The Merman

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"Ok... what would Steve do..."

"Punch a tree! ... wait... no that's a bad idea..."

The young teen look around the deserted island, then back at the ocean. "How... how am I gonna survive this-"

The teen walked over to a rock that was at sitting near by a bunch of coconut trees. He walked over to it and sat on it. "At least I have those coconuts..." he said to himself. "But how am I gonna reach it, or even open them..."

He decided to go to the water. He took off his shoes and walked into the ocean. "Maybe... someone will recuse me-" he said.

"Rescue you?" He heard someone say.

"Yes rescue me-" The teen then froze. Did he hear a voice?

He looked beside him, and saw what looked to be a guy with a merman tail, lying down in the sand. "I need someone to rescue me- can you put me back in the ocean?" The apparent merman asked.

The teen couldn't speak. Was he really seeing this? An actual merman?

"Y-you.. are a merman-" The teen said.

The merman nodded. "And you're... a...."

"I'm a human-" the teen said. "Oh.. " the merman said. "Well can you help me...?"

"Put you back in the ocean?"

The merman nodded.

The teen looked at him, then walked over to him, picked him up, then carried him over to the water, and put him down gently. "That you" the merman said. "Was swimming around, saw this place, got a little to curious... and well this happened."

"So... you said you're a human right? I don't think I know what that is"

"W-well... I am..."

The Merman looked at him. "Oh ok... uh... you want to come in the ocean with me?"

The Teen shook his head. "I-I can't... I can't breath water-"

"You can't? Oh..." The Merman curled up his tale, and sat on the bank of the island. The Teen walked over to him and sat down. "I think I was in a ship wreak... i.. don't remember much"

"Ship?" The Merman asked.

"Yeah..." The teen said. "It's this thing that can float on water"

"Wow..." the Merman looked interested. "So... I guess you're stranded here?" He asked. The Teen nodded. "I don't know how I'll survive this..."

"I was all alone once"

"You where?" The Teen asked. The merman nodded. "Yes. I was alone for days. At least I had fish to ea- wait... you eat don't you?"

The Teen nodded.

"That means you might be hungry" The merman jumped and dove into the ocean. The Teen must sat there, looking at the merman swimming farther into the water. "Where... is he going?"

In about two minutes, the Merman came back with a fish in his mouth. He gave it to the teen. "Here, you can eat this so you won't be hungry" he said with a smile.

"I-I... can't eat it raw.." The Teen said. "Raw? What's that-?"

"I'll need to cook it" The Teen said looking around. He was hoping that some sticks and twigs would be near by. "Cook?" The Merman asked tilting his head. The Teen nodded. He got up to go look for sticks. "Hey... you have a name right?"

The Merman nodded. "Yes I do. I'm Adrian Van Oceanum The IV King of the seven seas"

The Teen gasped. "You're a KING?!"

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