"I wonder how's dad?"

"How's mum?How's Chase?"

"What about Logan? And not forgetting my girlfriends?"

I asked myself aloud, laying on my bed with a stomach stuffed with blueberry pancakes.

Well I would be lying if I didn't admit how delicious those were..

As the boring silence surrounded the four corners of the room, I repeatedly asked these questions rhetorically, hoping to pass the snail moving time.

I huffed and paced about the room, hair cascading down to my lower back. Just out of curiosity and boredom, I grabbed the door knob and turned it.



My jaw hung open in extreme shock and bewilderment as I stood motionless in front of the open door. Peeping towards both hallways, both ways appeared clear. Nor was there any sound. Not one sound.

Upon entering the lounge, questions popped into my mind.

What if it's a trap!? What if he's watching right now? What if he's testing if he can trust you? What if he gets too irritated by you and decides to dispose you!?

Frozen in place, breath held in my throat, contemplating what should be the next step. I successfully made it to the door and instantly noticed the door lock containing a pin code.

Was that there before?

I bit my lip in frustration, roughly grabbed the door knob and yanked it open. To my surprise, it willing extended wide revealing the foreign land before me. I glanced down to see a shoe stuck between to prevent the door from locking.

Huh.... why did he leave a shoe here?

Where am I?

I stepped onto the wooden porch, eyes both admiring and scanning the area. Dense forest, beyond the pines is the tranquil lake and then there is the gravel trail leading out to freedom.

Cautiously glancing around the area, I quietly walked on the gravel path. I winched in pain as sharp stones poked and pierced my bare feet.

I hadn't taken more than five steps when a mini van drove through the driveway and stopped a few meters away from me.

I instinctively moved backwards but stopped when I realized it wasn't Brian. It was someone else.

A man.

A delivery man.

He appeared to be in his late thirties, square faced, with beady eyes, medium build and clad in his company's uniform. He beamed brightly upon laying eyes on me, carrying a box in his hands whilst striding towards me.

Glued in place and pale as snow I stared at my ticket out of here.

"Hello ma'am. Are you-"

"Please you have to help me! I've been kidnapped! Please! Get me out of here!" I cried and quickly blurted out the words. He halted upon hearing my words. He stood just a meter away from me.

"Um.... are you serious....wait... are you the girl who had been missing two weeks ago?" He asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Yes! Yes! I'm Yolanda! Yolanda Woods! Please help me!" I pleaded frantically as I neared him.

"Alright. Come with me. Quick!" He exclaimed, dropping the box on the gravel. He turned around to walk towards the vehicle but stopped and turned to face me, making me halt behind him as well.

"Where's your captor now?" He asked almost nervously.

Alarm bells rang in my head after processing his question. Even though freedom was so near, it seemed beyond my reach. I don't know why but I knew something wrong will occur. I shook off the thought before replying.

"I-I don't know. He's usually out most of the time-" I was cut short when my ears heard a swooping sound to my left. I glanced in that direction and saw Brian with his arms crossed across his chest, a sinister smirk on his lips. He appeared menacing dressed fully in black.

Something dropped to the ground, drawing my attention in front of me. Returning my eyes to my original position, I screamed in shock and fear.

The courage that once was had suddenly become extinct, as dread came into existence.

I fell backwards on the uneven gravel, ignoring the pricking to my backside. Tears cascaded like a waterfall down my cheeks as I stared at the delivery man who was on his knees. He fell flat on the ground when Brian casually walked over.

"Perfect aiming, huh? I took classes on how to do this as well as archery. Never thought it would come in handy" he spoke as if it were normal to kill someone. He seemed calm about it; well anything sinister in his eyes would be normal.

He removed the axe that had so perfectly crushed the delivery man's skull in half. More blood gushed out of the open wound. My eyes stared at the dreadful sight in horror.

H-he killed him! He killed an innocent man.

"I leave you alone for a while and you're already causing trouble. See! Now he's dead! And my axe is bloody" he remarked, his hands soaked in blood as he wiped the blood off the axe. His electrifying eyes landed on me as I finally stood up shakily. My knees grew weak by the minute by his piercing gaze.

With trembling legs, I ran back into the house, dreading his response. I heard him call out my name but I ran into my room. I bolted for the bathroom and locked the door.

My entire body trembled. Fear surged through my body as my breathing became ragged. I fell to the floor, hugged my knees and cried as the whole scene replayed in my mind.

He killed someone who tried to help me. It's all my fault.

I kept blaming myself for his death. He must have a family and because of my selfishness, he has lost that. I made a wife a widow and his kids fatherless. How can I escape? I was inches away from escaping this cage but it was snatched away from me.

I forgot the greatest bit about Brian, and now that my conscious is fully aware of it, I truly fear him.

All my courage vanished when the realization hit me so hard that he is capable of doing anything and everything if anyone or anything interferes with his business.

I forgot the mere fact that he killed people. That he hurt my loved ones. That he deceived me. That he gained and broke my trust. Reason for this? Me! Because of love? More like obsession! My adamant self forgot that he isn't my friend anymore but a stranger...

I forgot that behind the human mask lies the monster.....


Bula! Hello hello lovelies!!

Hope you're all well and safe...

I resumed school this week so this update was unfortunately delayed.

If you liked this chapter then do consider voting and commenting.

Take care & God bless....

Until the next chapter......


You Are MineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang