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~Yolanda's POV~




The chilly morning breeze made me shiver profusely. I'm still astonished by the fact that I actually fell asleep despite my situation. After much futile struggle, I kept pondering on all the information Brian set before me last night. I guess the deep contemplating and emotional stress resulted in slumber to take me into it's arms. The restraints had bruised my delicate skin, leaving red, raw marks around my wrist. My entire body ached from sleeping through the whole night seated on a freaking chair! My backside hurt the most, tired of sitting for hours uncomfortably.
The duct tape on my mouth felt as if it was now permanently sealed to my lips.

Hopefully Brian removes it gently. If not, I think my lips will peel out with the tape.

The hoodie I wore failed to provide warmth to my body, the cool breeze from the ajar window sweeped waves of goose pimples over me. The hopeful rising sun cast rosy hues across the morning sky. I smiled as my eyes embraced the iris of fire so divine in its pure light.

Breathing in the fresh, piney air, I barely heard the door creak open.

"Morning Cupcake!" My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I gazed at him wearily.

He's smiling!? Son of a gun...

As much as I desired to throw a tantrum and avert my gaze away from him, I knew better than to get him upset... again. All I wanted to do now was to stand and get off this chair.

Be calm now. Be aggressive later, when the opportunity is in your hands.

I smiled at the thought as he approached me.

"Seems like you've calmed down. Why don't you freshen up while I prepare breakfast and then I can give a tour of the house?" He stated with a beam, carefully peeling of the duct tape off my lips.

I fought the urge to slap the cocky smile off his face as his fingers traced my mouth.

"I'm sorry Cupcake. You know I had to..." I stared at him, scrutinizing his words in my mind.

Once he snipped the cable ties, I cautiously touched the bruise and winced. He halted upon hearing me and moved to gently grab my hand, planting soft, wet kisses on the bruise.

Get your filthy lips off my wrist!

Blood boiled within me as I endured the sickening feel. My conscience kept urging me to punch him in the face and run but who am I kidding? The guy's cunning and powerful. Even if I did knock him out, how would I get out? Based on former experience of escaping him, he recovers quite quickly, giving me limited time to get the heck out of here. Here. Where is this here? Where am I anyway!?

"Pondering on an escape plan?" My breath hitched as I was torn away from my thoughts.

"N-no... j-just wondering w-where w-we are?" I asked in a shaky and hoarse voice.

Was that me? Why do I sound like that?

The consequence of endless screams and pleads of last night; mental fatigue and a dry, sore throat. Totally oblivious that my backside and legs were numb, I stumbled forward only to be caught in Brian's arms.

No! Don't touch me!

"Thank you" I stated bluntly as he helped me stand upright.

Yeah... thank you so much but I'd rather fall.

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