Interrogate (Remake)

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This is a remake of one of my early stories for my fetish. This is about a character of mine, Dark-Blade, and another character, Plungera.

"What the? Where am I?" The Hero looked around his surroundings. It was pitch black. There was only a table in front of him, with a single light above it. He looked down. He was strapped to a chair. "W-What?!" He gasped. He tried to escape, but he couldn't.

"It's no use trying to escape, Plungera," Said a voice. The hero gasped, and looked up. There was no one infront of him. It seemed like it was only him. There was someone in the darkness. That deep, and rough voice, could of only have been one person. "D-Dark-Blade..." He said. "What did you do to me?!"

"isn't not obvious, your plunger wielding buffoon? I tied you up," Said the voice. Plungera tried to summon his weapon. His plunger. But his hands where strapped to the chair. He couldn't open his hands.

Then, he saw something emerge from the darkness. A being of full darkness. Dark strands of a misty black substance, emitting like dark fire flames. With a glowing letter of the alphabet, shining brightly on the figure's chest. The letter D.

It walked up to the hero. "What did you do with my device?"

Plungera staired into the figures white eyes. "I hid them. I'll never tell you where it is. I won't let you open another dimension with it. You've caused enough damage to this one," Said Plungera, staring Dark-Blade down. The dark figure sighed, then stood up. "You have exactly three seconds to tell me where you've hid them,"

"Or what?" Plungera asked, bravely.

"Or else....Hehehehahah......" There was a smirk in the face buried in the darkness. "The integration begins HAHAHA," It laughed like it was on edge. Dark-Blade left from Plungera, and walked over to get something. Plungera still was staring at him. "What? Torcher? Nothing what you do, will crack me,"

Dark-Blade came back over. He was holding a brush. "This will make you talk,"

"A brush?" Plungera tilted his head. "What will that do? You can't be serious,"

"Shut up!" Dark-Blade snapped, then in a quick movement, he reached over to Plungera's shirt. "What are you-" But before Plungera could say anything else, Dark-Blade pulled up his shirt,   reveling Plungera's skinny belly, with a nice deep navel that had a little outie knob. Before Plungera could say anything else, Dark-Blade stuck the bush inside of the bellybutton, and started to twirl it around.

Because of that, Plungera erupted in laughter. "WHAHAHAT?!" He laughed loudly. "WHAHAHT ARE YOHOHO DOHOHOING?!"

Dark-Blade took the brush out of the bellybutton. "Now TALK! Where did you hid my device?!"

"Tickling?! You think that's gonna crack me?" Plungera arched his eyebrow as he asked that question. Dark-Blade once again stuck the brush deep inside of the navel, spinning it around. "WHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!" Laughed Plungera, this was really ticklish.


"Just tell me where you've hid my things!"

But Plungera wasn't giving up. Then, Dark-Blade stopped using the brush, and used his finger instead, and stuck his index finger deep inside. Dark-Blade's was a little ticklish, due the dark mist emitting from it and brushing against Plungera's tummy. "D-Do you have a bellybutton fetish or something?!" Plungera asked.

Then, the darkness on Dark-Blade shifted. Taking his finger out of Plungera's bellybutton, he looked up a Plungera, and stared at him for a moment. Plungera tilted his head.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now