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~Tirzah's POV~

There's a aphorism that states that to every problem there's a most simple solution.

Indeed it is encouraging but so far it has proven futile to me. The frightful night vanished agonisingly slow but soon enough the dawning sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. After what occurred last night, sleep seemed like a peculiar thing to me.

I sat there in my room processing everything that occurred, pondering how to take evasive action.

Did I ever expect my boyfriend to be bound and bruised by a nut job?

Did I expect that I'd actually kiss the guy who has kept Logan and I captive?
Definitely not!

Did I expect learning the mere fact that I can potentially be held against my will for the rest of my life on an island with or without Logan getting killed?
Never in a million years!

Did I plan on escaping with my boyfriend without alerting my psychotic kidnapper?

Question is how am I going to escape?
What's the probability that my attempt will fail? I don't want to spend my life on an island, away from civilization and family, let alone with Brian.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door creaked open, revealing none other than Brian. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face, his arms held behind his back.

"Morning gorgeous..."

My stomach twisted within me upon hearing that.

Can I stop this love pretence!? Remain calm. Breathe. You can do this....

"Morning" I deliver a fake smile.

He flashed a smile back.

"So... um... I've got something for you" he stood in front of me, holding out a box in his hands. I hesitantly took the box and inspected it.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Oh it's a little something. Open it" he beamed brightly, eyes ushering me to open the box.

The box contained a dress. My brows knit together in confusion.

Why a dress?

"I was thinking, since its our last night here, why not make the most of it with something special?" It's as if he read my very mind before answering.

"Something special?" I questioned again.

What's he planning?

"It's a surprise. Just know it's something special. Don't think too much about it. All you have to do is be ready in that" he pointed at the dress before confidently striding out the door.

"Oh and be ready by 6:30pm. Love ya.." he said, grinning from ear to ear whilst closing the door behind him, leaving my with a ton of questions.

I did exactly what he wanted me to do.
I lazed around for the most bit but eventually, for Logan's sake that is, I had to clean up to impress. After applying make up, I smothered the dress I wore.

I sighed in frustration, hoping this night ended quickly but then again, once this night ends, the beginning of horrors will uncover.

What am I going to do!?

After styling my hair in a braided low bun, I slipped on a pair of black leather ankle high boots and hurried over to check the door. I didn't expect it to be unlocked nor to find the house empty. No sign of Brian at all.

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