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~Yolanda's POV~

I groaned in irritation as I blinked the slumber away. I tried moving my hands to massage my throbbing head but couldn't.

Glancing at my hands, I then realized I was bound to a chair. I wriggled and struggled against the restraints in an attempt to free myself.

I wince in pain as the cable ties burned against my delicate skin.

Glancing around my current environment, I took notice that I was positioned in another room. The room was dimly lit by the only light bulb that hung right above my head, leaving me in the spotlight.

I have to get out of here....

The creaking of a door broke the ghostly silence in the room. With my gaze fixated on my lap, I didn't bother to look up, knowing too well it's my nightmare. As I tried blossoming an escape plan, I heard footsteps approach me and halt behind me.

He ran his fingers through my dark brown hair.

"You will not tie your hair when with me. Let your undulating waves loose" he started, removing the scrunchy that was fastened to my hair.

"Whatever...." I mumbled to myself in irritation.

"You said something?" He asked, moving in front of me.

I refused to speak to him after what he did. Instead I held a blank look, face directed downwards.

He crouched down to meet my level, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him in the process.

I glared at him as he gazed at me with an expression I couldn't decipher.

"I'm sorry, ok? I had to calm you done somehow..." he apologized, a look of disappoint on his face.

I remained silent, trying to shift my gaze to anywhere but him.

"Say something, Yolanda!" I jumped at his sudden outburst.

You want me to say something, Brian? Fine!

"What the heck am I supposed to say, Brian? Thank you? Thank you for calming me down? For kidnapping me? For tormenting me and hurting those I love?" I scoffed making him look down probably in guilt.

"You'll thank me later and I'll make sure of it" he spoke in a low, intimidating tone as he straightened his position.

That's when someone popped in my mind.

"What about Katie? Don't you realize you'll hurt her?" I croaked, saddened about Katie and how she'll take it.

"Katie?? Oh you mean Veronica?" As soon as he uttered that name, Katie entered into the room, fully dressed in black. A sly grin plastered on her face.

"Cupcake, meet Veronica García" Veronica smiled at me, smoothening her overcoat in the process.

"I'm so sorry Yolanda. I really am. Honestly speaking, this guy will take real good care of you. Give him a chance" she stated gleefully.

My blood boiled at her words.

"What is wrong is you!? You're just as crazy as he is!" I spat through gritted teeth. She raised her hand in the air, ready to strike my cheek but before she could act, Brian held her hand firmly, and warned her sternly. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what he said.

"Thanks for your help Veronica. The cash and passport is in the kitchen. You may see yourself out" Brian turned away from her and concluded quite plainly.

She huffed and threw a glare at me before leaving the room.

Bewilderment covered my mind once again and with Brian facing away from me, I thought maybe it would be ok to ask about Katie.. Veronica.

"Why are you giving-"

"Do you remember the day when I dropped you off at your place? When you had a flat tyre?" I slowly nodded, trying to form my own theories based on his question. He turned to face me before replying-

"When I was returning back, I saw Veronica. Running and stumbling down the sidewalk. I obviously offered her ride and learned that she was escaping the cops" I was stunned and slightly intrigued by his response. For some reason my attention was totally on him and his next words.

"Turns out she got involved in some drug gang and had been buying and selling the crap. When the cops raided their hideout, they confiscated her passport and whatever cash she had. She was really desperate because she had to go back to her boyfriend back in Mexico" he stated and grinned when he noticed how deeply engaged I was.

"So... I guess fate was on my side. She became my pawn quite easily. She didn't the cash. I provided. She didn't have a passport. I know people who could even get her a new identity. All she had to do was play along. Put on a facade just to get all suspicious eyes off me, just so I could get you" A irritated look masked my face as I gazed at him and his idiotic triumphant smile.

"You're crazy! Crazy I say!" I exclaimed loudly, infuriated with this whole situation.

"Duh... I'm crazy about you" he spoke huskily, sending a wink my way.

"Now.... since you're quite pissed at the moment.... I don't trust your pretty little mouth to keep silent" I was confused by his statement.

What do you mean?

Before I could utter something he swiftly sealed my mouth with duct tape. I gritted my teeth and made sure to display pure rage in my eyes. Brian, oblivious to my anger, walked somewhere into the room and returned a few minutes later, dragging a chair behind him.

I glared at him as he sat right in front of me, hands clasped. He leaned forward, while I instinctively backed away.

"Don't you remember me? Nothing at all?" He sounded hurt, his eyes searched mine for an answer.

My brows creased in perplexity.

Remember him? I just met him this year...

His eyes held much sadness as I sat there staring into his with confusion.

"You've always had a problem to forget the slightest of things. I remember you always misplaced some of your things and I would help you find them...." He trailed off as if he was picturing it all in his mind's eye.

I remained silent, daring not to tip him off.

Is he serious right now? How come I don't remember? Or is he just messing with me brain? But I do have a hard time remembering some stuff, only that which is unnecessary.

"You used to call me Brian lee. I don't know why but I found it quite cute...." His words struck a hidden part of my brain that caused a flood of memories to engulf my mind.

I used to call only one person 'Lee' ... and that was my...

No way. I can't believe it. Is it him? Brian Kingsley, my childhood buddy?


Hello strangers 😁😎

Hope you're well and safe.

Sorry for the late update. I know you've been anxious to know what happens next. This was written in a rush so point out my spelling and grammatical errors please 🙃🙃

Been preparing for something - it's one of the biggest decision in my life and I needed time to actually move towards it.

Hope you understand. Leave a comment and consider voting if you liked this stuff. If you didn't... no problemo 😃

Until the next chapter.....


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