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"Um.. hello? This isn't your backyard pool where you can just float around like a dead person. There are other people trying to swim and with you in the way, it doesn't really help now, does it?"


I opened my eyes, infuriated by this person and immediately met with pair of deep blue eyes. He was still looking at me and his eyes widened when we made eye contact as if he knew me or something but heck like I care!

"You know this is the sea right? There is lots of space to swim!" I said through clenched teeth.

Anger boiled inside of me. He kept looking at me wide eyed.

"Excuse me. Hello? You there? " I said waving my hand in front of his face.

"Um.... sorry. I- uh- I..... " before he could finish I swam back to shore, annoyed by him. Who does he think he is? I thought while putting on a white chiffon kimono cardigan over my bikini top and shorts.

Blake saw my frustration and asked what happened. I briefly explained it to her. She was about to reply when Sandra caught our attention .

"Guys I just got a text from my sister, she said there's a new guy in town!" She said sassily. I rolled my eyes in disinterest.

"Oh really? Does she know his name?" Blake asked curiously.

"No... no name but says he's hot! And he'll be attending our high school as a Senior " Sandra sang the last few words.

"OMG! I'll have to make friends with him!" Blake spoke sarcastically, also bored of the topic.

Lily wasn't that interested as well which was kind of weird cause she's dated lots of guys. Maybe because Caleb has really influenced her in some way she's not interested in other guys? Wow, what a change!

"He's not new apparently. According to Caleb he used to attend our high school.... two years ago, i think. He sounds mysterious to me. Might be interesting too" Lily stated rubbing her chin in thought.

Ok I take my words back. She's interested in other guys but I don't think she'll ditch Caleb? I think.....

"Wait.. how do you know that? You didn't bring your phone? How did Caleb tell you?" Sandra looked up from her phone and bombarded her with questions.
Lily gave a cheeky smile.

"He's here... I- ah- I kinda invited him!" Lily confessed looking away from us.

I simply sighed pushing away the need of scolding her. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this, I've got my own irritations to deal with.

Hours passed by and there I was reading a book and chewing on a cheese sandwich. Blake went swimming... again. Sandra started talking to a random guy( who looked younger then her ) and Lily, well she went to hang out with Caleb.

I miss home not my house where I currently reside but my home- where I grew up, where all my memories lie, where-

"Hey Tirz! Um.. where are the others?". He asked noticing I was alone.

I turned to see Caleb and in his arms was Lily. His brown eyes rich with admiration, obviously for Lily. Logan and Caleb are buddies since childhood. And yes Caleb also plays basketball yet he's like Logan- good at any sport. At '6 2", with a slim but well defined body, sharp and "can't -go-unoticed" looks, Caleb is a charmer.. literally. Even without saying anything a girl would be blown away just by his presence. Same goes with Logan... sadly. Why? I don't want another girl looking at my man.

"Hey Cab!" I greeted him happily ( he is the total opposite of Lily). Lily had left to call the girls while we sat there in silence.

"So.. how's it going?" I asked trying to make conversation.
He beamed at me.

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