Author's Note #1

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Ok, let me just say this-

I definitely wasn't expecting this book to even get this many views and/or votes. Thanks so much for all of that (this is literally my most viewed work here, seriously)

I only started doing this, to let off some steam with my fetish. If you read them (I mean you must read at least 1 if you reached this far) You will see that this fetish isn't extreme as most fetishes that are well known. This is what the majority of body part fetishes consists of for most people. Especially when it falls over to the tickle side of things. At certain points it doesn't even feel like a fetish anymore, and just something that makes you feel happy without sexual feelings.

Thanks for reading, it's ment a lot. A thank you for not kink shaming my ass down to the ground. I had occasional assholes to do shit, like one account added my story thier reading list called "WTF is this," All that reading list consisted off was books that were about tickling, and not one single book that was actually problematic.

I sent them a dm about it, and said "Hey, if you don't like my story, you could of just left and not say anything. And that goes for the other stories you added,"

Idk what they did after that. Call me sensitive or whatever, but getting kink shamed is not fun. Especially when you know the fetish what you have literally does no harm to you or anybody whatsoever.

Anyways, thank you all for reading. I obviously plan to write more, when I get the chance. It's been hard to write these days, that's why it's been slow, not only with this one shot book, but also my other stories.

If you can, please take some time to read my other books. They have the same cute bellybutton/tickle moments as in this story, and thier all have cute lgbtq moments, with more story sprinked in, depending on what it's about. I already teased some here, like the Kingdom Hearts Dimension Series, and my story Powerful.

Happy reading ^^

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now