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I was at my friend's house, we where watching some TV together. At one point, I looked over at him, as a small a small little bump poking trough his shirt. I didn't know what it was, but then I figured it out. He had an outie belly button. I've been friends with him for a very long time, and I didn't know at all. I always loved belly buttons, and wanted to see his, but I never worked up the courage to actually ask him. But outies are my all time favorite belly buttons.... and.. now I really wanted to see it.

But seeing that outie of his poking trough his shirt... was kinda making me excited, and I crossed my legs to hide my excitement.

He looked over at me. He looked down at my crossed legs. "Did something turn you on?"

I quickly looked over at him, with my face getting red. "W-what? What.. makes you think that?"

"Cause anytime you get a boner... you do that-" He said.

'Well... I can't help it... your too hot...' I said to myself.

I just shrugged at him. Then, I heard him giggle. "I mean... I know I'm cute, but damn." He said.

My eyes, drifted at down, back to his outie.

I heard my friend giggle. "Stop looking at my dick-" He playfully said. "W-what? I-im not!"

"Then what are you looking at?" He asked confused. My face went red, as I looked back at his outie. He looked down. "What is it- oh!" He said with his face getting red. Then he quickly blocked it, by covering his outie with his hands.

"Well... that's embarrassing...man.. I hate my outie"

"What? W-why you hate it?"

"Because it's weird- I hate it?"

"I don't think it is-"

My friend lifted his shirt, showing me his outie. "Yes it is-"

He put his finger on it, then soflty pulled at it, and pulled it out. "See? It's stretchy."

When he did that... my face probably exploded. That was too much for me. That looked so hot. "Why do you look like that?" He asked, as he continued to spin his finger around his bellybutton.

"Wait..." He said. "That's...not what's been making you turned on is it?" He asked.

My face went red with embarrassment. But, I told him. "Yes... I.. um I like bellybutton. Outies mostly..."

"You have belly button fetish? But... look how disgusting my outie is..." He said as he stretched it out, making me feel so many ways.

"It's not disgusting...it's....actually really hot"

He tilted his head. "You're a weirdo" He giggled. I blushed more. "I'm sorry-" I said. "What you're sorry for? We all like different things...here.. I'll... um.. let you poke it."

"H-huh? Y-you would?"

My friend giggled. "Sure..."

I smiled, then reached over to him, and rubbed my fingers on his bellybutton. My face was burning during all of that. I softly pinched my finger on it, and pulled it out, and started to play with the exposed outie. I pushed it back in, and it fell right back into place. "Woah... this... is really cute-" I said.

"You definitely are really weird." My friend giggled.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now