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Yolanda's POV~

I stood frozen in place as I gazed upon the frail looking girl that lay on the bed. The once hyper individual was now laying in bed, appearing lifeless. Tears brimmed to the surface of eyes, eager to escape.

I can't believe she's here on a freaking hospital bed. That should've been me.

My gaze momentarily shifted on the woman seated next to Sandra, grasping her hand. Iva, Sandra's Mum, sat gazing at her only child through teary, swollen eyes. I guess she didn't notice my presence until I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her hazel eyes locked with my own and within seconds we pulled each other into a comforting embrace.

"She'll be alright Iva... I know it" i assured, contemplating whether I'm assuring her or myself.

"I'm so sacred. I-I.." she trailed off, sobbing into my shoulder.

Before I could utter another word, footsteps were heard behind me. I pulled away from her and watched as a tall, dark man strode into the room and stood next to Sandra, dressed in a snowy white coat. His smooth scalp shined under the light He appeared to be in his early thirties with a height of about six feet, a few inches taller than Logan. The name tag read Liam Dalton. He beamed at Iva and I.

"Will she be okay?" I ask anxiously as he looked at the clipboard in his hand.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine. She's a fighter. She's had a slight concussion but nothing to serious. She'll just have headaches and for that I'll prescribe ibuprofen" He paused, before continuing.
"There's a few bruised ribs but it'll heal naturally within three to six weeks and there is also some abrasions, which will be dressed in the..." he glanced at his silver Casio watch before answering.
" the next three hours. These were the minor casualties. Now for the major.." he started. I felt a pang of guilt and fear as I awaited the doctor's report.

Iva seemed rather calm but I knew she wasn't. Those eyes can't hide nothing.

"She's suffered a fratured pelvis, a frature to the right leg bone and torn knee ligaments. She was taken into surgery where I treated the pelvis. However, she might need physical therapy later on and loads of rest but let's not dwell on that too much. Once she's awake, we can go through the details on her healing process" He paused again before continuing.

"I had to perform a reconstructive knee surgery-"

"Reconstructive knee surgery?" Iva asked, tightening her grasp on my hand.

"Well, this procedure involves taking tendons from other parts of her leg and also from a cadaver to replace the torn ligaments" He informed.

"As for the right leg bone, not too damaging but enough to wrap a cast around her leg" he concluded.

I sighed in relief as he went on informing us about keeping her in the hospital for a couple months.

"I'll get a nurse here to dress her abrasions...if you need anything Mrs. Vans... you can ask the nurse or me" he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Its uncertain when she'll gain consciousness but it'll be soon.We'll take good care of her until then go get some rest and don't stress. I'll see you soon. Good day" he assured.

"Thank you doc" Iva managed to say. With that being said he walked out of the room. Silence filled the chilly room.

"I'm so sorry Sand... it's all my fault. I'm so sorry" I apologized as the guilt in me clashed with fear making me weep bitterly.

If only I listened, maybe this wouldn't happen. Maybe if I listened, Sand wouldn't be in this state.

I sighed deeply, contemplating on my thoughts.

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