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~Yolanda's POV~

"Good news is that she's stable. She was only strangled to unconscious. They'll be soreness around her neck for a while but-"

I blocked the rest of the doctor's words as I kept trying to convince myself that this actually occurred. My best friend! In hospital? Why? Kill me you creep! Kill me instead. Just stop hurting those I love...

Wait.. what did Blake want to tell me so desperately?

My heart cried inside me as a searing headache made it's way again. I hadn't realized stray tears were escaping my eye sockets. 

"Yolanda? Can we talk to you?" I glanced at Dectective Quinn who had a perturbed expression on.

I nodded and silently followed behind him as we entered dad's room.

Dectective James stood by my mother and Logan, all eyes fixed on me.

I ignored their gaze and walked over to my dad. Taking his hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. I planted a kiss to his head and whispered-
"I'm sorry dad"

Their eyes were still on me, making me feel a little irritated. What's with the look?

"Are any of you going to tell me what's going on!?" I asked, my patience growing weary.

"Yolanda.. we love you and we want you to be safe. We'll be alright here but" my mother started but then paused to think of her next words.

"But??" I asked again, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What Mrs. Woods wants to say is our main priority is to keep you safe and we want you to stay in our safe house-"

"No!" I replied bluntly.

"You have to understand. This-"

"What don't I understand? I think it's clear enough! You want me to leave my family all in danger while I hide in safety? Never gonna happen!" I spat in a fit of rage. I don't even know why I'm so enraged. Probably because of the bubbly fear and messed up emotions.

"Yolanda! You are going. We aren't asking you, we're telling you" my mother interjected. She stood up and walked to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"We will have police supervision here but you need to go. Y-you have to. I-I  can't r-risk losing y-you too" she choked back her tears that were threatening to fall.

I pulled her into my arms as she silently sobbed into my shoulder.
"You're not going to lose me. I'll go, ok? I'm sorry. Please don't cry.  I just can't bear seeing anyone else getting hurt" I bit my lip to avoid shedding any tears. I have to be strong.

"I'll have my men stationed here as well as with your other friends. James will drop you off tomorrow morning" Detective Quinn concluded as we pulled away.

I nodded in agreement, knowing I don't have much of a choice.

"I'm going with her" Logan said quite firmly.

Quinn raised his brow before replying.


"I'm going and no ones going to stop me" Logan stood with a stern look on.

Quinn opened his mouth to utter something only to be interrupted by my mother.

"I firmly agree with Logan. He should stay with Yolanda. Knowing my daughter, she'd loose her remaining sanity all alone and I don't think you want her to make a wrong move that'll put her in danger, would you?" My jaw dropped from my mother's witty response.

"Also, since the car accident was meant for him, don't you think placing the both of them under the same roof will ensure their safety" with her head tilted downwards and her voice laced with false concern, I knew my mother was acting just to change Quinn's decision.

This lady.

"Fine. You can go but you cannot tell anyone of your location. No one at all" He sighed whilst rubbing his temples.

"Ok then... James will pick you up at sharp 10 tomorrow" Quinn stated before exiting the room.

I strode towards Logan and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Are you sure? As long as you're with me, you're in danger" instinctively my heart rate picked up and a knot formed at the pit of my stomach.

He cupped my face in his hands, orbs locked with mine.

"No matter what, I'll always be there by your side. Til death do us part" he engulfed me in his arms as I sobbed silently into his shoulder.

Please Lord let not death part us, not now.

~The Following Day~

Gazing at the dense pine forest and blooming fields, a pang of guilt bubbled at the pit of my stomach. Leaving my family and friends back at town made me feel so selfish. Logan had my hand clasped in his for the past hour or so, rubbing small circles soothingly. I can't bear to loose anyone anymore. I can't bear to loose him. I almost lost my father who always made me feel secure. I hate to think about losing Logan.

James drove us silently to our new home. Our safe haven.  A few words were passed at the start of the trip but now an eerie quietude took over. 

Laying my head on Logan's shoulder, I will myself to take a nap since the journey seems quite lengthy. No matter how hard I try to assume the positive outcomes, the negatives overpower. Desperately eager for a sense of security however deep down in my shaken gut, I know I'm way beyond that.

I know wherever I am, whomever I'm with, they're in grave danger. That's the main reason why I agreed. They think that I'll be safe but I highly doubt it. Safety is far beyond my reach anymore. Unknown, my stalker wants me. With everyone about me, he can't get to me, that's why he's retaliating. He has killed and hurt most of those I know. I can't risk being the cause for more. Wherever I am, he'll find me and I have to be ready to fight back. 

No matter the consequences.


Hola humans!!

I know, I know, I have to improve on my updating schedule. It's been yet another busy week. This month is very busy actually, lots of poems to be written for a number of people. However, Ill try my best not to let it get in the way of my updates.

If you liked the chapter ( which I highly doubt because there it was literally void of action/ suspense), do consider voting & commenting. If you didn't, I totally understand 🤣🤣 cause this chapter is way crappier than usual 😅😅

I know most of you are annoyed and filled with irritation due to the fact I haven't revealed our Unknown yet...  I said your patience will be rewarded, didn't I?

If I were to add titles to my chapters ( which I probably should do, maybe after completing this book), the next update which will have two parts, I'd place the title as "Manifestation". I think you might have an idea now on what will happen in the next double update 😏

Alright then. Take care y'all. God bless. 

Until the next chapter....

😜 byeeeee

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