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《I sense you all are getting tired of Yolanda's POV's so here's a change》

~Detective James POV~

I rubbed my tired eyes.

I can hear my bed calling me.

There's something about this case that gives a rush of adrenaline.
I glanced at the list of names that Yolanda gave me. I had already interrogated Caleb, Lily, Blake, Sandra, Logan and am currently awaiting the other three.
Katie, Brian and Bryce.

I sipped the few remaining drops of coffee in my mug when the door opened, revealing Brian and Katie.

Right on time.

"Well hello you two. Um.. Brian could you wait outside. It won't be long. I need to ask-"

"It's alright. I can wait" with that Brian left, leaving me with Katie who beamed at me.

"Alright Katie. First things first, can you tell me where were you when everything went down? Or more like when the lights went out?" I questioned, keeping my senses sharp to observe her body language. Her eyes met mine before she spoke.

Thats a good sign.

"Well, Mrs. Woods asked Brian and I to help her out with the dessert. We were in the kitchen when the lights went out. We decided to head out the kitchen to find out what was going on. I went on ahead with Mrs. Woods to find flashlights and that's it. The lights came back when we met up with Lily and the rest of the girls in Yolanda's room" I listened intently to her every word. All the while reading her eyes.

She's not nervous. No stuttering. No hesitations. Her words are confirmed by Mrs. Woods herself who humbly informed me of her whereabouts.
Only one detail lacked...

"So if you were with Mrs. Woods.. where was Brian?" I inched forward, asking her in a intimidating tone.

She appeared alarmed at first but soon recovered back to her confident smile.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that. He got a call from his friend, Neil, so we left him outside the kitchen" she inched forward, and spoke in a low tone-
"Don't tell Brian I told you but Neil's been having problems and  Brian's basically family to him. So..." she trailed off, as I  absorbed the information she relayed.

"What kind of problems?" I asked. She hesitated at first before speaking in a low tone again.

"He's..... he's recovering from depression. I'm not sure what they talked about cause Brian won't tell me..." she trailed off.

"Alright. Thank you Katie, you may leave now. Oh and send Brian in please" I said politely as she stood up and left the room.

"Hey Dectective. Should I close the door?" Brian asked as he stood in front of the door.
"Hey Brian. Yes please" I answered his question while simultaneously sending Quinn a quick "I'm busy" message. He'd know I'm interrogating.

"Alright then. I won't take much of your time. So, can you inform me of your whereabouts when everything went wrong?" I asked him the same question I asked the others.

He gave a similar response to his girlfriend's, though he didn't mention about this 'Neil'.

"So if Katie and Mrs. Woods left, where were you?" He appeared calm though I could see a glimpse of nervousness and hesitation.

"I... I got a call from my friend..." he stated after five minutes.

"May I know who's this 'friend' and why did he/she call you?" I futher questioned.

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