part 14 | mycena interrupta | thirty-seven

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"So, what are you going to say?" Jungkook asked from behind Taehyung as they briskly walked through the city. Taehyung could feel his heart hammering against his ribs. His hands trembled and he could feel his resolve begin to waver as they neared the shop. Not that Taehyung was going to change his mind and turn back, but still.

He wasn't really looking forward to having Yoongi yell at him.

"I have no idea," Taehyung replied after a little too long. "For now, I'm just planning to wing it and hopefully manage to throw an 'I love you' in there before he throws me out on my ass," Taehyung said with a weak smile, butterflies filling his stomach as they turned the corner and the familiar wall of the garden.

"I really doubt anyone will be thrown anywhere," Jungkook muttered as he followed along, hands in his pockets and shoulders slumped down. It didn't take a genius to see that Jungkook was feeling guilty.

"It isn't your fault," Taehyung said, eyes flickering to the tall walls at his side. It was hard not to notice how the tree was pulling at him. For some reason she seemed more insistent than usual. "I mean at one point or another I would have said the same thing and fucked up," Taehyung muttered, sighing a little when Bogum's longs vines wrapped around his shoulders.

"Well, I could perhaps not have shown you the one flower Yoongi would lose his shit over," Jungkook muttered, eyes on his shoes. "I haven't even been able to apologize," he sighed, shoulders falling even more.

"I'm the one who has to apologize. But at least Yoongi kinda has to forgive you," Taehyung added with a weak smile. It was a little unfair still, that Jungkook got to stay in the house. Meanwhile, Taehyung had been sitting all alone in his room waiting for anyone to contact him. Hell, a good yelling and a thunder cloud from Namjoon would even be preferable compared to cold silence. "You just have to look at him really cutely and make sure your inventions keeps kicking people out of the garden though. May I request you program them so they don't kick me too hard? I bruise like a peach," Taehyung teased but his voice a little too stiff.

"I highly doubt I'll be allowed to make anything that could even remotely kick you," Jungkook huffed, giving Taehyung a glare. "Besides I thought you were going to get your man," Jungkook said pointedly.

"No, I said I was going to go and let Yoongi dump my sorry ass," Taehyung quipped, trying to push out his chest. Perhaps if he looked bigger, Yoongi would give him just a second before he used his magic to blow Taehyung out of the store.

Taehyung regretted not wearing a swimsuit.

"He can't dump you unless you're dating," Jungkook muttered, smiling when Taehyung turned his head to glare at him. "But still, I doubt it's going to get that far," Jungkook added, his long legs effortlessly keeping up with Taehyung's half-jog.

Life really was unfair.

"Yoongi wasn't even letting me apologize, he just wanted me to fuck off," Taehyung huffed, giving Jungkook a disbelieving look. "I sincerely doubt he wants to even see me again," Taehyung continued, his heart giving a pathetic little throb.

It didn't change his resolve though. Sure, he was nervous, but he was still angry. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Gripping a hold of the anger, Taehyung sped up.

He needed to finish things so he could move on.

"That wasn't exactly what was happening," Jungkook muttered, but Taehyung wasn't listening. They had reached the shop. Yoongi would be just beyond that door. With the reminder that Yoongi – perfect as he were – had pissed Taehyung off, he stormed up the step, pulling hard at the door. He didn't care if Yoongi wanted to listen. Taehyung needed to say sorry.

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