part 04 | phallus impudicus | seventeen

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"Kookie, you promised me that we'd go home after you had been at the hardware store. This is not the way home," Taehyung complained as he struggled to follow Jungkook's long steps. Taehyung really didn't approve of Jungkook somehow getting taller than him and getting longer legs. The kid had no mercy and never slowed down. It really didn't help that Taehyung was carrying so much in his arms. "I told you I would only go to one store with you. I told you I couldn't go shopping, and yet here we are. Sugar Cube does not approve," Taehyung huffed, struggling to hold the huge cat in his arms still. It wasn't that Sugar Cube was struggling to get free, no, he was just trying to get comfortable enough to take a nap.

So far, the cat had had no luck in finding a comfortable position in Taehyung's arms and the poor animal was getting more and more frustrated by the minute.

"I told you to leave him at home," Jungkook huffed, not even having the courtesy to look at Taehyung over his shoulder. Taehyung couldn't help but stare at his friend. He was up to something, Taehyung was sure of it.

"Not after what happened yesterday," Taehyung huffed angrily, clutching the poor cat close to his chest. The cat protested with a loud groan before it turned its angry deep orange eyes onto Taehyung. "I'm so sorry, Sugar, I know it's nap time, I know," Taehyung muttered softly, kissing the cat on the head.

"You baby him too much," Jungkook muttered, suddenly turning down a street and almost making Taehyung walk into a bunch of kids as he hurried to follow.

"I do not!" Taehyung protested, glaring at the back of Jungkook's head. "You're much worse when it comes to Jieun and you know it," he huffed just as Jungkook took another sudden turn making Taehyung even more confused. Taehyung really didn't have the best sense of direction, to begin with, so all these twists and turns only made him even more lost.

"Where are we even going?" Taehyung asked, eyes flickering to the strange building around him.

"Oh, just this shop to get this thing," Jungkook muttered sudden changing direction again.

"Informative," Taehyung huffed, holding on to his cat as the familiar took another turn in his struggles to get comfortable in Taehyung's somewhat bony arms. "You sure we aren't lost?" Taehyung asked as they passed a house Taehyung was pretty sure they had already passed just a few minutes earlier.

"I'm not you," Jungkook scuffed, still rushing forward like he was participating in a race. "I actually know where I'm going and we will be there in a minute," he said swinging down another road once more expecting Taehyung' to be able to follow.

"Hey!" Taehyung protested taking a few hurried steps before he ran into Jungkook's solid back. "The fuck Kookie, why'd you suddenly stop," Taehyung huffed, hopelessly trying to make Sugar Cube retract his claws.

"We're here," he rushed, practically running up the steps and pulling open a very familiar door. "You coming, Tae," Jungkook had the audacity to ask as Taehyung's eyes took in the familiar façade of Yoongi's apothecary.

"I hate you," Taehyung said as he looked up at his friend. He had been avoiding the apothecary for the last two weeks, refusing many of Jimin's invitations and pleas to stop by. Taehyung had made his decision about Yoongi, but that didn't mean he didn't need time to come to terms with his broken heart.

"Jimin asked, okay. And I really can't see the harm," Jungkook said, puffing his chest out a little almost if he was ready for an attack.

"You hate Yoongi," Taehyung hissed feeling both Bogum and Sugar Cube peak up at the mention of Yoongi's name. "You've spent weeks trying to make me drop any ideas of associating with him and when I finally do, you change your fucking mind," Taehyung hissed, trying to squeeze the poor cat in his arms.

"Well, I was wrong about him," Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms and pouting. That damn pout always made Taehyung weak and Jungkook knew it. "I talked to Hoseok and it turns out Yoongi is actually a really great guy," the younger man said, eyes on the ground.

"Now come on or I'll tell Yoongi you won't come in because you think he is mad at you again," Jungkook huffed, opening the door to the shop wide before Taehyung could say a word.

"You will pay," Taehyung huffed as he walked up the steps. He swore he was going to persuade the oregano on Jungkook's hat into blooming in full power so Jungkook would be surrounded by bees and butterflies when he walked outside. Jungkook was shit at talking to plants so it would be no problem for Taehyung to make the oregano turn on its owner.

"SHOES!" Yoongi yelled the moment Taehyung poked his head inside the door and Taehyung's heart hurt with the familiarity of it all.

"I'm taking them off, don't worry," Taehyung huffed, looking sadly at his sneakers as he toed them off, struggling a little as he tried to pick them up and still hold on to Sugar Cube. He didn't dare let the purple sneakers stay outside. The paranoia of having his things stolen all the time seemed to be getting to him, he mused as his cat groaned in annoyance at his unsteady hold. At least he had worn the night shoes he thought as he looked at the little gathering of enough mushrooms that were sprouting up where he had been standing. At least he could eat these he thought tiredly as he took the first step inside the dark shop.

"I'm not that forgetful," Taehyung said sourly as he stepped into the dark. He blinked a few times trying to adjust to the change in lighting. Sugar Cube yawned in his arm and made another roll in the cat's attempt to get comfortable, almost making Taehyung drop his shoes. He could only stare angrily back at his familiar who gave him a glare that was much harder right back.

Sometime Taehyung really wondered why he had chosen the grumpiest cat in the world to be his familiar.

"The amount of times I've had to scrape mushrooms off the floor proves you wrong," Yoongi's friend, Namjoon, said from somewhere behind the shelves. "Unless, of course, you had reasons to forget to take off your shoes on purpose, darling Taehyung," Namjoon smiled at Taehyung as he reached the end of the aisle and got the whole counter into view.

Yoongi wasn't there. His usual spot empty.

Taehyung told himself he was relieved.

"Why would I ever do such a thing?" Taehyung huffed in Namjoon's direction and walked up to Jungkook's side, hiding his red cheeks in Sugar Cube's thick fur.

"Well, one can only imagine, Darling Tae," Namjoon grinned, turning a page and ignoring everyone else completely.

"Wait a minute - Thighs?" Jungkook asked twisting his head as he looked at Namjoon who stopped reading, blinked and then looked up, a bright smile blooming on his face as he looked at Jungkook.

"Lookie Lookie," he cheered, closing his book and learning over the counter to give the still bewildered Jungkook a hug. "What you doing here? You should have told me you were coming," Namjoon said, still smiling brightly.

"Wait, you know Kookie?" Hoseok asked, looking about as perplex as Taehyung was feeling.

"Yeah, he is in my first-year class," Namjoon said looking at Hoseok like he was the one who was saying strange things. "Wait, Kookie? As in your 'love of my life and future husband' Kookie," Namjoon asked looking at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"You mean, the first-year class you keep failing and repeating just to annoy the Leader of the Electrical department?" Hoseok asked, seemingly finally understanding what was going on.

"Are you telling me that Namjoon is Thighs?" Taehyung exclaimed as he turned to look at his best friend who looked a little like the universe had just beat him in poker. "The only friend you have on campus that isn't me is Namjoon, Yoongi's best friend," Taehyung asked, voice muffled by Sugar Cubes fur.

"Hey, I'm Yoongi's best friend," Hoseok protested crossing his arms and glaring at Taehyung. "And what do you mean 'thighs'. Namjoon what have you been showing my boyfriend?" Hoseok asked given Namjoon a narrow-eyed stare.

"I didn't show him anything, that was just the first thing Lookie Lookie said when he saw me," Namjoon protested. "And we both know I'm Yoongi's best friend. I've been with him for ages," Namjoon huffed, the traces of a cloud forming over his head.

"Will you both stop?" Yoongi's voice intruded from the corner. He looked like he always did, a white shirt, tight jeans and silver amulets dangling from around his neck. Taehyung felt his heart skip in his chest. Sure, he had decided to move on but his heart wasn't exactly convinced. Yoongi was carrying a big box, eyes on the counter as he walked in. He was beautiful.

There was a heavy deep grey rain cloud over Yoongi's head, a constant drizzle of rain falling over Yoongi's head. But instead of making him soaked, the water seemed to gather, forming an odd halo around Yoongi's head.

He looked like a heavenly mirage sent to earth to torture Taehyung.

"By the way, if you keep it up, poor Kookie will feel bad and run away," Yoongi huffed, placing the box on the counter. He looked at both Hoseok and Namjoon who both looked completely innocent. "And besides, none of you idiot are my friends, I'm just stuck with you sorry asses because nobody else wanted you. Now, what can I...What is that?" Yoongi said as he finally looked at Taehyung, eyes focused on the cat in his arms.

"Did you wash your sweater wrong?" Namjoon asked kindly, looking at Sugar Cube with great interest. "I don't think we have potions for that. Do we, Yoongi?" Namjoon asked curiously, looking at Yoongi who had that particular expression on his face that told Taehyung the older man was slowly running out of patience.

"I accept familiars, but pets are not welcome in my shop," Yoongi said tightly, eyes on Sugar Cube. Taehyung could feel the cat getting annoyed. As Taehyung's familiar, the cat felt everything Taehyung felt, kept all of Taehyung's secrets and were his only friend before he met Jungkook. It would be no wonder it the familiar decided to do something silly. The thought had barely passed through his head before he could feel Sugar Cube lift his head and glare at Taehyung.

"The sweater is a cat?" Namjoon asked confused, just as Jungkook spoke up.

"He's not a pet," Jungkook huffed almost offended. "And Sugar Cube isn't a sweater either, he's Taehyung familiar," Jungkook said with a soft smile Taehyung took as sign that his friend was used to handling Namjoon's somewhat odd way of thinking.

"Wait, isn't Bogum your familiar?" Yoongi asked looking from the – now very annoyed – Sugar Cube to Bogum who was trembling in amusement on top Taehyung's hat.

"He is," Taehyung muttered, trying to hold on to the mess that was Sugar Cube. The cat was trying to get lose so it could go prove to Namjoon that he wasn't a sweater. "And so is Sugar Cube who isn't a sweater," Taehyung said finally giving up and dumping the huffy familiar on the counter where it flattened out completely. He had to admit Namjoon hadn't been completely off when he compared Sugar Cube with a wrongly washed woolen sweater. The cat was black with odd patches of grey all over. Sugar Cube's fur was woolen and uneven, some places almost curly in frizzy while it was completely smooth in others. When all of this was combined with the cat large size, small legs and a short-nosed face that was more or less lost in the fur the cat did look less of like an actual cat... and more like a woolen sweater lost to the dryer.

Not that Taehyung would ever be caught admitting that to anyone.

"Is he okay?" Hoseok asked, looking at the now almost flat cat in worry. "He seems a little upset," he added and Taehyung couldn't help but be a little grateful that none of them pointed out how odd it were that he had two familiars. Taehyung was feeling awkward enough as it were with Yoongi's eyes resting heavily on his shoulder, an aura of curiosity coming off of the other man.

It almost felt like he cared about Taehyung.

"He just doesn't like being out. I normally let him stay at home in my room when I have to go out. He doesn't like crowds," Taehyung said with a sigh as he looked at his flat cat.

"He doesn't like people. Period," Jungkook huffed from Taehyung's side.

"That isn't true," Taehyung protested, feeling his cheeks get a little red as he caught Yoongi's amused stare for a second. "Sugar Cube just takes a little while to warm up to others," he added, crossing his arms as the cat on the table somehow became more flat as Namjoon tried to touch it.

"He scratched me," Jungkook huffed, bringing up and old argument.

"What did you expect, you zapped him," Taehyung huffed, frowning as Namjoon continued to poke at Sugar cube who was only getting even more flat with every touch. "He hasn't been able to go near an electrical outlet since. You traumatized my cat," Taehyung added with a hiss at Jungkook. His poor familiar had been signed at the edges and way curlier than he usually was. Getting his fur back to normal had been hell.

"He jumped me from behind," Jungkook snapped in his defense, small sparks springing from his fingertips. At the sound Sugar Cube puffed up, hissing deeply. Namjoon seemed to be clever enough to stop the poking.

"That is what cat's do," Taehyung snapped, turning to look at Jungkook offended. Sugar Cube growled deeper also to echo Taehyung's annoyance.

"You really do have two familiars," Hoseok muttered as he looked curiously at the familiar hissing quietly on the table. "You're a lot more powerful than you lead people to assume," he said with a crooked smile as he leaned against the counter.

"Jungkookie, I really had no idea you had this much magic running through your veins. I can feel it," Hosoek said amazed. His eyes were on Jungkook as he spoke and Taehyung had to stop himself from rolling his eyes because Hoseok looked absolutely besotted at the sight of Jungkook's wayward magic flickering in the air and making static creep up Taehyung's arms.

Of course, Jungkook forgot all about being annoyed, his cheeks getting bright red as he began to stutter wildly.

"He reminds me of Yoongi," Namjoon said, eyes still on Sugar Cube, almost as if he had been so lost in his own mind that he hadn't even noticed Jungkook's flustered stuttering or Hoseok's odd flirting. Which in all fairness he probably hadn't. Namjoon did seem to have a one-track mind. "He looks really angry and mean, but he's kind of a fluff ball," he added before he began stroking Sugar Cube over his back. Taehyung could only stare in surprise when the cat clearly pretended to hate the touch, while he leaned gently into Namjoon's touch.

"See he likes cuddles, he just doesn't know how to say it," Namjoon said as he gleefully scratching Sugar Cube the ears. The cat gave him a death glare and moved away almost sullenly. "And he doesn't like me pointing it out either. I guess it's all about giving things a little time and looking past the gruff exterior and the bad attitude. He really is just like Yoongi," Namjoon grinned, looking up and winking at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked down at his sock-clad feet, feeling his cheeks growing warm. Seemed like Jimin wasn't the only one who tried to make Taehyung change his mind about Yoongi. It made him uneasy, but he wasn't surprised. Taehyung knew Namjoon could look straight through him.

"Wait...You...Because of your cat," Hoseok said looking from Yoongi to Sugar Cube and then at Taehyung. "You mean you... Because of your cat," he giggled looking at Yoongi before he began to laugh loudly.

Taehyung could feel his cheeks burn, but it was like he could protest Hoseok claims that Taehyung had fallen for Yoongi because the grumpy man reminded him of his cat. Especially not when Yoongi could hear it. Besides, the thought that Yoongi acted a lot like his cat had occurred to Taehyung, he just didn't think they were that alike. And after all, if his familiar was much like Yoongi, then it had to mean Yoongi and Taehyung were meant to be together.

Or so Taehyung at least used to think.

"Is anyone ever gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?" Yoongi huffed crossing his arms and stepping closer, giving Sugar Cube a curious look before his eyes moved to Hoseok who was laughing so hard he almost collapsed under the force of his giggles.

"His cat," Hoseok hiccupped as he suddenly disappeared under the counter.

"Oh my god, Hoseok are you okay?" Jungkook asked worried as he rushed forward, leaning over the counter and staring down at his boyfriend on the floor. "Breathe, please," Jungkook added worryingly and Taehyung really wondered what he had done in a previous life to deserve all this mess.

"To answer your question: no," Namjoon smirked as he looked at Taehyung, eyes glimmering with mischief. "It wouldn't be fair to tattle, you need to figure this one out yourself. It wouldn't be fair to darling Taehyung otherwise," he added with a grin in Yoongi's direction.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck he's talking about," Yoongi asked, those sharp intelligent eyes settling on Taehyung. His heart beat hard in his chest and he felt his mouth go dry. Yoongi really was enchanting, drawing Taehyung in like a moth to a flame. Even now Taehyung wanted to lean in, be closer, to feel Yoongi in his arms, to touch that soft pale skin and be the sole focus in Yoongi's world. Taehyung's heart hurt because he really just wanted to see Yoongi smile, just once.

But Taehyung had to fight it. He couldn't be dragged in. It was over now, he had to move on.

Taehyung tried to speak, but only weak stutters managed to force their way out his dry throat. In the end, he just shook his head, ignoring Namjoon's knowing smile.

The cloud over Yoongi's head got darker and the raindrops began to fall harder around Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi sighed, eyes leaving Taehyung in favor of the cloud over his head. Next, to them, Jungkook was still trying to make Hoseok calm down.

"I still don't get why you try to do this," Yoongi huffed, eyes on the downpour over his head. "I know it baffles your professors and makes them leave you alone, but why do you need to do it to me. You know it has no effect," Yoongi huffed, eyes flickering to Jungkook who now had his ass in the air as he tried to physically pull Hoseok bag up without going to the other side of the counter. Namjoon was beginning to look a little too much like he was regretting not bringing popcorn.

"Well, you never know. One day you might slip up and I'll get the distinct pleasure of seeing you soaked," Namjoon smiled, eyes once more flickering over to Taehyung. "I'm sure you'd look quite dashing in a soaked shirt," he smiled, winking at Taehyung.

"You're completely nuts," Yoongi muttered with an eye roll. "Still don't get what the fuck Jin sees in your sorry ass," he huffed turning to Taehyung who were back at feeling the need to run. Taehyung knew he was weak. Cooked carrots usually had more spine than he did, and looking at Yoongi really didn't help. He could feel all his reservations and determinations evaporate.

"Jin happens to like my ass. He says it's all round and soft," Namjoon quipped with a big smirk as Yoongi grimaced.

"Just stop," Yoongi huffed, his nose wrinkling as he pushed at Namjoon. Taehyung couldn't help but smile a little. With Namjoon's chaotic presence none of them had had the chance to be awkward or weird. This was almost like Yoongi's silent treatment hadn't happened at all. "It's enough that I have to watch that shit over there," Yoongi added, pointing to Jungkook who was now hanging over the counter –his ass still very much in the air – as he was talking with Hoseok on the floor. Going by Yoongi's disgusted expression and the odd silence from the couple Taehyung was glad he couldn't see what was actually going on.

"Salty and single. Though we all know you love cuddling up to this perfect specimen," Namjoon sang, grinning at Yoongi's protests.

"I wouldn't touch you with a ten feet pole," Yoongi snapped and Taehyung looked down at his socks, feeling a little out of place. Seeing Yoongi act so free and careless reminded him of why he had fallen in love with the grumpy man, to begin with. Taehyung knew he needed to leave soon or all his determination to give up on Yoongi would wither away and then he would be screwed. Taehyung wasn't sure he would have the power to make the same decision twice.

"No, I'm not your type at all. You like them shorter, quirkier and, well, a lot more wild," Namjoon said, eyes rested heavily on Taehyung.

"And now you're delusional," Yoongi huffed shaking his head before he has Hoseok and Jungkook a last disgusted look, eyes returning to Taehyung, who was trying very hard not to run away screaming. It wasn't like Yoongi knew Namjoon had been talking about Taehyung, but still, it hurt. Bogum had been silent, but at the turn of Taehyung's stomach, the ivy folded its vines around his shoulders. "Now, Taehyung you must have come by for something, what can I help you with?" Yoongi said, his voice suddenly soft as those beautiful eyes settle on Taehyung, the echo of a kind smile playing in the corners of his lips.

Taehyung's heart hurt.

"I don't actually need anything. I was just tagging along with Kookie," Taehyung said softly, messing a little with Bogum who was almost wrapping him in leaves in its attempt to keep Taehyung happy.

"Oh," Yoongi said, something almost like disappointment filling his eyes. The awkward silence allowing some rather suspicious sounds from Hoseok and Jungkook to be heard. Taehyung couldn't believe they were making out with Jungkook hanging over the counter like a sack of potatoes.

"So, how come dear Sugar Cube is out and about," Namjoon asked, giving Yoongi an elbow in the side. Taehyung could only look at both of them curiously because there seemed to be something going on. Namjoon was giving Yoongi a stern look, almost as if he was urging Yoongi to keep the conversation going.

"Jungkook made an..." Taehyung trailed off, looking down at where Sugar Cube was lying, eyes trained directly at Yoongi. "One of Jungkook's inventions almost burned off his tail," Taehyung settled for saying. He couldn't tell Yoongi it was an alarm gone wrong. Then he would have to tell him about the stealing, the harassment and Taehyung couldn't put all of that on Yoongi's shoulders, he couldn't. Not when Yoongi didn't really want him in his life.

"It did not!" Jungkook protested, wriggling a little so he could look annoyed at Taehyung. "I calibrated it correctly, your cat or your freaking magic must have messed with it. It wasn't even supposed to burn, it was supposed to zap. I don't get how the heck he got burnt," Jungkook muttered sourly before his head disappeared down to Hoseok again.

"Well, it did burn. Just look at his poor tail," Taehyung muttered, forgetting all about being awkward as he showed the curious looking Namjoon the familiars singed tail tip. "It'll take months for his fur to grow out again," Taehyung said sadly, the tail being ripped from his grip. He looked down to meet the sour look of Sugar Cube, the tail disappearing under him.

"Oh, you don't need to hide it," Taehyung sighed, reaching out to touch his familiar. "You're still the most beautiful cat I've ever seen," Taehyung said softly, pointedly ignoring the snort coming from Hoseok on the floor.

"You've been with him for a while, haven't you?" Yoongi suddenly asked, voice firm as he stepped closer. Taehyung looked up only to meet Yoongi's determined eyes. Something had changed, but Taehyung wasn't sure what. All he knew was that Yoongi didn't normally look at him like this, with so much interest and attention.

Yoongi looked like he was genuinely interested in hearing Taehyung's answer.

"I found him when I was six," Taehyung said carefully, looking down at Sugar Cube who was pretending to sleep, but was in fact still upset about Taehyung showing off his burnt tail. "He was a mess, all torn up and bruised. He was lying under some trash and hissing at everything when I walked past with my mom. He looked so lonely that I couldn't just leave him. My mom protested, but I went to pick him up, and he never scratched me," Taehyung said softly, remembering that day.

"He scratched everyone who tried to hold him. You should have seen the vet we took him to. He almost took her eyes out when she tried to clean his wounds. But he never hurt me, not even when I stepped on his tail," Taehyung sighed, his fingers drifting through Sugar Cubes fur mindlessly. He would never get over how soft his familiar was. "I could speak to animals already, but he didn't really listen. He thought I would abandon him too like others had done. But I knew the moment I saw him that he was mine. After I cleaned him up he moved into my bed, and after some really heavy negations and a heavy bribe of almost all my chicken sandwich, he agreed to be my familiar. He used to come with me to school, but after I got Bogum in high school I told him to stay home. I mean there is no point in forcing him to something he hates just so I wouldn't be alone," Taehyung finished, hiding a wince when the last words escaped him. He didn't want Yoongi to know how alone he had been as a child. Not anymore.

"Sounds almost meant to be," Namjoon said, a serious tone in his voice. Taehyung couldn't help but look up with wide eyes. He knew Namjoon wasn't talking about Sugar Cube. "Good thing you never gave up," he added, only proving Taehyung right. Of course, he was referring to Yoongi.

"Two of my cats are strays as well," Yoongi suddenly said, stepping even closer almost bumping into Namjoon. If Taehyung hadn't known better he would have thought the other man was feeling left out and wanted to join the conversation. "They are so sweet. I even allow them to sleep in my bed," Yoongi added almost shyly, an awkward tone to his words.

"You talking about Jimin and Hoseok?" Namjoon quipped, Jungkook's giggle and Hoseok shout of protest washing the awkwardness away.

"Funny," Yoongi huffed with an eye roll. "No, I was talking about my actual cats, thank you very much you loon," Yoongi huffed with an eye roll. Namjoon just grinned. Taehyung wanted to ask Yoongi about his cats, but he stopped himself. He was giving Yoongi up after all, and hear the other man talk about cats, his eyes soft and happy, would only dig Taehyung deeper into his pathetic crush.

Bogum almost sighed on top of Taehyung's hat, vines dangling limply around him. Sugar Cube stopped his soft inaudible purring under Taehyung hands and looked up at him with a scolding look. Taehyung knew both his familiars wanted him to confront Yoongi about his feels. They seemed to think a refusal would be better for Taehyung than a passed opportunity. They also seemed to be under the illusion that Yoongi might have some feelings for Taehyung.

Taehyung was back at feeling miserable. He just wanted to go home and cry into Sugar Cube's thick fur and mourn his first love. He knew he was silly. He and Yoongi had never been anything but a dream, a desperate mirage his heart had painted in the sky. A silly wish he had carried in his heart too long. But Yoongi silence had crushed it, shown how little Taehyung actually mattered.

Taehyung's eyes lifted so he could see Yoongi. He should leave. Not just now, but for good. The best would be a rejection – Bogum and Sugar Cube had a point in that – but Taehyung couldn't give up Yoongi completely. Perhaps he would regret it later, but he had to have a little of Yoongi.

Taehyung still wanted Yoongi.

Even if it would burn his heart out of his chest.

"You know, it's a wonder if Taehyung doesn't think we're all insane at this point," Yoongi muttered sourly, glaring at Namjoon. Taehyung was just about to think up an excuse to leave when Sugar Cube moved under his hands. The huge cat got up, stretched and wriggled out of Taehyung's hand before it walked the few steps over to Yoongi, sitting down right in front of him.

"Sugar, what you doing?" Taehyung asked a little worriedly. His cat really wasn't known for his agreeable nature and while Taehyung knew Sugar Cube wouldn't do anything mean, it was hard not fearing the cat wouldn't take some sort of revenge. After all, Taehyung had spent the last few days crying his broken heart into Sugar Cubes fur.

The cat didn't reply, it just stared Yoongi down.

"I owe an apology, don't I?" Yoongi said, leaning down a little so he could look at the cat. "That is what this about, right?" he asked, eyes flickering up to Taehyung for barely a second before he returned to look at Sugar Cube. Next, to them Jungkook wriggled around, struggling to sit up as Hoseok reappeared from the floor. Both of them looked at Yoongi curiously. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, almost as if he was asking if Teahyung knew what was happening, but Taehyung couldn't respond. He could only stare at his cat wide-eyed.

"I hurt your witch," Yoongi said. Sugar Cube kept on staring, a deep growl beginning to rumble in his stomach.

"Su-" Taehyung tried to say, but Yoongi silenced him with a look. Taehyung's heart almost skipped a beat. Yoongi wasn't mad, not at all. Instead, his eyes looked impossible dark and sad.

Yoongi looked just as miserable as Taehyung felt.

"I was a jerk, no, not a jerk. I was an asshole," Yoongi said voice strained as he forced the words out, never breaking eye contact with the cat. The whole room was dead silent, even Namjoon looking surprised by Yoongi sudden sincerity. "I treated you unfairly because of something I did, and for that I'm sorry. I should have apologized weeks ago, but..." Yoongi trailed off, looking at Taehyung almost desperately as he struggled for words.

"What Yoongi is struggling to say is that he is an idiot who doesn't know how to say sorry," Namjoon said dryly after the silence grew too awkward. "I can't believe that I and Jimin have been begging you to say sorry for weeks and then a cat glares at you and you go spouting away like that. What even are you, Yoongi?" Namjoon huffed, crossing his arms and looking at Yoongi like he was five.

"Don't you even start," Yoongi huffed, the water at the end of his watery halo beginning to freeze and break off in small ice chips. "You do not get to act like I'm the weird one, you are diffidently weirder than me you complete and utter-" Yoongi began, but he never got to finish because Sugar Cube chose that moment to jump into Yoongi's arms and begun to purring so loudly Taehyung could have sworn the windows were rattling.

Yoongi fumbled a bit, but with the persuasion of Sugar Cube's claws in his skin, he managed to keep a hold of the cat who began to rub its head all over Yoongi chest as if he had just decided that Yoongi were his.

Taehyung looked down, wondering if his magic could perhaps persuade the earth to swallow him up, but he doubted it. Earth was a stubborn element and it was rare it bothered to follow Taehyung's wild magic. At most he would make things shake a little and he had promised his mom he wouldn't accidentally set off an earthquake...again.

"The hell," Jungkook exclaimed, awe clear in his voice. "Sugar Cube never purrs!" he huffed sounding almost insulted that the cat had chosen to cuddle up to Yoongi and not him. Though truth be told Jungkook had always tried to make Sugar Cube forgive him. The younger man had the softest spot for animals that Taehyung had ever seen, even compared to the wild witches with an affinity for animals.

"Probably because you keep hurting him," Yoongi smirked, looking up from where he was softly cooing at Sugar Cube, who much to Taehyung's surprise was acting like a tiny kitten. Taehyung felt completely paralyzed because there the love of his life was standing, cuddling his familiar like it was his own little kitten.

But worst of all Yoongi was smiling.

Taehyung felt a little like he had been hit over the head because there was so much he wanted to say; apologies, explanations for Sugar Cube's behavior, declarations of love and perhaps a marriage proposal. But everything was trapped in his dry throat as he just stared at Yoongi in shock. He couldn't believe the other man was smiling.

Taehyung's lungs felt too small like they couldn't get enough air because while Yoongi was always drop dead gorgeous, he became about a million times more so when smiling. Taehyung felt himself fall in love all over again, his heart practically jumping out of his chest. He was nothing, everything single part of him belonged to Yoongi.

How could he ever had been naïve enough to think he could let Yoongi go? That all of these feelings would ever just go away? Taehyung was utterly and completely hopelessly in love with Yoongi and he was pretty sure that would never ever change.

Taehyung wanted to stare at that smile forever.

Taehyung just stared as Yoongi continued to smile softly at the purring cat his arms. He looked so soft and huggable. It was like all Taehyung's dreams and fantasies had collided into this one perfect moment of pure bliss. Because that single smile was more than Taehyung had ever wanted.

Taehyung knew he couldn't give Yoongi up anymore, no matter how selfish and idiotic it was he knew he would have to continue to court Yoongi. He had to try making Yoongi care for him. The sincere apology had made Jimin's words echo inside Taehyung's head and for the first time, he believed that Yoongi cared, perhaps not much, but a little. And even the tallest tree would always begin with a seed.

Taehyung just needed to make that seed grow.

Taehyung was rather abruptly returned to the world of the living when he felt a soft warm touch on this chin.

"Close your mouth, Darling Tae," Namjoon's deep voice whispered close to his ears. "You're beginning to drool," he added, winking before leaning back smirking knowingly at Taehyung's befuddled look.

"Go get him," Namjoon mouthed, tilting his head to the side. Namjoon was so perceptive that is was scary, but Taehyung couldn't protest. All reason had left him and all he could think about was getting Yoongi to smile at him the same way he was smiling at Sugar Cube. "It's way too soon to give up on him yet. Not when you still feel like that," Namjoon added with a wink, turning to smile at Jungkook and Hoseok, seemingly trying to give Taehyung at least the appearance of a little privacy.

"He seems to really like you," Taehyung stuttered as he stepped closer to Yoongi, Sugar Cube's purring intensifying as Taehyung got closer. Bogum who had been simmering in jealousy over Sugar cube's close proximity to Yoongi began to wriggle in excitement. "Just like Bogum," he added as the ivy began to slap him hard on the arm, desperately wanting to get closer to Yoongi.

"Well, cats and plants are usually easier to deal with than humans," Yoongi said looking up from the purring cat in his arms and suddenly that small private smile was directed directly at Taehyung and...everything just changed.

Taehyung just knew he couldn't give up.

"Can't argue that," Taehyung said a little awkwardly. Flirting with Yoongi had always come naturally to him, but suddenly he didn't know what to do. He felt desperate to see more of that smile – or rather to be the reason – but he was lost for ideas. The flirting hadn't worked, giving up clearly hadn't worked either, so now he was back at square one.

"You can see he lived a wild life before you got him," Yoongi said, softly brushing the fur away from Sugar Cube's face revealing a bit of scaring under all the fur. "I'm amazed he is this social," Yoongi added, those small dark eyes staring right into Taehyung's soul.

"He had a wound there when I found him," Taehyung said, still feeling unsure. "It was infected, but I managed to get it clean and healed it a bit myself. But I can assure you, he isn't normally like that with anyone," Taehyung said, still a bit in awe at his familiar's behavior. He was worse than Bogum.

"Only you," Yoongi said like he already knew that Taehyung sometimes couldn't do homework because of how cuddly and clingy Sugar Cube was. It was a side his familiar never showed anyone but Taehyung, and perhaps that was the reason why he couldn't give Yoongi up because every part of his soul – even those he shared with his familiars' – loved Yoongi.

"Only me," Taehyung said softly, his heart feeling fragile as he looked at the man he loved. Perhaps this was his point of no return he thought quietly. The moment that would eventually be his doom as the very last past of him tired itself to Yoongi. "And you," he added with a sigh. He couldn't help but smile as Sugar Cube poked at the water around Yoongi's head. A little orb of water immediately detached and began darting along the countertop, Sugar cube eagerly following.

"I mean it when I say I'm sorry," Yoongi suddenly said, making Taehyung look away from his familiar who was now chasing the orb of water around a protesting Jungkook and a laughing Namjoon. "I acted like an ass because... well, nothing you had done. It wasn't fair and I'm sorry," Yoongi said in a way that Taehyung knew meant he was forcing the words out.

It wasn't that Taehyung didn't want an apology, it was just sounding a bit fake. He couldn't help but let his eyes drift over Yoongi, admiring how beautiful he looked. Taehyung had never believed in soulmates or perfect types, but it was hard not to when he looked at Yoongi. Taehyung loved how the soft white fabric of Yoongi's shirt clung to his skin, how the silver tokens and talisman shimmered in the light.

With the halo of water behind him, he almost looked like a deity, a holy water spirit meant to be worshipped.

"I know," Taehyung finally said after the silence had stretched a bit too long. He could feel Yoongi's eyes on him, but he couldn't turn to look. His head was a mess, his heart was both hurting and bubbling with love at the same time and he felt like crying. "Just don't do it again," he finally said as Sugar Cube stopped his chase and settled those deep yellow eyes on to Taehyung.

"I won't," Yoongi said ad it almost sounded like a promise.

"Good," was all Taehyung could say as his familiar was suddenly bounding towards him and jumping into his arms. Taehyung was to take a step back and felt Bogum huff and puff as it tried to reach for the table. The ivy had used Taehyung's distraction to try and reach out for Yoongi's hands but Sugar Cube had interrupted.

Taehyung had a terrible feeling he would wake up to the two of them fighting during the night.

"You wanna go home, Sugar?" Taehyung asked, burying his face into his cat's warm fur. He could feel his familiar press closer in silent support. Sugar Cube immediately began to purr.

"I think that is a yes," Namjoon grinned, making Taehyung look up. Jungkook was sending him an encouraging smile from behind Namjoon, where he was now tangled up in Hoseok's arms. It would seem Taehyung was going home alone.

Taehyung's stomach twisted uncomfortably at the thought, which only made Sugar Cube purr louder. Taehyung couldn't help but grin down at his familiar, his smile growing wider as the cat blinked slowly back.

A sudden splash made Taehyung look up only to see Yoongi drenched. Somehow the halo of water had collapsed leaving the water to fall over Yoongi, the rain suddenly falling heavily on his shoulders.

Taehyung stopped breathing.

The white fabric of Yoongi's shirt was suddenly clinging to his surprisingly muscular body, every dip and hallow of his upper body visible. Taehyung's heart stopped as his eyes fixed on Yoongi's chest.

He could see everything.

"Fuck," Yoongi muttered, the water suddenly pulling away from him, the shirt drying in odd patches as the water collected into a ball next to Yoongi. But it was too late. Taehyung's life – or dreams – would never be the same again.

He had seen heaven.

Taehyung could hear others talking, a slow blurry mess of words and laughter and Yoongi cursing but all he could think about was that he now knew how Yoongi looked without a shirt. It was the sound of his sneaker hitting the floor that abruptly pulled Taehyung from his daze.

Taehyung jumped, almost dropping Sugar Cube if it hadn't been for Bogum quickly folding his vines around the cat. Taehyung was trapped in a nightmare as he watched the first mushrooms appear. The small egg-shaped fungi unfolding into long perverted fruiting bodies the smell of rotten meat slowly spreading in the shop.

Taehyung could only share in horror.

"I have to go," he rushed, bending down and griping his shoes. He could hear Yoongi call after him as he turned on his heel and ran, Sugar Cube complaining as Bogum continued to keep hold of the cat while Taehyung ran for the door.

The last thing Taehyung heard before he fled was the sound of Namjoon's knowing laughter.

AFFINITY.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora