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~Yolanda's POV~

I had to touch my eyes to check if they were really open because all I saw was darkness.

I shivered as I felt something cold touch my neck. Suddenly, various candles were lit making me glance around in confusion.

What is this?

I sat up and massaged my aching head. Something cold touched my chin and tilted my head to face him. He had a black hoodie on but I knew he was smirking.

"Didn't I tell you? You are mine. Mine! Mine! Mine!" He exclaimed loudly as the thing under my chin pierced my skin.

Tiny trickles of blood flowed down my neck, while I stared at his figure in complete terror.
He drew the thing away from my neck and traced it with his fingers.

A knife.

"I'll always find you. No matter what.... I love you, cupcake" his words made me tremble and pale.

Without hesitation, he drew the knife back and aimed to stab my heart. The pain was unbearable and intense. I tried to scream in agony, only to choke on my own blood. Before I knew it my breathing halted and my eyes fluttered shut.

~Back To Reality~

I screamed out in horror, my eyes shot open then shut after being exposed to the luminous light.

I blinked a couple times in order to adjust to the bright lighting.

Where am I? 

That first question made my eyes scan the room.

Lighting ? Too radiant for the human eyes. The smell? The reeking odor of  Sanitizers, disinfectant and medicine?The room? Extra white and clean... if only that were my room's state.

I took the opportunity to examine myself. I was dressed in a loose baby blue gown, reaching below my knees. A few bandages covered my arms and legs, as well as a drip, attached to my arm.

How did I even get here? Why am I here? 

My head felt fuzzy while my body ached all over. I vividly remember what happened before- 

That's when all of last night's incidents rushed into my mind making my stomach churn. I escaped him? How? I thought I was unconscious... he had the perfect opportunity...

I guess fate was on my side. My God saved me again. I mentally thanked the Lord for His deliverance.

"Chase, get the doctor" I heard my mum command Chase as he hastily left the room.

"Are you ok baby?" My mother cooed, cupping my cheeks.
She appeared devastated and tired. Her sweet eyes were red and puffy. Tear stains clamped onto her cheeks.

My throat felt parched and sore.
Susan seemed to sense my plea for a drink so she brought the untouched glass of water to my droughty lips.

I gulped it greedily, taking no notice of the brunette standing beside me. She had an average build, with a mild face, wearing spectacles to conceal her brown orbs.

She gave a pleasant smile before introducing herself-

"Well it's good to see you're awake, Yolanda. How are you feeling?" She asked, while adjusting her spectacles.

Um.. let's see... I feel great actually! Despite the fact that I was chased, drugged and almost kidnapped by my stalker... I'm truly great! No problem here. I'm just terribly horrified and  petrified.

"I'm fine... just a little sore" I ignored the sarcastic remarks forming in my head. She was saying something to my mother but I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to concentrate. She checked my vitals and the next thing she said caught my attention.

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