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~ Brian's POV~

I told Yolanda I had to get something and for her to go on ahead.

After a ten minute search I finally found what I was looking for.....
Cheetos and Oreo.
What? I don't go shopping quite often and I'm literally craving for these..

I grabbed my heart's desire and looked for Yolanda. She was at the Frozen department. She looked pale and terrified.

My eyes shifted at the two tall forms on front of her. I couldn't see their face since their back faced me. One of them said something that I couldn't pick up but by the fear in her eyes I knew it wasn't something nice.

I made my way over to them quickly when I saw one of the guys get closer to her in an attempt to touch her.

"Hey!" I yelled at them , their eyes on me now.

"Leave her alone or you'll regret it " I said through clenched teeth, anger cooking inside me as one of the guys touched her arm.

They both gave me a evil smirk before pulling away from her and eyeing me with hate and anger. I stood confidently in front of them and gave them my death glare.

"Who's your new boyfriend? Where's your other boy, huh?You know I can always be yours since you're constantly change your boy's " he said darkly. His eyes held desire and perverted intentions.

They both broke out into laughter. Yolanda looked hurt , angry and shocked by those words. They literally referred her to a slut!! But how do they know about Logan? Now was not the time to think about that but to deal with these creeps!

I stood in front of her, shielding her with my body.

"We don't want any trouble, ok? I suggest you go on ahead or else...." I stated.

"Or else what?" The other guy with black hair smirked at me.
"Or else things will get ugly... and I don't think you want to break a bone or two do you?" I threatened, making sure to look darkly at them.

I grinned when they raised their hands in surrender obviously cause they feared me which is what I intended.

They walked away but not before commenting again, making me frustrated more.

"See around slut! I'm not finished with you..... yet." The blond sang out the words, chuckling and smirking at her before disappearing around the corner with his friend.

I turned sharply to see Yolanda stunned, and shaking from fear. She was looking down at her feet . I raised her chin gently and saw her tear stained cheeks. I wanted to ask who they were ? How do you know them ? but decided not to , not now at least.

I placed all the bags in the back seat and told her to stay put in the car as I ran back to the supermarket to get my wallet that I forgot at the cash out counter. Careless shit!

~Yolanda's POV ~

I sobbed quietly as all the events of that night replayed in my mind. I felt scared and lonely at this moment. I wanted to curl into a ball and let the earth open up to swallow me.

My glanced up and regretted it immediately as I saw Adam and his friends walking across the street. He didn't see me yet. He looked gloomy and upset definitely about today's events. I looked away and that's when Brian got in. I could see from the corner of my eye that he was staring at me maybe in wait for a explaination.

Should I tell him that I was victim of near rape? Should I? He's been with me the most and since he stood up for me I guess he deserves to know. I swallowed the lump in my throat and told him everything , looking at his face. From the party craze to the near downfall. I watched his face display sadness , astonishment and the one that stood out the most was..... anger.

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