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Yoongi scowled at the counter. The shop was empty and normally he would have enjoyed the silence – he might even have tried to sneak in a nap but he was in an unusually foul mood. Another one of the stupid Academy students had tried to break in, this time going for the greenhouse. Since the place was locked and warded the idiot had thought it was a good idea to break a window and crawl through that instead. Yoongi hadn't made it down there before the asswipe had time to step on Yoongi's Screaming petunias by accident. They had been inconsolable and the whole greenhouse had echoed with their wails.

The fuckhead hadn't even had the decency to look contrite as Yoongi called the police and the head of the Wild Magic Department. Seokjin had to sing the poor flowers back to sleep and Yoongi knew when he went down to water them later, they would still be sobbing over the two buds that had been crushed. It would take weeks before they would stop mourning.

It didn't help that while the police took the break-in seriously, the stupid witch that was head of the Wild Magic Department had been all excuses and protest against arresting the student. Yoongi didn't give a fuck if the asswipe's future was ruined by a "misunderstanding", it was Yoongi who had to deal with an angry glazier and a bunch of wailing petunias.

Idiotic Wild Witches.

Yoongi sighed and looked to the box of dried liberty caps that was in the locked cupboard in the corner. They reminded him of Taehyung.

Yoongi groaned feeling like hitting his head down against the counter. He kept thinking about Taehyung and he just couldn't figure out why. Taehyung had been by a few days ago, but the shop had been busy so they hadn't really had time to talk. Yoongi had only briefly waved at Bogum, shaking one of the ivy's leaves before he had to rush on to the next customer.

Yoongi didn't know why, but it bothered him that he hadn't gotten to talk with Taehyung. If Yoongi were to be completely honest he wanted to get to know Taehyung better, he wanted to figure out why the other man kept acting like Yoongi wasn't dangerous despite having seen with his own eyes what Yoongi was capable off.

It fascinated Yoongi, how Taehyung could just keep on smiling. He was the first person who hadn't seemed the smallest bit intimidated by Yoongi. Well, besides Namjoon, but that was because it was pretty damn hard intimidating an eleven-year-old who was able to conjure up thunder clouds at will.

Yoongi sighed, he was tired but his brain was running a mile a minute. It was a mess of thinking up new wards to protect the property, how he had to harvest the Australian levitation plums soon and the eternal confusion that was Taehyung. On top of that, Jimin was still acting weird, and now so was Hoseok. It hadn't helped that Jungkook had popped by the other day to buy a few things for Taehyung. Yoongi had pretended he hadn't been disappointed when Jungkook's scotched hat hadn't been followed by Taehyung's familiar broken one.

Things had been going okay, Hoseok and Jungkook had been talking and Yoongi had tried to pretend he wasn't in fact feeling ignored in his own fucking store and by his own fucking best friend when Jimin had dropped in, for some reason really curious to see Jungkook again.

Jungkook had immediately begun acting weird, shouting random body part left and right, while Yoongi had contemplated killing himself to escape the whole awkward mess. Yoongi had been half way down a barrel of Zanahoria rosado jirafa – when ignored, restocking was apparently the only thing Yoongi knew how to do – so he had hadn't seen what had happened but Jungkook had smiled, which made both Jimin and Hoseok completely flustered, resulting in Jimin losing his 'seaweed' and then Jungkook fainted, blood had been everywhere because Jungkook suddenly got a nosebleed and Hoseok then proceeded to almost burn down the entire store in his panic.

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