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~Yolanda's POV ~

Not a single drop of rain fell to the ground this whole week, but today, out of all days, it is!

Thunder boomed across the sky as I kept pacing towards the wine cellar.

I need to hide until my folks realize I'm missing.

The heavy rain fully saturated my body. I felt as if my lungs could burst any moment as my chest ached in pain. The need to stop and breathe felt easy to do but impossible to perform.

I didn't dare look behind me, fearing the worst. I didn't know where he was but I hoped he was distant from me.

I grabbed the door knob and twisted it.


I stumbled into the dark room and locked the door behind me hastily. The dense and frightening darkness engulfed me. I jumped when I heard the door knob rattle fiercely.

"No door is going to separate me from you...." he said in a intimidating tone.

I backed away as far as I could from the door. I tried recalling the structure of this cellar.

Five.. no six. Yeah, six racks and tons of barrels. Where to go?

I wandered around in the dark until I stubbed my toe which assume is a barrel.

I hissed at the sharp pain but it quickly vanished when I heard the door burst open. I shook in fear knowing that he's inside.

His footsteps echoed against the floor as I quietly moved away, feeling my way around the place.
My feet ached in these wedges so I hid behind a couple barrels and listened.

Deadly silent.

The thought of how he could see me in the dark still bothers me.

What if he can see me now? What if he has night vision goggles?

I bit my lip in dread at the terrifying possibilities as I removed the wedges from my sore feet.

I need a foot massage.

"Two minutes to go. You're doing great cupcake! But I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to you" his husky voice echoed throughout the cellar, making me gasp in shock.

Suddenly, the room wasn't dark anymore. It was dimly lit, creating an even more eerie atmosphere.

I've never been so happy to see light. Now they'll realize something's wrong.

The good news is I can finally see where I am. The bad news is I'm unsure where he is.

I switched my gaze to the back of the cellar.

There's an exit somewhere....

My eyes caught sight of freedom, some five meters away, towards the west of my position.

"Huh... guess I won't need these" I heard him drop something on the floor as he chuckled darkly.

"I didn't expect them to get the power running anytime soon. Oh well, twenty seconds left!" He said giddily.

I peeked from behind the barrels, trying to catch at least a glimpse of him.
Where is he?

"20.... 19....18....17....16....15...." I heard his sinister voice count down as my mind raced to think of a course of action.

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