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Carefully parking the car to avoid knocking off the flower pots, they grabbed the bags as I opened the door to let them in. They got inside as I closed the door behind me. I turned around and saw...


Tirzah's POV

Max, my dog, a golden retriever, my other adorable companion laying on the floor, his eyes glued on me, waiting to be cuddled.

I immediately got on my knees and opened my arms for him to receive my hug. He came over in a flash, licking my face playfully.

"Max, come on, stop buddy!" I giggled at the feeling of drool all over my face.

"Oh, I missed you too!" I said while cupping his face. I didn't notice my girlfriends also joined in cuddling and patting Max. He loved attention.

Getting off the floor I went to wash my hands and face covered in saliva.

I came back to the living room, the girls still admiring him.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat, catching their attention.

"Max! Come on time for your lunch!" He excitedly ran past them and followed me to the kitchen.

After refilling his water and food bowl, I headed upstairs to my room; they were already showing each other what they bought. I stood by the door silently, looking at their excitement.

"So... " I said catching their attention, "I guess you shouldn't waste any time seeing you have to inflate your air beds" I smirked.

"Um... you know you have to inflate yours too?" Blake asked waiting for a response.

"Yeah, you're not sleeping on your bed, we all taking the floor " Lily said almost annoyed.

"I know! I'm not sleeping on the bed. I'm obviously joining you guys and BTW my bed is already inflated " I said crossing my arms over my chest.

They all stared at me expectantly as if they wanted me to continue, and that I was hiding something.

I pointed towards the inflated navy air bed across the room.

"I might've gotten some help inflating it" I said almost like a child admitting that they stole candy.

"Let me guess... Logan?" They all replied at the same time.

They sighed and got to work immediately using the hand pumps to boost the air beds.

I laid on the mattress and checked my phone. Two new messages.

[Logan:] Hey babe! I miss ya. 😢. Sorry for scaring ya. If you need anything then call, ok?

I smiled then read the next text.

[Logan:] I think its time for my daily dose of happiness. ASAP😉😙.

My cheeks flushed red again. He always does this to me. We started off as simple friends in our fresh man years but later on he asked me out and I obviously agreed. Logan and I have been dating since our early Somophore year, so we've been "a thing" for almost two years now and counting. I might sound cliché but I love him, very much and so does he.

My phone vibrated again; another message from my man.

[Logan:] So can I come over?? 😓

I thought about it for a while before replying.

[Me:] Sure. But you know the girls will kick you out, right? It's ok babe. I think you can survive two days without me😋

He replied almost instantly.

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