I sit down on the floor after grabbing a few baskets that still needed to be filled with whatever I had left that was in boxes. Most of it's clothes for when they're closer to a year old.

"Hey, feeling okay?"

I turn and look at Christian as he walks toward me, getting down next to me.

"Yeah, the chair got too hard."

He laughs, "And the floor is better?"

"Well, I'm sitting on a pillow, so yes."

"How many times are you go keep coming in here to organize?"

"As many times that I want just to pass time."

"Are you bored?"

"Very. I can't do much. Physically, I'm bounded the house because everything I need is here."

"I don't think you're bounded to the house."

"Sort of am. Everything I need is here. If I were to go somewhere, someone has to come with me because this baby could decide it wants to come while I'm shopping. So, I rather stay here and not chance it."

"That's fair. I'd rather you'd have someone with you 24/7."

"Makes more sense for me to just stay here."

"I understand. How big are they?"

"A melon who has run out of room and decides to push my lungs further into my chest than they need to be," I say with a moderate tone.

He moves behind me, "How's your back?"

"Hurts like hell." It's more my lower back than anything, which I'm sure is a good thing. I think that means that they're moving down into my pelvic floor, which I'm thankful for, but also, my back hurts any time of the day unless I have a heating pad on it.

There are a few pressure points on my back that we've been told to hold pressure on for a few minutes. It works for a while but then it just goes right back to how it was before.

"Excited for our appointment tomorrow?"

I shrug, "It's hard to be excited when I feel like she's going to tell us the same thing she's been telling us for the past two weeks." After I hit 36 weeks, we have to go in every week to make sure everything is looking okay.

Every time we go in she says something along the lines of, 'I don't think this baby is coming early. You're not dilated at all. And baby hasn't dropped.' It's so incredibly frustrating because I want nothing more than to hold my baby right now.

"Well, this baby has to come out sometime. It's going to be soon. I know you're frustrated."

"I'm just tired of being pregnant which I didn't think I'd ever admit to myself."

He lets me lean back on him, "I'm not just saying this either, but you're doing great."

I just nod, getting more comfortable against him as I look around the room. Hopefully, two more weeks or less and we'll be parents.

"Mom wants to know if you want any specific dinners so she can make them and then we'll have meals."

"You gotta give me time to think about that. Especially when I'm not tired."

It's like I can see the smile form on his face. "Let's go take a nap then."

I sit up out of his embrace as he gets up and stands in front of me, "You're going to take nap too?" I ask as he holds his hands out for me.

"Yeah. This pregnancy has me tired too."

"I don't think you get to say that," I say laughing but quickly regret laughing because my bladder is just stupid right now.

All Mine - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now