Bus Ride

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Kyle's face was blushing madly. His boyfriend, Randy, was sitting beside him on the shcool bus, and he could of faintly heard his stomach growl. Randy knows about Kyle's fetishes, and he always loves to tease Kyle when he sees him getting all flustered at his belly nosies, or when his belly button is showing.

Kyle was hoping that Randy didn't see him blushing, but it was no use, since Randy saw. Kyle shyly looked over to him, and Randy only giggled. "It seems your adorable fetish has came on once more~" He teased. "Shut up-" Kyle said blushing more. "Make me~"

Kyle annoyingly looked over at Randy, and then Randy's stomach gurgled again. He then smirked at Kyle. "You're like the worlds biggest tease." Kyle said pouting. Randy giggled and lifted his shirt up slightly, just above his navel. "Wanna play with it~?"

"Dude... we are on the bus-" Kyle said with an extremely shy voice. Randy shrugged. "No ones around. Come on, you know you wanna touch my navel~"

Kyle blushed, and reached over to him, inserting his index finger inside Randy's shallow wide belly button. "I hate you" Kyle said. Randy chuckled. "You hate me, but I love you" Randy said as he gave Kyle a kiss on his forehead. Kyle just bashfully continued to play with Randy's navel. "Your belly button is so soft"

"So you keep saying, like everytime you touch it" Randy laughed. Kyle sighed playfully, and tickled Randy on his sides. Randy giggled loudly. "Hey!" He laughed. Kyle softly rubbed his boyfriend's entire belly. Randy was slim, but he ate a lot at lunch today, so his belly was a little bloated. And his skin was so soft to Kyle. Kyle couldn't get enough with it. And that was why Randy's belly was growling, because he ate a lot.

As Kyle was rubbing it, it growled. And Kyle could of felt Randy's belly vibrate under his hands. Kyle's face of course went red like the surface of Mars.

Randy giggled when he saw. Randy's belly is always gurgling. It's always active. But Kyle of course doesn't mind. And neither does Randy. He'll never stop teasing his boyfriend.

As Kyle was massaging Randy's tummy, the bus hit a bump, and Kyle slammed into Randy by accident, with his face inches away from Randy's.

Randy giggled. "Love you~" He said as he kissed Kyle's lips that where close to his. Kyle blushed, and kissed back. "Love you to" He said with a smile.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ