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Madameoiselle K's Guide to Magical Plants and Trees - what to pluck, what to avoid and when to run away screaming: The complete edition


Other Important terms Used in Affinity


Astajielian levitation plums

Astajielian plums are easily recognisabel outside og it's naive even here it bloomed in autumn and bore fruit in the spring. It seemed particularly insistent on doing it this way as it had never once been deterred by snow or winter. Rain thought it might have something to do with the garden, but he also knew this was one of the plants the Academy had managed to add to their collection so it was possible to cultivate outside its native lands.

Rain's plums were nicer than the ones from the academy though.

Rain stuffed the plum in his hand into the cage, quickly closing the little door so the other plums wouldn't escape.


Basilic arc-en-ciel pompeux

Literal meaning: Pompons Rainbow Basil. Colourful little plant in the basil family. Known for its colourful and district color pattern. Often used in potions against bad nerves and performance anxiety. It's not advised to eat too much of this herb as it can give you illusions of grandeur and fool you into thinking you can do everything, including flying if you only wear your underwear or juggling burning swords while dancing tango...and no you cannot do either, Phillipe! - Mademoiselle K, 'French Plants and Their Superiority', 1955


Very small and cute flower found all over South America. The flowers are small, fluffy, white, cloud-like things, that hide some rather pointy thorns. While the Bebberlep is lovely and innocent looking, however one should be careful as it's rather territorial and will fling thorns at you if they dislike you. The plant will love some and hate others. Like Philippe. It hated him. I love that little flower. - Mademoiselle K, p. 666, 'The flora of South America - Llamas, rainforest and why you should always check if your assistant is afraid of heights', 1976

Bellus brylluptius

Also known as the wedding bell. It's a small flowering plant in the silver bells family. The flowers are bright white and have a sweet chime that is even more fragile than that of the Silver Bell (See p. 366 of Mademoiselle K, p. 237, 'Why Humidity Isn't Your Best Friend – A Workout for Philippe', 1968 ). Growing in most of Europe and Asia the plant prefer less humidity and more sandy earth. The flower is known to chime when two fated lovers are about to meet. It's a great joke to bring to a wedding because it'll almost always chime and make idiots like Phillipeeds look around trying to see if he's the one who'll meet anyone. The flower is said to be a good omen and if you hear it chime your love will be returned and result in a wonderful wedding. - Mademoiselle K, p. 879 'Roses from all over the world - and why not everything should be made in flower crowns Phillpea', 1971

Blessed cat hair

Hair coming from a specific holy cat breed only found in the tall mountains of Tibania. They simply refuse to live anywhere else. The hair has to have fallen off on it's own or the fur losses it magic abilities. Used in many positions since it give the owner a sense of serene calm. Overdosing should be kept in mind though as it annoys cat allergies and can lead to a inflated ego. – Nutty Nan, p. 36 'Nutty Nan's Quirky Quick Guide to Magical Ingredients', 2013

Blood oak

Eurizain Giant brownish oak found in most of Europe, but most common in Scandinavia where it has a great cultural significance and is strongly connected to burial traditions. The tree can grow exceptionally old. The oldest known to be about 5000 years old and is happily living on a field in Denmark. The trees are used as marking for burrows and in most modern church yards. The tree possesses empathic abilities making it able to make people feel its pain. Especially the sap from the oak is able to affect people. The Blood Oak are among the most intelligent trees known to carry and pass down memories to their offspring. The reddish brown leaves - if given with permission from the tree - can be used in potions and teas to help balance out emotions, while the blood red sap can be used in potions to take people's feelings and memories away. - Mademoiselle K, p. 410 'Scandinavian Flora and Fauna and How to Avoid Weird Fish Dishes – Reasons to Bring Philippe', 1967

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