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There's one thing I've noticed when reading books like mine.....

After the victim is kidnapped, most times the POV changes from the victim to somebody else. Honestly, it's quite annoying.... to me at least.

So.... I thought of letting you know (don't ask me why cause I have no idea). Let me know if you got annoyed as well😂😂😝

~Logan's POV~

"Yolanda! Where are you?" I called aloud to her. Desperately searching for her. I hoped that she was somewhere around here. Safe. Hiding. Afraid so I could comfort her. I felt more and more appalled when I saw the empty sheets, the clear signs of struggle.

I punched the nearby wall in pure rage. Smashing my fist into the wall the fifth time, a hand held my arm back. I jerked my hand away from whoever they were. Turning to face the person, Detective Quinn gazed at me with a concerned look on.

"Calm down Logan. This isn't the time to display your anger. No one would've thought-"

"Of course you didn't which is why we left everything behind and came here! Why? For her safety! Now s-she's gone..." my voice cracked as I fought back the tears that were threatening to escape.

Quinn was about to say something else but an officer beat him to it.

"We found Will!" He exclaimed breathlessly.

"Good he's got some answering to do" I followed behind Quinn who walked along side the Officer.

The Officer halted in his tracks, removing his hat and bowing his head in dejection. I knew something was wrong by his changed demeanor.

"What's wrong Kevin?" Quinn creased his brows.

"Will.. he's... gone" Quinn shook his head in disbelief. A moment of silence passed between us as we paid respect to the deceased Officer.

Following the Kevin outside the premises, towards the eerie forest. The slightly foggy aymosohere encircled us. Forensic investigators gathered around a police vehicle. The bright flood lights illuminated the sinister environment.

Quinn ducked below the barrier tape, walking towards the scene. Maintaining my position outside the barrier, I got a glimpse of the horrifying display.

Officer Will lay pale inside the vehicle. Eyes dilated in horror. Mouth left ajar, as if in need for air. His bloodied hand lay a little below his neck. A deep, long line across his neck. A thick layer of dried blood clinged to his uniform.

Deadly trinkles of plasma oozed out of his wound. Swiftly walking away from the scene, out into the open road.

Where are you Sugarplum?

The heart ache was unbearable. Feeling a sense of defeat and guilt. Guilt. Guilt is unlike any feeling. It tortures you from within. Strategically consuming you until you loose your sanity. It's a feeling that makes your heart heavier than an anchor. The guilt I felt for the inability to fulfill the promise I made to her. To be there for her. To protect her.

It's all my fault! If I hadn't left, he wouldn't have striked. She'd still be here, with me.

As I continued blaming myself for this, unaware of the firm hand on my shoulder.

Quinn ushered me towards his vehicle, hands clenched by his side. Once inside, he glanced at me from his rearview mirror.

"We're going to find this sick freak and make sure he'll never see the light of day" he seethed through clenched teeth, driving away.

We arrived at the hospital at little after 11pm. I was surprised to see Blake seated by Susan, who weeped uncontrollably. I hurried over to her, crouching to her level to meet her eyes.

"Susan? Wh-"

"She's gone, isn't she?" She croaked in between tears. I opened my mouth to reply but closed it, unable to respond as that guilt hit me again.

"I'm... s-sorry" that same iron guilt burdened my heart.

"We'll get her back. I assure you-"

"You'll get her corpse!?" She glanced at Quinn with puffy eyes.
Quinn was about to speak when James strode in unexpectedly.

"There was no sign of Bryce. Neighbours stated that he hasn't been seen for two days. He left without-" James strode in and stopped midway upon seeing the weeping Susan.

James lowered his head in embarrassment, probably mentally slapping himself for interrupting.

"Did you check on Brian?" I asked James. He shook his head in response.

"We sent officers there right now. Since you told us he went over to get her. Question is who is our John Doe?" James asked more rhetorically.

"What about Brian?" I moved to stand in front of him.

"Bryce is our suspect but after what Yolanda informed you, Brian is also added to the list. There's also a slight chance that it isn't Brian at all. Are you sure Yolanda didn't mention Bryce instead of Brian?" My brows knit together in annoyance.

"Ok just confirming" he raised his palms in defense.

"Considering the interview with Bryce... from the others he seemed the most nervous. Upon questioning, his entire manner changed. Remember he was the only one missing at the party. Why leave suddenly? Because of his grandma?" He further emphasized his point.

"He added that his 'grandma does not own a phone'. Doesn't that seem odd? I tried contacting his mother who's working in Japan but I couldn't reach her" James mocked Bryce's words only to pause to catch his breath.

He was about to speak when a audible gasp was heard in the room. Looking past Denzel, Yolanda's dad, Blake had her hand over her mouth. A glimmer of remembrance covered her pupils.

"What's wrong, Blake?" I asked, a sudden feeling of panic erupting in my stomach.

"It's h-him" she stuttered, trembling in fear. It's as if she recalled something.

"Who?" James asked, concern laced in his tone.

"It's B-Brian" she further stated with a shaky voice.

"How can you be so sure?" Quinn questioned, intrigued by her statement.

"You said you sent Officers to his house, right?" Her gaze fixed on James now.

James nodded in thought, possibly trying to figure out the reason for her question.

"T-There's..... h-he literally... has ga-llery w-walls of Yolanda" she stated, leaving the individuals in the room shocked, in denial and dreading the worst for the victim.


Who has a gallery wall? 😃😃

Hope you enjoyed getting annoyed 😁😁

I know you want to know what's happened to Yolanda... but that's in the next update 😋😋

Anyways.... if you liked this chapter then do vote & comment!!!!!

If you didn't like it, I don't have nothing to say to ya. To the silent readers! I'd really really really appreciate your votes.

Now jump onto the next chapter!!➡➡

I'm going to sleep... bye humans 😒😒😪

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