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~Logan's POV~

Time: 8:15pm

That warm smile. Those gorgeous fiery eyes. That unique personality.

It was relatively warm here in Foxglove Cafe, though I assumed otherwise. I had never been here, mostly because it's farther away from my place and it's in the dead side of town.

Scrolling through the numerous photos we shared over the years, I couldn't help but shed a tear. As much as my blood boiled at the thought of her current condition, I also feared the worst. It pained me to get her back and never let her go. It ached me to keep her safe. A month had passed since her disappearance. A dreadful month.

Maybe that's why I'm here, at this Cafe, awaiting someone who might just know where Yolanda is. A stranger who knows me and secretly wants to help. I know I can't surely trust them, her, but what choice do I have? I could believe anything at this point even a lie which can be lethal.
Who is this stranger? Why does she want to help me? How does she know Brian?

I sipped on the creamy cappuccino as I waited patiently for the stranger in the slightly empty Cafe.

What if it was a prank call? No! She sounded genuine...
You never know you have been waiting for the past fifteen minutes.

I sighed in defeat and got up to leave.

"Hey wait!" A voice called out. I turned instantly, meeting a pair of hazel eyes.

I gave her a questioning look. She gestured for me to sit back down.

"So you're the caller?" I asked cautiously, eyeing her in suspicion.

She seemed paranoid since she kept scanning the area and biting her nails.

"Yes... name's Natalie. Call me Nat if you like...." she spoke in a low tone while simultaneously pulling her hoodie up.

"Well... Natalie... how do you know me? How and what do you know about Yolanda!?" I asked almost impatiently as she kept behaving paranoid.

With my patience wearing thin and annoyance growing by the minute by her lack of attention, I stood up to leave.

"Wait! I- I overheard them talking about her.." I halted in my tracks and turned briefly to face her. She appeared slightly  nervous.

"Who?" I questioned calmly this time.

"I'll explain everything but I need you to sit back down, please" I did as she asked while simultaneously crossing my arms across my chest, awaiting her response.

"Two weeks ago, a guy, quite dashing if I might say, came over to meet my boss. The guy whom you know as Brian came to pick up his package-"

"Package?" I questioned.

"Ketamine. You see, my boss, Cade, he's a dealer. A drug dealer. I got involved in drugs myself and I couldn't pay up so he hired me instead. Anyways, Brian and Cade have been friends for a while now and apparently he funds our illegal... venture" She paused midway when the waitress walked over to take our order. She quickly waved the waitress away as I sat processing this information.

"Look, I'm very observant. Brian never bought anything. He only funded our dealings at times so I was quite perplexed when he arrived two weeks ago to purchase ketamine. Even my boss was curious so he asked him and according to Brian, 'its a sedative to build his destiny'. I didn't understand his statement at first until my boss requested a delivery guy, yesterday, to deliver a package, which was kind of suspicious because we do face to face deliveries not via courier. When I asked my boss he said it's risky both for us to deliver at this time as well as for Brian" she scratched her hair nervously before continuing.

"I took the chance to check the package details myself and my gut feeling was correct, the package didn't have drugs but a device. Some type of monitor or something. I was even more confused upon viewing the address which was outside of town and we don't even deliver outside of town...."

"Ok so let's settle some things first. How do you know the Brian you know is the same as the Brian I know? And how do you know me?" I asked, more curious to know her view of Brian.

"Let me see, tall. Blue eyes. Great build. Dirty blonde hair....?" she said plainly almost non chalantly.

"As for you, everyone knows you're Yolanda's boyfriend... so yeah.."

I raised a brow at her response before proceeding.

"Ok... how do you know Yolanda is with Brian?" I asked once more for precautionary means.

"Because right after the delivery guy left, my boss got a call and it just so happened to be Brian-"

"So you-"

"Yes I eavesdropped their conversation so what? It's coming in handy now isn't it? Will you let me finish please?" I raised my hands in defeat and zipped my lips shut.

"Brian called concerning the package and my boss uttered something that made my breath hitch. Like literally cause I heard of the missing girl and it just so happened that my boss asks  Brian and I quote 'thats for Yolanda right?'. My mind glued  all these pieces together until I came to the conclusion to tell someone and here I am telling you..."

"You said the package was delivered yesterday?" I asked, piecing each information at a time.

"Yeah but since it's outside of town, mostly probably the package was delivered today..." I nodded at her response.

"Why not go to the police instead?" I glanced at my wristwatch, the time reading sharp 9pm.

"Because genius I'm a dealer and they'd totally believe me" she scoffed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Look I don't have much time before they discover I'm gone. Here's the address" she hastily handed my a scrunched paper before standing up to leave.

"Wait! Why are you helping me?" I stood up as well to meet her level. She turned around to meet my eyes with a look of sympathy.

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping Yolanda. She helped me out when money was tight for me even though she was aware of what I do.  I guess there's no better way to repay her than this..." she trailed off deep in thought before  progressing towards the door.

"Nat?" I called to her as she halted by the door.

"Thank you" I smiled though she faces away from me.

"Don't mention it and I mean it. Oh and Logan?" She turned again to meet my eyes.


"Go get Yolanda back before it's too late" with that being said she disappeared into the darkness of the night.


I'm back 😎

Haiiiiiii!!!!!! How is everyone? Hope you're well.

Oh my gosh.. how long has it been? A month? Or two? I'm so sorry guys. I resumed school and it was quite hectic. Plus, I had finals to prepare for so i apologize for the long wait. Now I'm on a break and will utilize my time finishing this book.

I will update frequently now.. no excuses this time and I hope to not procrastinate 😃😂

Hope you liked the chapter. Vote for this chapter or else no updates 😒😑😑😑
Jokes... it's your choice buddies..  

Take care & God bless.....


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