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~Tirzah's POV~

I gazed in horror at the unbelievable sight before me. Brian stood over Logan, scrutinizing him with his eyes. I instinctively held my breath as his cold eyes landed on me.

My gaze kept shifting between Logan and Brian, as dread filled my heart. Brian stalked towards me as I simultaneously backed away until my back touched the rough bark of a pine tree.

"Glad you could join the party....." he placed his arms on either side of me, hindering my movement. His eyes turned a darker shade of icy blue as he  inched closer to my face. Despite the fear evident on my face, I cared less of what would befall me. My concern solely lied on Logan who was bleeding profusely.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Brian roared, causing me to jump.  He forced me to look at him and that's when I noticed the gun in his hand. We stared at each other intensely, each radiating different emotions. He scratched his head with his gun and smirked at me.

"It's good you're here. Very good indeed. You know why?" His smirk lingered on his lips, a glint of craze evident in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked, gulping the lump of fear whilst genuinely perplexed of what he devised this time.

"Well.... now you get to see your pathetic boyfriend die!" My eyes dilated at his words while he cackled as if he cracked the funniest joke. I knew that no pleading nor deals would change his mind. Not this time. His eyes said so. Those terrifyingly adamant eyes would do as purposed.

"You piece of--- I won't let you!" I yelled at him in a fit of rage.

He raised a brow maliciously before replying.
"Who said I'd kill him?"

"Then......." I froze and pondered on his words again. That's when it hit me. No... he couldn't possibly, right?

"N-no....." I said shakily, my whole being trembling before him. The prospect of doing it felt too profound to comprehend. I was speechless for the most part and he seemed to enjoy my state.

"Oh yes darling. You will kill him. Or else...." He turned, walked a couple steps ahead of me and stopped.

Or else...? 

"Or else...  I'll make you watch the amount of pain I'll inflict on him til he breathes his last" he turned swiftly to face me, with an evil grin on his lips.

How can he expect me to watch my boyfriend getting tortured? Doesn't he realize I'll hate him even more? How can I even kill Logan!?

I lowered my gaze as stray tears trinkled down my cheeks. I looked at him with pleading eyes but at that moment I knew Brian was gone. The sympathetic Brian died, replaced by a monster.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion when I looked up again. It's either time ticked quicker or my mind was too caught up to process the unforeseeable act.

Logan tackled Brian to the ground, the gun slipped from his fingers to the ground. Even though Logan was severely wounded, he fought him.

Just when Brian put me in a tight spot, Logan came to save the day....

Logan threw punches to Brian's face before dragging him further away from me. He was keeping Brian away from me. Why!? I'm totally fine, it's him who needs saving!
They struggled and fought powerfully, dangerously nearing the stream.

"Tirzah! Run! Get out of here!" Logan screamed, taking a hit causing him to fall face first to the ground.

Logan tried getting up but instead was  turned around by Brian. Compared to Brian, Logan was more beat up, considering the amount of blows he took unfairly yesterday.

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