to make his face explode with blush...?" He asked, tilting his head. Hayner nodded. "I wanna see what his reaction would be."

Roxas looked at Sora. "I kinda wanna see too" Sora said.

"You should do it to" Hayner said to Roxas. "I'm shy to do that..." Roxas said.

Just then, Mark came in. "Hey guys.." He said as he walked in through the door. "Man today was such a long day..." He closed the door and walked over to his friends on the couch. As he was walking, Hayner got up, and walked up to him. "Hey, Sora, how ar-" Mark stopped talking when he saw Hayner walking up to him.

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