part 08 | lactarius indigo | twenty-five

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Yoongi stepped into the hallway, gently closing the door behind him. Everything was dark with the light turned off. It looked like most of his friends had gone to bed, not that Yoongi could blame them for not waiting up. It was close to midnight after all.

Yoongi could already imagine how tired he would be when he had to get up in a few hours.

He pulled at the fancy dark blue jacket under his cape. He hated how restricting the clothing was. Breathing deeply, he began to walk towards the stairs at the end of the hall way. He wanted to hit something just so he could get his frustrations out. He hated the gala dinners at the agency. It was pointless and idiotic and a waste of his fucking time.

"You look like you had fun," Namjoon said, almost scaring Yoongi half to death. Yoongi turned around, his cape swirling around him only to see the silhouette of his best friend in the doorway to the living room.

"The fuck you doing?" Yoongi asked, trying to pretend his heart just hadn't tried to escape his chest.

"I was just finishing up a book when I heard you come up the stairs," Namjoon said gleefully, casually flickering on the light and almost blinding Yoongi. "As the good friend I am I thought I'd turn off the light and see if I could scare you," he continued with a happy smile, grinning lazily at Yoongi who was blinking rapidly to make his eyes adjust.

"You're an asshole," Yoongi grumbled.

"But a lovely one. Anyways, how was your swanky dinner? Got to do the old networking and get some new friends?" Namjoon asked, walking towards Yoongi.

"As if I would network," Yoongi spat the last word like a curse. It was the whole smooching aspect of the dinners he hated the most. Everyone was always running to him, begging him to re-join the agency or come work for them. It was hellish. Yoongi just wanted to mind his own freaking garden. "I wished I made new friends though, because my old ones are shit," he huffed, elbowing Namjoon as they both continued down the hallway to the stairs.

The only good thing about Namjoon was that he had known Yoongi long enough to know that Yoongi just wanted to get out of his fancy clothing. It felt restricting and stiff compared to his usual sweaters and loose shirts.

"You love us," Namjoon laughed, switching the hallway light back off as he flowed Yoongi up the stairs. "You know you would be lost without us," he added with a cheeky smile that reminded Yoongi of summer sunsets and rainbows.

"I would," he consented so quietly he hoped Namjoon would hear it.

"Wow, it must have been really bad today," Namjoon said, suddenly sounding serious. "What happened, they try to black mail you back into the agency?" he asked with a frown.

"The leader of the Wild Witch Academy was there," Yoongi said quietly. "She spent most of the night complaining about how I made her best pupil move to Busan," Yoongi continued, feeling his back tense up the way it always did when they talked about her.

"Her best pupil should have been in jail for attempted murder so I think the fact that the bitch is stuck with a desk job in Busan is a small mercy," Namjoon said, voice dripping with poison. After all, it was him who almost had the love of his life killed. "You know she only does it to piss you off," he added giving Yoongi a small puff as they reached the last floor and began the decent up to Yoongi's room under the roof.

"I know," Yoongi said tiredly as he pushed open his door, taking off his hat the moment he could. The little piece of ice attracted to the front shone in the weak light from his bed lamp, the poor little lump of water staying perfectly crystalized just as he had asked it to several years ago. It had been at his acceptance into the academy. To Yoongi it was a silly test since he had been able to make water freeze permanently since he was a child. The kids had blocks of clay and wood, Yoongi had blocks of ice. They had been easy to disperse whenever his mom was near.

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