Honey (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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Sora walked into the usual spot, and saw only Roxas inside. "Hey Rox, have you seen Mark?"

Roxas looked over at Sora confused. "Well, this is new. Usually, it's always Mark coming in here asking for you."

Sora only just shook his head and let out a small chuckle. "I know, I know. But, he told me he was going to met me somewhere, but I don't think his next message went through. I keep telling him to go to Jiminy to get a Gummi phone but he never listens-"

Roxas got up from the couch. "Well, he did come here, telling me he was going to a world here. He didn't say which though, he just said something about trying honey..." He said. Sora tilted his head. "Honey? What... would be so special about honey? There's honey in his world I think." Sora said. He was confused. Why would Mark want to try honey in Sora's side of these two dimensions?

"You don't think he probably went to The Hundred Acre Woods?" Roxas asked.

'Of course!' Sora thouht.

"You're probably right! Thanks Roxas!" Sora said as he ran back out the Usual Spot.


When Sora was heading to the Usual Spot, he spotted Merlin sitting at a table outside the Bistro, sipping on some tea. 'I hope he's still there' Sora thought, as he ran trough the afternoon streets of Twilight Town. He ran right into the Tram Common, and saw the Bistro. At still sitting at a table, alone, was Merlin.

"MERLIN!" Soa yelled, a little to loud, scaring Merlin.

"Good heavens!" Merlin yelled, getting startled, nearly spilling his tea. He looked up, and saw Sora, now walking, towards him. He adjusted his pointy hat. "Oh, it's only you Sora."

"Sorry about that Merlin-" Sora said when he saw that he had startled the old wizard.

"It's quite alright Sora. So, are you here for Mark? He had went to the Hundred Acre Woods, for some honey" Merlin said. "If... Pooh is even willing to share any-"

Sora nodded. "Yes, I figured that out"

"May I?" Sora asked, looking at the book that was on the table.

Merlin nodded, then he got the book, 'Winnie The Pooh' flipped it open, then held it infront of him. Sora summoned his keyblade, aimed it at the book. "Thanks Merlin"

A bright light flashed, and Sora got sucked into Pooh's world.


Sora appeard on a page of the book, on a path. He looked infront of him, and saw the path lead directly to Pooh's home. But Mark was no where to be seen at the moment. Sora assumed Mark was probably with Pooh Bear in the house, so he walked up to the home. He walked right up to the door, that had "Mr. Sanders" above it. Sora looked at the bell that was beside the door, and ringed it.

"Pooh? You're home?" Sora called out.

Sora could hear a whole bunch of stuff like pots and pans falling.

"Pooh?!" Sora yelled out. Sora didn't hear anything, so he let himself inside of Pooh's home, only to see that the shelf of all the honey pots had broken, and all the empty pots came tumbling down and slammed ontop of the poor stuffed bear.

"Bother-" Pooh said in an over it voice, as he was lying on the ground with all the pots all over the place, and on him. Sora just shook his head. "Oh, Pooh" He said as he went to help him.

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